Halloween Tips (hope this is Ok to post here)


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2006
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Tips for the kids !!

- Always try and have an adult with you
- Carry a torch
- Make sure your costume has reflective markings on it or attach a glow stick.
- Your costume should fit and not drag on the ground.
- Wear shoes that fit even if they do not go with your costume.
- Only wear your mask when you get to a house, watch where you are going between houses.
- Walk on the footpaths, never run !!
- Stay on the footpaths and if you have to cross the road, use the green cross code.
- Wear a watch that you can read in the dark.
- Never cut across peoples gardens or driveways.
- Only approach houses that you know, never approach a dark house.
- Stay away from pets you don’t know.
- Do not eat any of the treats you are given until you get home.
- Always stay in a group
- Never accept a lift from a stranger
- Never play with fireworks

Tips for the big ones !!

Ideally accompany your child, one adult to three children is recommended.
- Make sure your child eats dinner before they leave home.
- Ensure they have a watch on that they can read in the dark.
- Ensure they can contact you, do they know where you are, do they have a mobile phone with them or money for a phone box.
- Ensure if they are out on their own that you know where they are going and they know what time to be back.
- Never allow your child to carry a candle always use a battery operated torch.
- If you are purchasing a costume ensure that it is flame proof.
- If your child’s costume needs a prop make sure it is soft so they can do no harm, even better try not to need one, they normally get lost.
- Remember to wrap your child up under the costume it may be cold out !!
- Check all the treats before your children eat them to make sure that they are not allergic to them and that they have not been tampered with. Do not allow your children to eat homemade treats unless you know the source.
- If you are likely to get trick or treater’s calling at your house, make sure that your drive is clear and there is nothing for people to fall over.
- Have some healthy alternatives as treats, such as mini boxes of raisins or pre-packed fruit.
Good Idea hun......xx
Halloween Tips (hope this is Ok to post here)

Of course it is :shock: :D

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