Hello everyone


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2008
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I tested positive this morning so can I join you guys?

This is my second pregnancy (my daughter is 3 in December) and this is our first month ttc. Feeling really, really happy and excited but a little terrified! :)

Looking forward to getting to know everyone and enjoying our first trimester together!

Welcome and Congratulations! When is your due date?
Congratulations thats fab news!!!! I was lucky to concieve both of mine in the first month of ttc. Feel a little too blessed sometimes so, like you I am nervous. Welcome to the forum though hun, hope you enjoy :)
To concieve in the 1st month of TTC is amazing. It has taken me 6 years to concieve this one! Congratulations. Have a happy & healthy pregnancy xx
Welcome and Congratulations! When is your due date?

I think it will be June 16th based on my dates. A summer baby :) My birthday and my daughter's birthday are shortly after Christmas so it'll be nice to finally spread the celebrations out!

To concieve in the 1st month of TTC is amazing. It has taken me 6 years to concieve this one! Congratulations. Have a happy & healthy pregnancy xx

Congratulations to you too! Wow you must be so happy! It took my Mum 8 years to conceive my brother and I know how much heartache she went through. :hugs: V
Welcome and Congratulations! When is your due date?

I think it will be June 16th based on my dates. A summer baby :) My birthday and my daughter's birthday are shortly after Christmas so it'll be nice to finally spread the celebrations out!


I'm biased probably (my sons birthday is in July) but I love summer birthdays - it was so fun to have his b-day party outside with the pool, and the fire etc.

This one is going to be a May baby and in calgary that'll usually be spring weather - so spring baby :)

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