heavy periods(sorry guys bit too much tmi)


lucky mum of one of each!
Aug 31, 2006
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hey guys, well (i think) this is my 1st proper period after having callum(have the implanon) and omfg i was up half of last night in tears i wa sin that much pain!!! i was possing clots about the size of 10p pieces, is this normal?? is this what im to expect from my periods? i am still in agony but am dosed up on feminax with a hot water bottle glued 2 my tum! is this how its goin to be??? :shock:
Its hard to tell with you not having a normal flow in so long what could be normal. Pain & flow varies from woman to woman however they do suggest if you keel o ver in pain you should get it checked out!
Wobbles said:
Its hard to tell with you not having a normal flow in so long what could be normal. Pain & flow varies from woman to woman however they do suggest if you keel o ver in pain you should get it checked out![/quote]

bet its a friggin man who sed tht :evil:

i think i may ask for my implanon out and just take the pill continuiosly(sp) only fear with tht is tht i fell preg on pill :?
A man wouldn't say that - A man would tell you to stop moaning it's just a period. Hun if you are in PAIN PAIN that shouldn't really be normal but as I say because you haven't had one for so long you never know & you don't really know what is normal for you.
lol if a man dared say tht 2 me id kick him till he was bleeding down there :twisted:
Some cycles i get AFs that make me what to curl up in bed theyre that bad. Its normal for me though unfortunatley. Just glad not every one is like that
i had the implanon in for just under a year and i had to have it taken out :cry: i was having bleeding every 2-3 weeks and it was very heavy. I was told to give it 6 months to settle into my system but then i got an infection in my arm and wher the implanon was placed it had swollen away up like a plum and was all brused so got it taken out within a week after anti biotics and the swelling went down
Im yet to meet anyone who gets on with the implant, everyone seems to have it go wrong in someway.

Yvanne when you got PG before on the pill was it because you were not very vigilent in taking it, or were you good and regular in takin it and it just failed?

Cause when taken properly its the best form of protestion you can get, even above the impant
i dont mean to contradict you in any way hun but the pill failed with me both times and im now on yet a third different one :lol: so far so good with this one im on though, i took it every morning at 9am withought fail but this one im on now is called TriNovum and its been great in the 8+ months ive been taking it :D
the pill failed me cat, i took it every night at the same time(i set an alarm on my phone :oops: )i have had teh implanon in since sept i just wish it wud bloody ease off!!! i feel like im in friggin labour :shock: :(

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