has anyone done power pumping/cluster pumping to increase supply


mommmy of 1
Mar 19, 2010
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if so did it work? how did you do you? how many days did it take to see a supply increase?

i'm exclusively pumping and having a bit of a supply issue, i've been supplimenting with formula and i would really get my suppy up so i don't have to.

anyways, today i pumping every 20 minutes for an hour and a half for about 2 mins after my milk stop flowing, they hand expressed untill i couldn't get anything else. then i did the same, only once an hour for 3 hours .. and 'm going to do every 20 minutes again in the evening..

am i doing it right?

i'd normally just pump once every 2/3 hours and then once through the night
i've not done this but i know lots of people who would pump any leftover milk once LO fed to increase supply...if LO is in a routine its probably best to do this so your body is used to producing milk at those times (or pump when he has a formula feed to signal your body that he needs milk at that time)

your supply adjusts to increase or decrease in demand within 2-3 days
sorry, probably not what you want to hear, but i did pumping marathon and power pumping in week 3 for like 4-5 days and it didn't do a thing. i would actually say it decreased my supply.

i don't know what in the end caused my increase in supply, but once i started taking fenugreek and taking my mind off of "i'm not gonna be able to fully BF my child" and learning that i was FF fed & turned out to be just fine and never had any diseases when growing up, i did see an increase. so it was either the fenugreek or cutting down on stressing myself out about it or both combined. at 3 1/2 weeks i was ready to combi-feed and now we're at almost 8 weeks and she still hasn't seen formula. maybe it's a mind thing as well!?

may i ask how much you are getting now & how much jarrett is taking? i expect elaine to gulp down all that i'm expressing soon, but so far i'm still able to freeze some.
sorry, probably not what you want to hear, but i did pumping marathon and power pumping in week 3 for like 4-5 days and it didn't do a thing. i would actually say it decreased my supply.

i don't know what in the end caused my increase in supply, but once i started taking fenugreek and taking my mind off of "i'm not gonna be able to fully BF my child" and learning that i was FF fed & turned out to be just fine and never had any diseases when growing up, i did see an increase. so it was either the fenugreek or cutting down on stressing myself out about it or both combined. at 3 1/2 weeks i was ready to combi-feed and now we're at almost 8 weeks and she still hasn't seen formula. maybe it's a mind thing as well!?

may i ask how much you are getting now & how much jarrett is taking? i expect elaine to gulp down all that i'm expressing soon, but so far i'm still able to freeze some.

i'm getting about 16 oz a day and hes taking 35 oz a day :shock:
16 is all i've ever been able to pump
fenugreek didn't increase my supply at all, not even by an oz and i was def. taking enough

i'm really thinking im going to have to ask for a perscription from my GP
I power pumped to relactate.

Well I pumped every 2 hours for 20 mins each side, even though no milk coming out, I think thats the key, you need to be empty (even though you are never empty) and then pump to trick the body into thinking the baby needs more milk (not sure if this is correct but worked for me)
I also power pumped in evenings,10 mins on,10 mins off, 10 mins on etc.

I have to say what really worked for me was (Motillium) domperidom, you can get it on prescription but can also buy over counter, just dont say its to increase supply, says its for nausea lol (maybe google Jack Newman and print article off and take to gp) as it works out expensive.
Also I stopped pumping as it was stressing me out and put Millie on boob all the time, got rid of ebm and bottles and went cold turkey with formula, its hard because you think there not getting enough at first, but I just put her on more frequently. If she was really getting worked up, I would give a tiny bit of ebm I had saved or formula.

Good luck hun, I didnt really have an option as Millie couldnt tolerate formula and bottles made her reflux even worse. I also had to get over my fear of bf in public lol.
But it is so rewarding, when she smiles at you mid feed, with a mouth full of milk, running down her chin :haha:
If I can help anymore just pm me hun.
Your doing a fab job.
Oh ps if you look at www.kellymom.com (worth checking out this site) she actually says 1-2 oz is the normal for pumping and anything over that is an oversupply issue, so 16oz is fab hun.
Could you maybe try and get lo to latch on? As baby will get more than what you pump and will need less than formula, as it is utilised more effectively than formula.

Also if your giving a bottle it will seem like they need a lot and guzzle, because, the teat has a hole in it, so always milk in their mouth, that they have to swallow.

Some people can only every pump a few oz. But by the sound of it your maybe getting 3-4 oz each pump, so if you can little one to bf they will probably be getting about 5oz
I had also heard power pumping is good for supply, 10 mins on 10 mins off for an hour
Have you had any luck with it, hun?

I started power pumping yesterday and been looking at tips and saw this thread. Just wondered how you were getting on.

I pumped every 2-3h for 20min each side as well as bf my baby but only managed 3oz yesterday.

Started taking fenugreek today. Maybe it will help.
I've done it to help increase my supply, also eating oatmeal every morning helped a HUGE amount! Drinking TONS of water makes a huge difference for me too. Remember, just because thats all you can pump doesn't mean thats all baby will get from the breast. Charlie can eat and be satisfied AFTER I pump even if I leave the pump on while nothing is coming out, which would indicate "empty" but he can still get enough milk to fill his belly......
Keep pumping, keep baby on breast as much as you can and your supply will go up...drink lots and lots of water
First of all it's so great to hear of someone else that is exclusively pumping!!! Ya feel quite alone sometimes in that.. I am currently going through the same issue. My amazing lactation consultant said to try once an hour (including once late at night or early morning...hardest one to do of course..)and that it would take a few days. She also said I don't have to wash my pump parts ever time which I have been doing for the last eight months. She said just stick them in the fridge and you should only have to wash them once a day! Phew! That just made my life easier :) I'm on day 2 and the power pumping is already picking up my 20 oz low and my lil girl couldn't be more excited! Just know that you're not alone!

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