Hi, i have 3 on my left two very visible hooks and a tiny in the middle and a tiny one in my right so what do you ladies think iam having? I wont find out until late october arrgg...so long to know.
According to a very boring paper I have just read on the net - they did a unbiased test using this method and it was 75% accurate (so they recogn!). I can't see mine too dark at work - am going to have a look later though.
Would be fab if there was a poll that just said 'was the iris test right for you' with a yes no answer on here so you could see how well it worked for babyandbump ppl.
Mine was in both too...If I am having a girl that would be so amazing as there has been only boys on DH side since the 1800's we will see on 22nd Sept!
Just searched for this thread to update... when I first found it we didn't know the sex so I got oh to look in my eyes and I had the hooks in both eyes... this indicated twins or a girl well there's no twins but she is indeed a girl1 Wondered if anyone else who took part wants to update or if you have hooks and you know the sex is it right for you? x
Mine says boy too!! lol
We won't find out until may but we just have this feeling its a boy!!! lol
Every woman in my family for generations has always had a girl first, so i would love to be the odd one!! haha
So excited! xx
I know! lol, I like old wives tales! So many around pregnancy!!!! I literally had women at work adamant I was having a boy due to my 'signs of pregnancy'....I was very relieved to find out I was actually expecting a gorgeous little girl!
I love this kind of thing! Well to be honest I didn't seem to have hardly any visible blood vessels under my iris, but with a bit of light from the mirror I have faint ones in my right eye.
Found out today I'm team blue, so it didn't work for me! A few of the other old's wives tales did though
i can only see one in my left eye that looks like a hook.. fingers crossed that means boy! find out in 3 weeks will def keep you all posted.. (hoping hoping for a little prince, we already have our little princess) xox
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