Hb dreams are over *UPDATED with birth*

Blow by blow birth story coming up!!

It turns out I was in the best place in the best circumstances which could be achieved in a labor ward! If I was at home my doula and mw would never have made it and my husband would have had to deal with a cord around the neck.

Isobelle Amelia arrived at 8:17 last night weighing 8lb 8 oz. At 14:30 I had my amr in the pool room. I walked for two hours and not much happened - I negotiated another two and within 10 mins I was contracting very closely. An hour later and I was 3 mins apart and lasting 70 seconds. The docs came in and said i wasn't progressing because my contractions werent painful enough and said I had an hour before they would start pitocin! Impatient sods! I told them where to go and the mws went for their break and so did my doula. I breathed through all my contractions peacefully and hypnobirthed. I knew things were going too quick so I kept still on a birth ball. Literally as everyone left, I stood up and my legs went weak - I got onto all fours and felt her decend - my husband could see her head. Within 20 minutes of me standing up, she was out - only my husband believed me when I said I couldnt stop the urge to push. I went from 5cm to delivery in less than 30 minutes!

The cord was around her neck but thankfully very very long so she didn't suffer too bad. After pushing for a few minutes the mws started to panic about her size and shoulder distocis and thankfully my doula only just stopped them from cutting me before I even knew they wanted me to push harder! Another case of "she has gd so she must have...". Bless my doula! Isobelle popped out a few pushes later once we were on the same wave length and I didn't even tear!

I didn't even manage to get undressed or get in the pool until after the birth. Third stage went like a dream. She was put straight onto my chest all gooey and naked and we were left totally alone for 20 minutes with no clamping when the placenta popped out on it's own with no intervention at all. None of the mws had ever waited until delivery of placenta to clamp a cord. But they respected my wishes entirely. Daddy cut the cord and isobelle found my nipple and latched on her own. After she dropped off we had a bath together in the pool. They didnt touch her for two hours - not even for her checks.

Then we went up to a beautiful private room - my husband had his own bed too. My only complaint is that a loud mw came in at 3am and 6am to do her bg levels and despite isobelle not flinching she forced me to try and feed her when she wasn't hungry twice. Her bg levels were excellent and my boobs did me proud!

I was home at lunchtime.

So all in all - a great compromise and it shows what you can achieve by sticking to your guns and instincts. I am so proud of our achievement - I do wish I had managed to make the whole thing through hypnobirthing alone but the sudden change from my three minute contractions to the sudden urge to push was a massive shock to me! Next time I will be expecting it!
huge congrats hun & well done for sticking to your guns. lovely story!! hope you're all settling in nicely. What does tommy think of his new sister? xxx
huge congrats hun & well done for sticking to your guns. lovely story!! hope you're all settling in nicely. What does tommy think of his new sister? xxx

She has been a dream - tom was brilliant. Very very pleased to meet her - so many hugs and kisses and gifts. His nan kept him up late and let him get up at 5am for two days so he turned into an overtired monster very very quickly!
Gorgeous story hun, are you home now? xxx

great stuff missus, you were amazing!
Congratulations:hugs: Well done for sticking up for yourself, I'm so glad you nowh have a positive birth story to think of next time:thumbup:
Just sounds brilliant, well done and big congrats on your beautiful baby girl! x
Huge congratulations! Well done you for sticking to your guns in a difficult situation, hopefully those MW's will have a rethink on some of their normal practices now too. You're a legend! xxx
Congratulations, and so proud of you for sticking to what you wanted. I'm glad that you had a much better experience this time round!!
Congrats, sounds like it all went OK in the end. :) x
wow well done to you, so glad your birth turned out so positive in the end :) cant believe they would have cut you and you didnt even tear! x
congratulations and well done!!! xxx
Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl. It sounds wonderful and hopefully it eases the trauma of your son's birth.
It sounds wonderful! Probably the nicest hospy birth story I can remember reading.... Well done you, definitely an achievement in these days :flower: Congrats on your little one and enjoy your babymoon :D

PS. Someone might have already said this, but lots of babies are born with the cord round their neck btw. :)


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