Grr, Fake pregnancy announcement


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2014
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I'm pretty dang annoyed with my FIL right now.

He and my MIL know that we will be trying "sometime in the next year" but they don't know that we are trying right now.

Yesterday, we went to my DH's aunt's house for Thanksgiving with their side of the family. There were a bunch of aunts/uncles and cousins there.

Well today, my FIL came over for pie, and he told me that yesterday at Thanksgiving, he had pulled several of the female relatives aside privately one by one and told them that I'm pregnant, even though I'm not. Then he told each one of them to NOT TELL ANYONE.

I asked him why he would do this, and he told me he did it because he knows none of them can keep a secret, and he wanted to see who would crack first, and how fast. He said that several relatives were extremely excited upon hearing the news.

I'm really annoyed about this. Now I know that a bunch of my relatives are super excited because they think I'm pregnant, and I'm sure that it's going to blow up and I will have to explain to excited family members that no, I'm not pregnant, and that it was a dumb prank by my FIL.

I should find out if I'm pregnant next Friday. So if I am, and nothing has blown up by then, maybe I can just sneak by and pretend that it was true. But if I'm not, there's gonna be some explainin' to do, and I'm not happy about it.

That would really irritate me! Even if it did turn out that I was pregnant, now there goes the excitement of getting to tell people on your own time.

I don't see why your FIL would do something like that, it is just super rude! Good luck and I hope they don't get mad at you but your FIL!
That's so strange! That's something you just don't lie about. Sorry he did that too you. Hope it all gets sorted out. And good luck for next Friday!
That's really insensitive, not to mention annoying! I'm sorry he put you in that position.

Good luck for Friday x
:wacko: very weird? I dont even understand why he would do that?
I would have fine mental! When you say it's nut true people are going to think you had a mc, what a stupid horrid thing to do!
Maybe he was trying to speak it into existence?.
Horrible thing to do! Especially as any one of the people he told could be having trouble conceiving or could have had MC's etc etc and are going to be crushed when they hear people are just throwing jokes around about it. I would have told him in no uncertain terms was it acceptable and that HE has to personally tell all the people he told that it was all a lie that HE made up. I wouldn't even entertain having to explain on his behalf.
Wow, your FIL has a sick sense of humor:growlmad:

I'd tell him that you don't want any part of it. Does he realize the position he's put you in!!?? I'd tell him he'd better tell people it was a joke and that you had no part in it and that he first told you about what he'd done after the fact.

I hope you get him to stop this sick joke:nope: As a woman who's currently LTTTC #1, I find his joke offensive and not funny at all :growlmad: I can only imagine how some of those women will react if any of them had problems conceiving or had miscarriages:nope:
I totally agree with xprincessx, I'd have let him have it for doing something like that. He should be going to each of those people and telling them he made it up as a bad joke and apologising to everyone, especially you and your DH! That's just not on.
Not going to lie, I would yell and scream and just be so angry at my FIL. But then again my FIL wouldn't do that, he understands more then anything the struggle people face. I just can't believe yours did that. gah, that makes me mad. Sorry you have to go through that. My FX are crossed that everything works out for you.
Thanks everyone. I talked to my DH last night and he begged me to not do or say anything about this. It's too far after the fact anyway, really. He said that everyone in the family knows FIL is full of it, so he doesn't think anyone actually believed him anyway. Plus, I had two glasses of wine at Thanksgiving, and I'm pretty sure people saw and would assume that I'm not pregnant if I'm drinking. I wish I had given him hell when he told me, but I was so flabberghasted that I sort of gave a nervous laugh and then changed the subject. I wish I had more of a dang spine sometimes.

It doesn't excuse FIL though. I'm still madder than all heck about it, especially now that I am testing and keep getting BFNs. It's just an extra stab to know that I'm heartbroken about getting BFNs this month, but FIL is joking about it and pretending I'm pregnant...:growlmad:

But we won't know for sure until Friday, hopefully I'm just testing too early. And if I am, like another poster pointed out, there goes the fun of telling people. I said that to DH last night and he immediately shot back "We're not having a baby just to have the fun of telling people!" Which I know, of course, but DH is sort of afraid of his dad and will do just about anything to avoid confrontation.

Couldn't your DH just tell him that it isn't funny to joke about pregnancy, especially when many have experienced problems conceiving or been through miscarriages, and that it wasn't appropriate what he did? It may be too far gone but he should still know that his joke made you mad so he realizes he's done something wrong. Whether or not people believe it or not is besides the point:dohh: It was still wrong of him to say that you're pregnant when you're not just because he wanted to see who'd crack first. What about it resulting in hurt feelings?

I can't see why you and your DH can't tell him that, surely there's no harm in letting him know he crossed a line here:shrug:
Im sorry but just because your FIL doesnt want to deal with confrontation does not mean he can just get away with crossing the line so far he is in a whole new world.

And even though your not having a baby to tell people, telling people is still part of the fun, and I know how the feeling of just getting BFN... I can't test tell I am in cali with my inlaws so I have to take all my tests and everything with me there... Just to find out hahaha.

But still, You DH should stand up for you and tell his father that he crossed the line... :(

Good luck!

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