Hello! Do you think there will ever be a right time?


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2009
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I am not currently trying to conceive although about a year and a half ago we were trying with no luck.

Now I am wondering if i am nearing the right time but always have doubts of whether we could live off of my husbands salary alone. Does anyone else really worry about this and how they could afford to be off work/manage the demands of childcare later on?
my OH always worries about that kind of stuff, i dont want to put off TTC much longer for health reasons but i think if we personally was to wait untill we had lots of money it would never happen for us...not that my OH believes that lol
We waited until the right moment. We had enough money that I could take a yr off, and also that I could RTW part time. We WTTC no 1 for 2 and a half years while we got ourselves into the position we could afford it and still do all the things we wanted. That's why we're WTTC no 2, until we have moved house, and once we're in and settled, we'll try then.
We waited until the right moment. We had enough money that I could take a yr off, and also that I could RTW part time. We WTTC no 1 for 2 and a half years while we got ourselves into the position we could afford it and still do all the things we wanted. That's why we're WTTC no 2, until we have moved house, and once we're in and settled, we'll try then.

Well we live in a house that we intend to stay in for a good few years. I am unsure of the money issue - i mean how much is enough? I don't think I would be able to return part time due to money as i earn more than my husband but many people go back full time and seem to manage.

I also have in my mind that when we tried before we had no luck and I know that they want you to have been actively trying for two years before they look into helping with it so I don't really want to leave it too long because of that either.
I don't have any kids yet.

I personally don't think there is a right time, but I do think there is a better time so to speak.

I think if you can afford to look after yourselves wether that be PT work of FT and pay your way in life then I say go for it!

We are waiting as we just arnt ready yet, we want a few more hols and try to get a house in next year or so, but if we get to a apoint that we really want to try we wil just go for it in our flat!xx
my OH always worries about that kind of stuff, i dont want to put off TTC much longer for health reasons but i think if we personally was to wait untill we had lots of money it would never happen for us...not that my OH believes that lol

Thank you - I think I worry more than my husband about the money issue but as you say - will we ever have it?
I don't have any kids yet.

I personally don't think there is a right time, but I do think there is a better time so to speak.

I think if you can afford to look after yourselves wether that be PT work of FT and pay your way in life then I say go for it!

We are waiting as we just arnt ready yet, we want a few more hols and try to get a house in next year or so, but if we get to a apoint that we really want to try we wil just go for it in our flat!xx

Well we have a few holidays lined up but was thinking that after those we might just go for it. We have been married nearly 5 years now and enjoyed lots of us time. During that time I have also worked on my career and feel that now I would get a reasonably well paid maternity leave to help support us.

We bought a house a year ago now and are very settled here with plenty of room for a child.
Go for it then!! I think there will always be fear, its a big step! Good luck.xx
I often wonder about this as well and from everyone I've spoke to there doesn't seem to be a right time or perfect time! But if you feel you're ready go for it!!

Good luck xxx
Awww, goingforit! I don't know if you remember me from when we were TTC....? I'll pop back tomorrow when I'm on my laptop rather than phone, but I saw your name and wanted to say a quick hi! :hugs: x x x
I don't know if any time will ever be perfect.

I would love to own a house and have tons of money, but I'm not ready to wait for our lives to be "perfectly" set up. We aren't getting any younger, and I think if we don't start soon, we'll push it off for far too long.
I think about this all the time! its one of the reasons why im not trying at the moment. Im the main "bread winner" in my house right now as my husband is still at university doing his masters.

I would love a baby..and feel ready..emotionally..but its the money! how will we manage on a student loan>? :wacko:

but i just know there will never be a PERFECT time so....i have days when i think..go for it! and others where im just panicked

Puzzled :shrug: xxxxxxxx
I agree with cupcake, I don't ever think there's a right time but I do think you can make sure the timing suits you better.

My husband and I knew we wanted to be married first and own our own home, which we did. We wanted to have a few big blow out holidays, which we did. We also wanted to have a minimum of £10,000 saved (we didn't use that for baby stuff but we like to know it's there just in case). Also we wanted to make sure we could easily afford for me to return to work part time to help with childcare. I'm due to return to my job 3 days a week in April having taken a year off.

This time, before we try for #2 the only thing we needed to be certain of is that we can afford for me not to return to work at all and instead be a stay at home mum. That's now possible so we're just waiting til Summer is a little older.

Having said all that, many friends of mine weren't in quite such a fortunate position regarding owning a house and being able to afford to work part time but they're doing great. Somehow, no matter what you just find a way of making it work.

I do think if everyone waited until the 'right' time, enough money etc then nobody would ever have kids!

I personally don't think there is really a perfect time as I think there will always be something you could say its best to wait for but then when you look back in hindsight its easy to see that it was the right decision. I'd say if you want it in your heart and will be able to manage then go for it. You will make it work. Good luck with it whenever you decide is best
my OH always worries about that kind of stuff, i dont want to put off TTC much longer for health reasons but i think if we personally was to wait untill we had lots of money it would never happen for us...not that my OH believes that lol

Thank you - I think I worry more than my husband about the money issue but as you say - will we ever have it?

aslong as u have enough to fed and cloth a LO thats all that matters, love is worth soooo much more :D good luck with whatever u decide x
My hubby is the same as odd_socks, he is such a worrier and not having a pile of savings under us (we have some but not as much as we had before we bought our house) makes him feel like we wont cope. I have to say I disagree and think the same as cupcake11, if you can afford your current lifestyle comfortably and know you will have enough money to cover all the bills plus a little for emergnecies then I think go for it!! I have resigned myself to the fact the hubby wont change his mind and so I will have to wait until he feels financially secure - which will be by the summer.
Good luck if you do decide to try xx

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