hello I had severe Pre-eclamsia and HELLP Syndrome with my first son but wasnt diagnosed untill i was in labour. looking back now i had all the symptoms weeks before the labour.
now that i am pregnant again i am worried, i dont get to see a consultant till next week at my 20 week scan.
ok i have a few questions to those who have had this previously
1: did you get it again (what are the chances)
2: did you recieve any extra care 2nd time around
3: those who got it caught earlier what treatment did you recieve
my little boy 5lbs 14oz at full term
thank you xxx
sorry not my spelling is bad
now that i am pregnant again i am worried, i dont get to see a consultant till next week at my 20 week scan.
ok i have a few questions to those who have had this previously
1: did you get it again (what are the chances)
2: did you recieve any extra care 2nd time around
3: those who got it caught earlier what treatment did you recieve
my little boy 5lbs 14oz at full term
thank you xxx
sorry not my spelling is bad