Ugh I just need to vent. I just had a status pop on my newsfeed of a girl who was saying she wished she was brave enough to have a natural birth and another girl replied saying she would never do it without medication...and then as they continued to talk they started saying how labor doesn't hurt at all and is so easy and how their broken toe hurt worse than labor. Are you kidding me? Of course labor didn't hurt! You both had an epidural the moment you walked in the door of the hospital!
It just makes me so mad because I worked hard to get my natural birth and it was the hardest and most rewarding thing I ever did in my life and to have someone who never experienced the ring of fire or transition totally downplay it makes me mad!
Just had to let that rant out because I have no where else to say it.
With my first I was having what I thought was BH (had been having them every 5 mins since 3am) and went to the hospital to be examined because I was bleeding. Arrived at the hospital at 6:10am and as we were walking across the carpark I felt something gush out and thought it was blood) was shown to a room and then H had to buzz for a midwife within a couple of minutes as I could feel pushing, a student was sent in and after a quick feel of my tummy she told my H to stick his head out the door and say she needed someone straight away. I was then examined and found to be fully dilated, and at 6:49am I was holding my 7lb 12oz son. My labour wasn't that painful, not even as the head was coming out, the stitches for the 2nd degree tear however once the anaesthetic wore off I was in agony!
With my second my contractions started at a little before 4:30pm and were every 5 minutes. We got to the hospital for 6pm, was left in a room and not examined (other than check of BP and a feel of my tummy) and soon after my contractions were every 2 minutes. At 8:30pm I was asked to walk from the room I was in to the MLU upstairs and I was offered pain relief when we arrived (8:32pm) so the mw went to get some for me. In the meantime I suddenly felt pushing and just like my first birth my H had to buzz for a mw. A student was sent and she felt my tummy and asked my H to push the buzzer. The mw came and suggested I get on the bed so she could examine me and as I removed my skirt and underwear she told the student to put gloves on as she could see the head. MW gave me the gas and air but she managed to trip over the tube and pull it out and I was just biting the mouthpiece as I breathed my daughter out and I was holding my daughter at 8:54pm. I read in my notes that the mw came in at 8:35pm, I removed my skirt at 8:40pm and baby born in her waters at 8:54pm. I needed a couple of stitches but no pain afterwards as the tear could have been left but they did a couple of stitches to make it heal more neatly.
I think it is safe to say I do have a very high pain threshold as with my first I had no idea I was in labour and I can honestly say it didn't hurt, only the stiches did. With my second I noticed my contractions more and realised they were contractions but I was able to walk up stairs and along a corridor a mere 24 minutes before I was holding my baby! Because my contractions were every 2 mins by this point and because I felt pushing soon after getting upstairs I am guessing I must have been 10cm dilated when I was moving to the MLU. Because my pushing stage was only 14mins and my not so LO was a massive 9lb 11oz, it was way more intense but I still wouldn't say painful and I am none the wiser as to what this ring of fire people talk about actually is.
In both my births the mw introduced themselves AFTER I was holding my baby as there was no time before.
I think everyone labours differently and I wouldn't doubt someone who said labour was agony, or judge anyone who said it didn't hurt, as it is down to your size, shape and the position the baby is in. I had no intention of having a drug free birth and was open to all drug suggestions I just didn't have time and therefore I guess didn't need them.