Hand painted Wood Shapes


~ I are a Nerd ~
Sep 15, 2006
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Here are some hand painted wood shapes I have available. I can put names on them too using small handpainted wooden shapes. (Limited to shorter names or nicknames)

Flowers and Hearts $5.00 each Train $7.00 . *FREE POSTAGE*

No takers???

Last chance before they go to ebay :headspin:
I would of loved one, but dont know what Grape is. GRRR :(
:lol: When Grape is here Im sure I can make one for you :)
I absolutely LOVE those!! Do they stand up on their own? And do you make them to order or is it just those ones? :D x
I absolutely LOVE those!! Do they stand up on their own? And do you make them to order or is it just those ones? :D x

They have a wall Hanger on the back. right now I just have those but I can look for more shapes if you are interested.
I absolutely LOVE those!! Do they stand up on their own? And do you make them to order or is it just those ones? :D x

They have a wall Hanger on the back. right now I just have those but I can look for more shapes if you are interested.

I love the shapes, was just wondering if you could paint them in different colours :D x
Which shape do you like? I can see if I can get another one :)
Don't worry if you can't...didn't know if you were painting lots of them or not but I love the train! x
Ill see if I can find another train and if I can , Ill let you know :headspin:
Ill see if I can find another train and if I can , Ill let you know :headspin:

Thank you :wohoo: Didn't know if you were painting loads of wooden shapes or not. But anything like that would be perfect...trains, cars... something not too girly that Sam would like :D x
Ill see what I can do :headspin:
I just found some smaller letters so Ebonii would fit :headspin:
Sam's Mum... I found a cute car but its smaller.... so Im still on the hunt for something Perfect for Sam. :lol: I did pick up some paint that matches the green hearts in your siggy! Made me think of Sam ;)
Sam's Mum... I found a cute car but its smaller.... so Im still on the hunt for something Perfect for Sam. :lol: I did pick up some paint that matches the green hearts in your siggy! Made me think of Sam ;)

Oooooh...how big is the car you found? Loving the sound of your green paint!! :D x
Its a Beetle :lol: Its probably 4" Tall and just as wide :)

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