Having a SERIOUS change of heart! HELP!


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2011
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Okay so my baby boy is due February 6th and he was a total surprise. I was told on May 10th after an exam with dye that both of my tubes were blocked. He was conceived on the 16th...my little miracle :)

So...the shock of the pregnancy made me terrified to even watch a video of a birth. If someone had said to me, "Here, we can just knock you out when you wake up baby will be here" I'd have said SOUNDS GREAT! I was dead set on an epidural and then when my doctor offered to induce me (I live over an hour away from the hospital, and my OH is on call all the time and sometimes when he's working he doesn't have cell service) I basically felt like "this is going to be so convenient and easy! No pain, I won't have to worry about delivering by myself or having to drive myself to the hospital!"

Fast forward to the third trimester: the shock has worn off, I've done a LOT of research, and I'm not feeling like this "birth plan" I have is just not right for me and where I'm at now.

Of course we have all heard the induction horror stories about how awful pitocin is and how a lot of doctors abuse the drug just to get you in and out quick. AND I also know a lot of people have great experiences with induction and feel like it was better than their natural labor.

But this weekend I watched "The Business of Being Born" which got me thinking. Then I googled the connection between induction and autism. BAD IDEA. Now I feel like I want a natural birth.

has this happened to anyone before? And how do I go about telling my doctor that I've changed my mind about induction? I'm also worried that I may have to fight the nurses to keep the drugs away from me! My OH has assured me that if I decide no drugs, he will do all in his power to make sure that happens but I still worry.

any advice and/or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! And I sincerely hope that I haven't offended anyone with any of this!
i would just tell the doctor. it's ok to change your mind. it's ok to keep on changing your mind, even when you're in the middle of labour! i did :)
aww a real miracle baby! i was induced with dd and my labour was only 1 hour 40 mins so ther not all nightmares! i had no pain relief n that was my first child!

obviously u must prepare urself ur gona be in pain but if u relax then i think that relaxes your body and makes it easier!

i no in the states they use pitocin more than they do here but im sure if u just talk to your doctor and tell them your concerns or tell them you dont want certain things they have to go by that as long as its not putting you or baby at harm!

oh and dd is now 1 and considered advanced for her age and i think the connection with autism can realistically not be correlated with induction as ther are so few cases (as with autism and the mmr!)

hope you feel better about it all soon! xx
Yepp, tell your doctor. He should have NO problems with omitting induction from the birth plan - it's not as if you were going to be induced due to a health concern, such as very high blood pressure....it was simply a matter of convenience.

If you don't want pain medication, I'd say it's safe to say that most nurses/doctors won't (and shouldn't) push it on you. Be clear with your doctor before you even go in to labour on what you want/don't want.
My friend said it's best not to read or watch too much about child birth - otherwise you'll just end up worrying. Although we can make a birth plan, we can't really plan for how it'll go.

I'm sure you still have time to change your plan. So go with what you think will be comfortable for you. good luck with it all. :hugs:
My son was induced he is now 3 and waaaay ahead! Don't look at the horror stories, anything is linked with everything these days, if we listened to half the things that are supposed to happen when we eat this or drink that we would starve and dehydrate!
I've never had docs/nurses push medication on me. Tbh, I don't know what they'd have done if I said 'no' to pitocin...because they have the whole "deliver within 24 hrs of waters breaking' policy... I never said no to it. But, I've said no to pain medication and nobody has bugged me about it. And then if I changed my mind, they were gracious about that, too.
I watched that video as well...Honestly, try to take it as just another opinion. I felt like that video was way to 'pushy' towards natural labor - to the point of scaring women into it!
Don't be afraid of pain medications. There are plenty of other studies out there that talk about how they will not adversely affect baby...etc.
If you decide you don't want medicine or to be induced, then let your doctor know that. At the same time, don't be surprised if your birth changes at the last minute for something unexpected.

The correlation between autism and induction is really pointless, sounds like they are using it as a scare tactic to scare women away from anything but a natural labor.

If you read too much into it then you will overwhelm yourself with stories that may or may not be true, if you have concerns, talk to your doctor about them. xx
You have every right to change your mind, more than once if that is what you feel like! I doubt your doctor would have any problem letting you go naturally. I told my doctor that I wanted to do things naturally and unmedicated, and he said he fully supported that, and that if when the time came I changed my mind and wanted medication we could do that too. I think that movie does scare us. I decided to use hypnosis for the pain, and my thought was that I would do my best, and if things didn't go as planned, either I was in too much pain or doctor felt it was necessary to induce or c-section etc etc, then that would be fine and I would go with the flow. After taking my hypnobabies class, I have become completely paranoid about using drugs. THe class was supposed to get rid of fears of childbirth, but instead it made me worry about what will happen if it doesn't go naturally and I need other interventions. The movie did the same. I am trying really hard (and I think you should too) to not let all that stuff freak me out. The bottom line is that most women get epidurals, and I think even most women in the US also get pitocin. I actually don't know personally know one person who did not have both pitocin and an epidural, and you know what, their babies are fine and healthy!!! Plan what feels right for you, but don't be afraid of having to change that if you feel you need to, or if any complications occur. Childbirth is painful, and I really do feel that doctors want us to get through it as quickly and painlessly as possible for our own benefit. I don't feel they are out to get us, or are just doing this to support the drug companies etc. Of course if we can do it naturally and everything goes perfectly smoothly then great! If not, we have alternatives that have proven to be effective and safe! Hope you feel better!
thank you! I feel a lot better knowing I'm not strange! And its nice to know I do have options. I just have a lot of guilt about being a pain in the ass at the hospital! Even though I know I shouldnt.

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