

BnB Co-Founder ~ Retired
Aug 31, 2006
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We had a chicken in the fridge & its as off as off can be by smell!

I'm fuming I wanted chicken & some roast potatos today instead of tomorrow so I'm going to venture to Tesco and slap the woman with a cold off chicken :evil:
Where are you all today?

I got my pennies back anyway but I'm not impressed we've had a few problems with foods going off quickly from this tesco so I'm going to email a complaint by the end of the weekend.
Im here now lol, been offline for most of the day.

I would definatley get a complaint in, hopefully they will do something about it.
lol i glad i dont work in ur tesco!!!
Been working, just got home. Glad to hear you got your money back, did they ask you if you needed help with your packing? always get asked that question at my local no matter if its a bottle of wine or a full shop, was once asked if i needed help with packing when all i'd purchased was a top up card for moblie!!!!!!!!!! no probs with iffy food though.
teareye said:
Been working, just got home. Glad to hear you got your money back, did they ask you if you needed help with your packing? always get asked that question at my local no matter if its a bottle of wine or a full shop, was once asked if i needed help with packing when all i'd purchased was a top up card for moblie!!!!!!!!!! no probs with iffy food though.

i h8 the person who thought up that idea!!! some people are so bloody lazy lol, i was 8 and a half month pregnant and had 2 pack this guys shoppin(like 4 bags o it!!) while him and his gf stood snogging) :evil: well ha ha good luck wi ur broken eggs n squashed grapes m8!!!! :lol:
ha ha they deserved it, just goes to show that you must always be a decent human being otherwise the eggs will get it :tease:
dont get me wrong i dont mind hlping people pack, but there is helpong and then people bein darn right lazy!!!!

go on fess up who does it :p:p
Ah, you see i'm a strange one i hate anyone touching the things that i buy, i get all panicky with the check out ladies, i'm told its a stupid ocd thingy. So the thought of anyone packing my bags just sends me nutty, i always say no!!! other people cant do it right!!! sorry ladies
now i agree there!!! my shopping has to be in a set way and god forbid if the chicken went in with the fairy!!! id have a fit!!!
YES, i see you understand! why would anyone put veg in the same bag as fruit? or bathroom cleaning products in with kitchen cleaing products? cold bottled products in instant coffee???????????? and those that don't double bag are only asking for trouble!!!
LMAO you sound likr half my customers LMAO
Can I hlp you pack your bags, I work for ASDA always happy to help, grrrrrrrrrrrrrr this women goes "Can you pack my bags I need to phone someone" Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I could of slappe dher with a cucumber.

OH then another one goes to me "Can I ask you a question please" im like ok" for them to say to me,

Why are you over the road from sainsburys !!!!!!!!

Like I Know the answer to that one, anyway Saisnburys was built after asda :D I just said I dont know, Sainsburys appeared after Asda lmao


You didn't do that hassle free then? :lol:

Glad you got your money back babe, I hate it when that sort of thing happens

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