Smudge101 I know what you mean I sneaked over early too lol but this was my first post really lol
Smudge101 I know what you mean I sneaked over early too lol but this was my first post really lol
I just don't feel like I 'fit' into 2nd tri anymore but I'm also a bit scared to come over to 3rd! Time is going too quickly!
I'm sneaking in, due July 10th so not officially 3rd tri until next week but I'm getting bored of all the gender scan posts in 2nd tri so lurk over here!
Hey girls. Anyone else feel like their belly is SO tight, like the little one might burst out of it? Been feeling like it past coupla days, so uncomfortable!
Oh I know I'm definitely feelin more tired lately. I started potty training my son today and I'm exhausted now, I can hear my bed calling me.
What is the glucose test, this is my 4th baby and I've never had that done ?