Hiya, i'm new to all this so not sure what to write. I am 37 years old and have severe endometriosis, i had one tube removed a few years ago and the other one i was told is blocked. I have a underactive Thyroid and am currently taking 200mg thyroxine a day. I have had 3 attempts of IVF in Aberdeen none of which have been successful
We also just found out that they punctured through my womb and never told us till now. I would be ever so grateful if anyone has any advise for me on how it could possibly work either naturally or with IVF as we were told that it could never happen naturally. But i've heard that one before.Does anyone have any suggestions on if there is somewhere they know with brilliant IVF Success rates for people with problems like me, as my Hubby and i are desperate for for the pitter patter of tiny feet.