Hells and Bells 2012 Bump Buddies!

x Helen x

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2011
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Thought I'd start us up a bump buddy thread so we can keep track of how each other are doing! So when is your calculated due date? Mine is September 14th.

When are you going to start telling family and friends? We told my parents at around 5 weeks as it became impossible to hide (I usually drink wine at theirs every Sunday so couldn't get away without saying anything!). Going to tell hubby's parents in the next few weeks but he wants to tell them face to face so just trying to sort out a date that we can visit them.

Going to wait until 12 weeks scan to tell everyone else I think, just to be on the safe side!

Oh I'm so excited for you, I have been thinking about you lots since my BFP wondering how you were getting on, so this is such wonderful news.
Yay! I love this thread already!!!

My edd from my last lmp is 2nd october, and FF says based on ovulation, 4th October. I will go by the 2nd as the doctors and midwives will.

I have told two colleagues at work as I am a vet nurse so need to be careful with anaesthetics, xrays and lifting/wrestling heavy dogs! And they are so supportive already, looking our for my health, wellbeing and safety. I will probably hold of till about 6 weeks before telling my boss and then I will tell immediately family, and then announce to the world after my scan!

As far as symptoms, I have had a little back ache, and my boobs throb on and off...! I didn't really have any with my boys till 6 weeks and then all of a sudden the MS started and I was exhausted. I am feeling quite tired now, but just got to get on with it as I have a family to look after!!! It's good because it keeps my mind off the pregnancy.

I am however wanting to eat salad....!!!

Cravings with the boys were olives with ryan (his middle name is Oliver as a reminder!) and cherry tomatoes and tomato pasta sauce with Finley (his middle name is Thomas as a reminder!). Guessing it's just my body telling me to be healthy already.

I'm so excited for us!!!!


Yay! I love this thread already!!!

My edd from my last lmp is 2nd october, and FF says based on ovulation, 4th October. I will go by the 2nd as the doctors and midwives will.

I have told two colleagues at work as I am a vet nurse so need to be careful with anaesthetics, xrays and lifting/wrestling heavy dogs! And they are so supportive already, looking our for my health, wellbeing and safety. I will probably hold of till about 6 weeks before telling my boss and then I will tell immediately family, and then announce to the world after my scan!

As far as symptoms, I have had a little back ache, and my boobs throb on and off...! I didn't really have any with my boys till 6 weeks and then all of a sudden the MS started and I was exhausted. I am feeling quite tired now, but just got to get on with it as I have a family to look after!!! It's good because it keeps my mind off the pregnancy.

I am however wanting to eat salad....!!!

Cravings with the boys were olives with ryan (his middle name is Oliver as a reminder!) and cherry tomatoes and tomato pasta sauce with Finley (his middle name is Thomas as a reminder!). Guessing it's just my body telling me to be healthy already.

I'm so excited for us!!!!



Ahhh that's fab :happydance: I'm quite excited at the idea of having a summer bump as it means we can wear nice maxi dresses etc in the summer and not have to layer up too much. Can't wait to start baby shopping but trying to contain myself until around 20 weeks lol as I think I'd quite like to know the sex before I start buying things.

I am so annoyed with my GP today. I decided to ring the midwives at the hospital I want to book into to ask if I could book directly with them, and they told me no that I have to go through the GP. I explained to them that the GP doesn't want to see me again until 10 weeks to book in, and she told me that's WAY too late as they need to see me for my first appointment at 10 weeks. So had to get back on the phone to the doctors to find out what was going on, and they basically said "whoops, sorry you need to come back at 6-8 weeks, not 10". Good job I decided to chase it up eh!

Still suffering a bit with the MS, it seems to hit me at different times every day. Need to try and force feed myself as I feel like I'm losing weight from not eating enough, food is such a struggle at the moment as everything makes me feel sick. I went out to buy some raw veg and hummus yesterday as I figured that would probably be good for baby and fairly easy to digest so I'll see how that goes lol!
I didn't think about the maxi-dress summer prgnancy wardrobe - Be so nice to wear free flowing dresses with no restrictions. Great idea!

Pretty naff about your GP surgery. I really wish the NHS would get their act together. Saying that, my doctors are pretty good with stuff like this, and the hospital are fab too. Saying that, if you need an on the day appt with my doctors, you literally have to be on deaths doors! Or plan ahead when you are going to be 'suddenly poorly'!

I lost weight with my first due to MS - almost 1 stone. But He was healthy, and a good birth weight (8lb3oz). Just eat what you can, when you can. I think I lived on rich tea biscuits and plain toast till I felt better (and the the olive craving hit!)

I feel a bit icky getting out of bed this morning. I think it was tiredness more than anything. I now have 4 days off work and plan to rest and sleep. I've had such a busy week at work that I just don't think my body has caught up on :sleep: yet. I'm tired thinking about sleep!!!

I peed on my last FRER this morning :dohh: the line came up straight away and it's been lovely to see the progression of my tests since sunday :haha: I am still gonna buy a couple more tomorrow though and i want to get two more digi's!!! I want to see the 2-3 and 3+ come up as i will never have the chance again :wacko: !!! And i cannot find my pregnancy books either :nope: I have my baby name books, but i want my pregnancy books. Good excuse to go and buy a couple and I also want to write a pregnancy diary too. I say that, but I will probably end up printing stuff off here an sticking it in!!!

I know it's early but have you started thinking about names yet? I think we are having another boy. Ir's going to be hard to think of a name for him as we have the two we love already. For a girl, I've always loved names like Grace, Isabel, Chloe, Olivia but I love Freya. And depenind on the craving, I would go down the craving route for a middle name...but itf it's something weird, I would love Rose as the middle name for a girl, partly because I truly believe the moonstone and rose quartz bracelet helped me concieve this cycle. It was one of the only things i have done different during cycle 7 and look what happened...!

I'm waffling now!

I didn't think about the maxi-dress summer prgnancy wardrobe - Be so nice to wear free flowing dresses with no restrictions. Great idea!

Pretty naff about your GP surgery. I really wish the NHS would get their act together. Saying that, my doctors are pretty good with stuff like this, and the hospital are fab too. Saying that, if you need an on the day appt with my doctors, you literally have to be on deaths doors! Or plan ahead when you are going to be 'suddenly poorly'!

I lost weight with my first due to MS - almost 1 stone. But He was healthy, and a good birth weight (8lb3oz). Just eat what you can, when you can. I think I lived on rich tea biscuits and plain toast till I felt better (and the the olive craving hit!)

I feel a bit icky getting out of bed this morning. I think it was tiredness more than anything. I now have 4 days off work and plan to rest and sleep. I've had such a busy week at work that I just don't think my body has caught up on :sleep: yet. I'm tired thinking about sleep!!!

I peed on my last FRER this morning :dohh: the line came up straight away and it's been lovely to see the progression of my tests since sunday :haha: I am still gonna buy a couple more tomorrow though and i want to get two more digi's!!! I want to see the 2-3 and 3+ come up as i will never have the chance again :wacko: !!! And i cannot find my pregnancy books either :nope: I have my baby name books, but i want my pregnancy books. Good excuse to go and buy a couple and I also want to write a pregnancy diary too. I say that, but I will probably end up printing stuff off here an sticking it in!!!

I know it's early but have you started thinking about names yet? I think we are having another boy. Ir's going to be hard to think of a name for him as we have the two we love already. For a girl, I've always loved names like Grace, Isabel, Chloe, Olivia but I love Freya. And depenind on the craving, I would go down the craving route for a middle name...but itf it's something weird, I would love Rose as the middle name for a girl, partly because I truly believe the moonstone and rose quartz bracelet helped me concieve this cycle. It was one of the only things i have done different during cycle 7 and look what happened...!

I'm waffling now!


We seem to have quite similar taste in names! I love Olivia too, also love Isabel and Isabella. I was also thinking of Rose as a middle name as it goes quite nicely with Olivia and Isabella. Quite spooky how similar our taste is!!

Boys names are definitely trickier. I love Cameron, and possibly James as a middle name (although this is my dad's name and not sure if hubby's family might feel funny about that as they don't really get on - but that's another story lol!). I also love Charles/Charlie but hubby not so keen. Used to like Reece/Rhys too but gone off that a bit. Cameron is definitely my fave BUT it has the most ridiculous meaning - "bent nose"!!!

We used to know a boy called Olivier (pronounced O-liv-eay) and I quite like that name (think it's French), but as Olivia is my favourite girl's name I think I'd rather go with something else so that if we had a girl next time we could still have the choice of Olivia.

So many choices lol! I think I might spend the day looking at baby names :haha:

I know what you mean about the 2-3 3+ thing on digis, I REALLY wanted to do it but hubby wouldn't let me :haha: he thinks it's a waste of money. I disagree!
So I did my digi last night and got my 2-3!!! And I have another to do next week lol! I just went out and brought them. Didn't tell DH! He cam into the bedroom and said 'you've tested again then' to which I replied 'yes, and I am still pregnant'!

I seem to be having a bit of baby brain already. Can't get my words out, forgetting things and where I have put things, and reading my post above, i've also realised I cannot type or spell properly!!!

I did something a bit crazy today - I popped into Asda (I was waiting to me some friends for a coffee in Costa) and I borught a Tommee Tippee electric steam steriliser! I know i'm super duper early, but it was reduced from £49 to £20 exactly. How could I not have brought it! I figured, I will need it at some point if this pregnancy doesn't work out (but it will) and if not I could probably get £30 on ebay for it brand new.

I am very tempted to pay for a private gender scan at 16 weeks...not sure if I can wait till my 20wk scan...

Just noticed the time - need to get my backside into gear and go do the school run....will check in later xxxxx
So I did my digi last night and got my 2-3!!! And I have another to do next week lol! I just went out and brought them. Didn't tell DH! He cam into the bedroom and said 'you've tested again then' to which I replied 'yes, and I am still pregnant'!

I seem to be having a bit of baby brain already. Can't get my words out, forgetting things and where I have put things, and reading my post above, i've also realised I cannot type or spell properly!!!

I did something a bit crazy today - I popped into Asda (I was waiting to me some friends for a coffee in Costa) and I borught a Tommee Tippee electric steam steriliser! I know i'm super duper early, but it was reduced from £49 to £20 exactly. How could I not have brought it! I figured, I will need it at some point if this pregnancy doesn't work out (but it will) and if not I could probably get £30 on ebay for it brand new.

I am very tempted to pay for a private gender scan at 16 weeks...not sure if I can wait till my 20wk scan...

Just noticed the time - need to get my backside into gear and go do the school run....will check in later xxxxx

I can't blame you for buying the steriliser, what a bargain!!! lol!

I had some spotting (pinkish brown) on Sunday night and I thought the worst, barely slept all that night through worry. Woke up the next day and it had disappeared completely and hasn't come back since so hopefully that's good news. Went to see my doctor and he said that it's fairly common and nothing to worry about.

I read online that it could be old implantation bleeding that has taken a while to come out, I never had implantation bleeding earlier in pregnancy so perhaps it was that. Bloody terrifying none the less!

If you sign up to a website called "Emma's Diary" you can get a voucher for a pregnancy goody bag from Argos and loads of money off coupons - might be useful! Also got a coupon for one free food box from Graze.com, you have to sign up to a weekly delivery of them but as long as you cancel in the meantime you wont get charged for any other weeks.
Hiya, hope you are keeping well?

Sorry to hear about the spotting but I am so relieved for you that it's nothing serious. I had a horrible bleed at 11 weeks with my first. It looked like I had started af. I just sobbed. The midwives sent me to the eary pregnancy unit where they scanned me and luckily all was ok. I did have a tear in my uterus, probably from lifting dogs at work. So now I am very careful.

I am sooooo tired, it's unreal. I really don't remember being this tired so early on with my other two. Luckily the sickness has stayed away, but i'm not 6 weeks yet so I am expecting it to arrive soon!

I got my midwife appt through the post this morning for 22nd February - starting to feel real now! That will make me 8+1. Although they haven't said where the appt is or if they will do the first visit at my house?! Going to ring the docotrs monday to find out.

I told my parents today and they are very pleased for us both. My brother and sister turned up too so told them, and again, they are pleased although my sister thinks i'm mad!!!!

I'm starting to bloat out already and my trousers are quite tight. I have never had a flat stomach, but I'm shocked at how soon this is happening. I guess it's true what they say about showing sooner with the more pregnanices you have, and this is my 5th pregnancy.

I've yet to tell my boss at work. She is on annual leave at the moment and has another week off. Then i'm off (which I cannot wait for!) and when I go back i'll be 8 wks and i'm sure she will figure it out given my bloating!!!

Hey Helen, hope you are keeping well?

Well the nausea has well ad truly arrive and settled in quickly today! Felt rotten around 11:30am at work. Popped to the local Tesco Express store to buy and sandwich and thought I was going to chunder over the till!

Eating definitely keeps the nausea at bay but I'm having to eat every 2hrs. I seem to want savoury foods too. I just hate forcing myself to eat when I don't want to.

The tiredness is also killing me. I could have quite happily drifted off to sleep at work today.

I know it will all be worth it in the end.

Have you had your first appt with the midwife yet? If so how did it go? If not when do you have it? Must be soon?

Hey Helen, hope you are keeping well?

Well the nausea has well ad truly arrive and settled in quickly today! Felt rotten around 11:30am at work. Popped to the local Tesco Express store to buy and sandwich and thought I was going to chunder over the till!

Eating definitely keeps the nausea at bay but I'm having to eat every 2hrs. I seem to want savoury foods too. I just hate forcing myself to eat when I don't want to.

The tiredness is also killing me. I could have quite happily drifted off to sleep at work today.

I know it will all be worth it in the end.

Have you had your first appt with the midwife yet? If so how did it go? If not when do you have it? Must be soon?


Heya! I'm good thanks, just feel like the weeks are going soooo slowly, just wish I could fast forward to second tri already lol!

Sorry to hear about the morning sickness, it's so horrible isn't it! But they say it's a good sign of a strong healthy baby so whenever you feel like you're gonna chunder just remind yourself of that haha!

My morning sickness is still very much there, although I tend to get waves of it now rather than constant all day sickness. I have been eating loads of savoury salty foods too to try and keep it at bay! Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't. I find toast is quite good, it's one of the only things I can eat without feeling like I'm gonna vom! Vegetables are hard work, they are making me feel very sick.

I've been having a bit of a 'mare with my midwife appointments. Haven't received a letter or any communication from them yet, so decided to try and chase them up yesterday. The lady on the phone said I am booked in for an appointment this Saturday morning, next Tuesday morning, and then 29th for my scan. I tried to get some more info out of her but she was desperate to get me off the phone and just said "wait for your letter to come, it will explain everything". Well still no letter today, so I have no idea where I'm going on Saturday or what time! They are driving me potty!

I have been seriously craving a meatball sub from subway for like a week now... really must go out and treat myself to one at the weekend! It has been years since I've eaten at Subway hehe!

Do you feel like it's "real" now? Some days I feel really excited and other days I am like a paranoid wreck! I'm looking forward to the first scan as I just wanna see baby for the first time to properly believe that he/she is in there! I know that sounds daft... probably because it's my first baby it just feels weird like it can't possibly be real that there is a little life in there!

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