Hb dreams are over *UPDATED with birth*

Ok so this morning after my eigth night of labour which stopped as soon as I hot up I was ready to compromise! But I get in the hospital and instantly am transformed into a diabetic who can't this and can't that for the sake of my baby. Suddenly there is no compromise!! If I walk out then I give birth at home with no safeguards at all but to meet mr halfway is too risky.

My labour last night left me ripe - too ripe for a pessery. My only induction option is membrane rupture or home. If I go home then I have to put my disabled child through the routine again and sort care for him. If I go ahead with the membrane rupture then I have to give birth in the rooms I had my son in which terrify me. I absolutely can not have a waterbirth and I absolutely cannot go to the birth ward one level up where I am not traumatized. I absolutely can't go home and after only two hours from membrane rupture I absolutely MUST have the pitocin drip - the sane god damn drip that put my son's life at risk and caused the trauma last time leading to forcepts and brain hemmorage.

What the hell place is this?!? I can give birth at home but I can't go up one flight of sodding stairs to an altogether more peaceful place? This is wrong ... So bloody wrong!

I am waiting for the doctors to put my foot down and negotiate a compromise - they let me labor upstairs in peace or they can go fuck themselves - I can't put my son through all this again and I won't put myself into a room I am terrified off.

I know I am so close and most people would say stay at home but I can't let go of the fact my last labor ended so badly and at home I am an hour away from help. I am no longer relaxed and in the mindset to do it at home - I am exhausted after eight starts and baby still isn't resting on my cervix.
Oh hun, my heart breaks for you, how dare they treat you like this :(
Update! My mw turned up and negotiated with the doctors for me - I can wait for the birth pool room to be free and a good mw and have my amr in there and use the pool. Then after two hours if I make progress I can carry on - if not they will review it but won't pressure me. Means I get a room which doesn't remind me of last time and no one will push me into the drip before I am ready!

Yay! This may however take a day or two because they are too busy. But that is ok! I feel better now!
Brilliant! You must be so relieved. Your MW sounds fab!
I am so glad your midwife is making things happen for you. Good luck with your labour and birth, fx you have your baby safe in your arms soon xxx
Stick to your guns!!! They will negotiate!! Youve just seen that!! And if they won't threaten to walk out and they will not want that! X
oh thats great news that your MW is on side and supporting you
That's great! So glad you have a supportive midwife. xxx GL
According to a mutual friend on Facebook baby is here safe and sound after a short labour with just gas and air. :)

Look forward to the full story!! Well done Emma!!
Yeah! Hy thoughts have been with her. Glad to hear it sounds like things went well
Holy cow, I am IMPRESSED with how you stuck to your guns there! Way to be a strong woman!

Can't wait for a more detailed birth story.
Congratulations! So pleased for you. Looking forward to the birth story :)

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