High Prolactin & Dostinex - success stories?

Hi Babydustpeace, Sorry to hear about your biopsy :hugs: I hope it goes smoothly for you tomorrow and I will be thinking of you as well, do you know when you'll get the results?

What were you planning on seeing at the cinema? We haven't been for ages, I wanted to see Woman in Black 2 but chickened out in the end :)

Pickle is on my lap as I type, bless him :)

Thanks so much for your kind thoughts and wishes :hugs: I am hoping so much that I can log on here tomorrow with good news and not bad xx
I'm squealing with delight for you Bea :hugs: I can't tell you how happy I am for you. I had a good feeling about you this time especially with all the sickness!! I really hope that you get to enjoy it now x x you totally deserve it!!! Go and celebrate the best birthday ever for your hubby :winkwink: I posted on your journal too.

My neck is a little uncomfortable after the biopsy. I am on my way home now. It will be about a week or so before the results come back so fingers crossed all will be ok!

Oh and we had heard that American Sniper was good so we were thinking if seeing that!
I'm glad your biopsy went okay but sorry that your neck is sore. Do you know what they are looking for? Have you had symptoms?

Oh I haven't heard of American snipper, I'll have to you tube it and watch the trailer now :)

Thanks so much for being so happy for me. I will be happy for you when you get your little bean too, you are getting closer and closer I know it! X
I haven't had any symptoms and the RE noticed it when I went to see her about my high prolactin. It's really because of her that I'm getting it checked out. She noticed a small lump on my thyroid. I had an ultrasound and they said it just looked like a cyst but she wanted a biopsy just in case. It's better to be safe I guess :winkwink: I will keep you posted about the results. My thyroid bloods were all normal so I don't think they are too worried x

I was thinking of you all day and was so so happy when I read your post. I had popped in to check a couple of times earlier too! I know you will be happy for me too Bea :hugs: and thank you for that & all your support! You are such a lovely person & you deserve this & to be able to enjoy it :happydance:
Its great that they are so vigilant and checking it for you. I'm sure all will be fine, but its always reassuring to make sure :)

Is it any less sore today?

I am really pleased, just don't feel out of the woods yet by any means. I will feel better after 10th Feb when I have another scan. We don't know how I'll go with the heparin yet and its such an early stage I feel on thin ice all the time.
My injection site has bruised badly from my first injection yesterday, its hard to imagine I will be self injecting for next 7 months every day if this pregnancy continues. Oh well, anything is worth it for the outcome.

How are your IVF friends getting on? I am excited for some bfp's from them/x
It's still a bit sore today depending on what way I move but it's not too bad!

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that you bruised so badly :hugs: and I know all will be well this time Bea :hugs: I am looking forward to they day when you can finally start to really enjoy this x x

No news yet bfp wise but one of the ladies has actually been hospitalised as she has severe ohss ( if you haven't heard of that its hyper stimulation of the ovaries ) ... In IVF cycles it can be more severe when hcg levels are rising so we are all hoping that she will get a bfp confirm soon!! I think she had 2 embies transferred ... Imagine it turns out to be twins!!! I will keep you posted.

I decided to work from home today as my neck/throat was so sore and I didn't get much sleep. I am sitting here in front of the fire just waiting on DH to get home x x
Hi babydustpeace, i hope you are feeling better today :hugs: and less sore.

Have you had much snow where you are? We have had a fair bit so not been out much really.

Wow sounds quite promising for your Prague IVF friend, i hope a bfp is just around the corner for her. I have just seen a IVF FET BFP on here from one of my ltttc friends. This is turning in to a good year, I am really hoping and praying that you will be next, there's obviously lots of babydust going around at the moment :)

Do you have anything nice planned for the weekend? X
Hey Bea! I was just thinking of you and wondering how you were doing. How is the sickness? Has it eased at all?

I am feeling a lot better and my neck isn't as sore. I went for Acupuncture this evening, it was lovely catching up with my Acupuncturist ... She went to Australia for a month and just returned last Saturday. I have missed her. She will help me prepare for IVF which is great. When driving home from Acupuncture I started to get a headache ... And it just got worse and worse. I have drank lots & lots of water but it's still really bad ... I hope it eases soon.

I think I will get my period soon. We purposely didn't try this month as we needed a mental break from the disappointment and I'm pretty sure we missed the window so at least it won't be a surprise when she arrives!!

I can't remember if I told you that I am planning on going for a maya abdominal massage next week ... This is also to help prepare for IVF and the practitioner has a specific programme for IVF which is great. It will help get the blood flowing to the uterus and ovaries. I am looking forward to that ... It's booked for next Wednesday afternoon so I will be taking a half day from work.

On Thursday, I am going for Afternoon tea with my Mam & 2 sisters ... I'm really looking forward to that ... Another half day from work on Thursday :happydance:

My DH normally works on Saturday but this weekend he is off both days & I'm really looking forward to having a full weekend together. We don't have much planned.

We didn't end up going to the cinema ... We went for a meal last night to out local Indian restaurant. It was yum!

We have had some snow but nothing to prevent us from getting around. Hope you've been nice & cozy where you are x

No news yet from the girls on bfps ... I'm still waiting to hear. I'm on the edge of my seat!! I will let you know when I hear anything. Did I tell you that a girl who announced that she was having twins a couple of weeks ago is actually having triplets!!!!! Omg!!! I can't believe it!! They only transferred 2 embies but one of them must have separated so now 2 of them will be identical !!! Wow!!!

Hope you have a lovely weekend Bea :hugs:
So sorry I haven't been on here as much as i usually am :hugs: I have been thinking of you though and hoping you are doing ok. I am just trying to avoid the boards a little and the internet in general at the moment, I find google can be my worst enemy at times, i google everything!

I'm feeling ok thanks. Still dealing with the sickness but coping a lot better now. I don't attempt certain foods anymore, and stick to very small meals but regular, so I don't get hungry or too full, it seems to be helping.

How are you feeling now? Have you had your results back yet? Has af finally arrived? I understand a month off its a refreshing break sometimes, at least then you can expect af and its not as upsetting as it usually is.

Have you been for your first abdo massage yet? I have another friend on here that goes for it as well :)

Sounds like you have a good week planned, enjoy your half day tomorrow :)

Wow triplets!!!!! That mustve come as a massive surprise, but what a good one :) she must be so excited! Any more news from the IVF ladies? :) xx
That's ok Bea, I totally understand :hugs: I am here whenever you need me x x

Your ticker says 8 weeks!!!! Very exciting :happydance:

I'm so glad to hear that you are coping better with the sickness now. I know it must be hard at the same time :hugs:

No results back as of yet & the next appointment that I could get with the RE is towards the end of the month to discuss what's next from her side. She had one for tomorrow but I've already booked afternoon tea with my mam & sisters ... You've gotta live too eh? She is away for the next 2 weeks so it will just have to be the end of the month.

Af arrived a day late so a nice healthy cycle length wise 29 days. It does feel good to have taken that break & it seems to have helped DH a lot which is great!

I was supposed to do the maya massage today but you can't do it when you have your period and with af arriving late ... I had to cancel it. The only slot that she has available before ovulation is Sat, 14th Feb ... Valentines day ... We aren't sure what our plans are yet and it's quite a trek to travel to her from home ( originally I was going from work and it's not too far from there ... Just a short bus journey ). She doesn't seem to be very flexible with appointments and I'm not getting a good feeling about her so I'm thinking of not going now :dohh:

The first 2 ladies that went for IVF in January are pregnant :happydance: and it's looking very promising for one of the next ladies that went!! The discussion thread is do very positive ... It's inspiring reading it :)

Do keep in touch when you feel up to it Bea, don't want you to feel under pressure either. I totally understand x x
Hi Babydustpeace :hi:

So sorry i have been away lately. Although I haven't been around much I do think of you often and hope you are doing well. :hugs:
Ah thats annoying that you have to wait for your next appointment, do you have a date for it yet? I hope you had a lovely afternoon tea session with your mum and sisters, it sounds great, were their lots of little cakes and sandwiches? :)

That's great news that you had a nice normal length cycle last month. Are you still managing to take the prenatals that your friend sent you?

Hmm, that maya massage therapist sounds like shes being very inflexible to me, which is really not good when women need flexibility with their cycles, things often don't go to perfect plan with cycles so she should definitely try better to work around that. It sounds like something you need to try and keep up with as well, which would be no good if you could never get an appointment at the right times! If you get a bad feeling, i'd follow your gut instinct on that one as you are doing.

That's great news about the ladies on the IVF thread. It gives hope and reassurance that this clinic is getting great results :) Have you heard any more yet, do you have any dates set for when you might be starting? I am very excited for you.

I don't want to sit here and moan about how I am feeling. I am being sick 2-3 times a day and have lost some weight, been off work this last week and spent it in bed, but I am embracing the sickness and what it means. We had a scan again on Tuesday and little bean was dancing around, kicking it legs and moving its arms, its a very active bean, thats all that matters to me, the sickness isnt important :) xx
Great to hear from you Bea :flower:! I was wondering how you were doing and have often thought of you too!

I'm delighted that your little bean is so active and doing so well :happydance:
I am on the other hand so sorry to hear that you are so sick :hugs: Is it right to say that the sickness will hopefully ease in the next few weeks at the end of the first trimester? I truly hope that is the case for you :hugs:

Afternoon tea was absolutely lovely. We had such a great time!

The results came back from the biopsy and they were all clear :happydance: I'm so happy with that. I will be going for my next appointment with the RE on 26th Jan. I was speaking with her the other day when she phoned to give me the results of the biopsy and she said that she will help me get ready for our IVF in April. She wants me to have my prolactin levels checked again before I go back to her so I will get a repeat blood test on Monday for that and the results should be back in plenty of time for my appointment with her.

I found another maya massage therapist and went last night for an appointment! It was really great ... I felt very peaceful and calm after it and have been feeling that way all day today too. She taught me how to do a scaled down version of the massage and she told me to do castor oil packs and something called a 'vaginal steam' ... you should look that one up ... LOL!! :haha:

I haven't been able to stomach any more of those prenatals :blush: ... I went back to taking my own ones. I will give them a try again though.

I found a new acupuncturist too .. I went to her on Monday. She specialises in acupuncture for fertility which my old one did not. She was absolutely amazing! She needled 2 points initially and was able to tell from my reaction that my left ovary was more active than my right (which is true as I found that out after my last laperoscopy!!!). She needled specific points for ovulation and I felt such a strong sense of pulling towards my core ... it was nothing like I have ever felt before. I have never come across an acupuncturist with such precision! It was almost electric what she was doing. I am very excited to be working with her now.

Also, my boss was contacted by a manager that we used to work with (he was at the same level as my manager) who left and is now working in another company. He was asking her if I would be interested in coming to work for him. The job sounds great but I am nervous at the thought of potentially starting a new job with IVF coming up. If I don't look into the opportunity a bit more though and if things didn't work out with IVF I might end up regretting it. It's hard to know what to do .... I will keep you posted on this one!

Hope that you are feeling better soon Bea :hugs:
Hi Babydustpeace, I'm really pleased to hear that your biopsy results came back all clear, thats fantastic news. When was the last time you had your prolactin checked? It will be reassuring to know its all within the limit before you start the IVF in April. Time is flying, it will be April before we know it! I am really excited for you to start it :D

Your new maya therapist sounds much better, its good that you got on so well and she taught you some of the techniques as well so you can continue things :)
The "vaginal steam" certainly sounds interesting LOL! :haha:

I don't blame you with the prenatals, if they don't agree with you it doesn't matter how good they are, theyll do no good at all if you bring them back up! Its better sticking with some that you can tolerate.

Your new accupuncturist sounds amazing as well, very clever how they can know things about you just by treating you, perhaps this will be the magic ingredient now for you. Do you know if you ovulated following the treatment you had?

Wow that sounds like an amazing job opportunity. I can understand how you feel about the IVF but also about not wanting to miss out on an opportunity. Whilst i really do have every faith in this IVF working for you, I also feel that I have wasted 3 years of my life in a job i'm not that satisfied with, just because I kept thinking i would be pregnant soon and it would just be easier to stay. On the other hand, new job roles can be stressful and you want to feel as calm and relaxed as possible in April. Have you thought any more about it? It is something they could hold for you until the summer?

I'm doing ok thanks, still feeling sick a lot, but listened to beans heartbeat today on my home doppler and i'm just feeling nice and reassured that she's fine. The sickness is bearable as long as she is ok x
Hi Bea!

My prolactin levels were last checked around November I think! I should have the new results today or Monday and then I will be going to the RE next Thursday! It's only 3 weeks to our IVF consultation now! It seemed like forever away but it's creeping up quickly now!

The Maya massage was lovely but there was a big problem after wards :cry: I had a strain in my back and she found the spot where it was and worked on that quite a bit during the session. Slowly but surely since my appointment my back got sorer and sorer .... by Friday I was in a bad way. I went for my normal acupuncture on Friday evening (this was my last session with my old acupuncturist .. I already had it booked before I found the new one and didn't want to cancel on her) and I told her about how bad my back was and she said that wasn't normal. She said if it was some bruising that it should be better by Saturday at the latest ... and that it certainly shouldn't be affecting my mobility which it was! Still today it is sore .... My DH checked my back on Sunday and said an area on my spine looked swollen! When i move in certain ways it feels like there is a tearing in my back. It has slightly improved yesterday and today but I am still not fully recovered! I hope it eases fully soon.

I go to see my new acupuncturist tomorrow so I am really excited about that. I ovulated last Tuesday I think ... it was CD 16 .. which is slightly later than I have been ovulating. DH said maybe it was because of all I had done last week ... 2 acupuncture sessions and the maya massage so I was thinking he might be right on that. I am trying to ignore how many DPO etc that I am as it will make me obsess :dohh:

Nothing has moved on the job opportunity yet which suits me fine. I bumped into my potential new manager on Wednesday and he was telling me all about the company and the job that he wants me to do ... it sounds like a great opportunity but lets see what happens. I had agreed to go for an interview and we would take it from there ... he said the person to arrange the interview was on leave and they are just back and that I should hear from them soon.

How is the sickness now? Has it eased at all? I can imagine that it is amazing to hear her little heartbeat and how comforting that must be :happydance:

How is the lovely little Pickle? :) Have you any nice plans for the weekend?
Hi :)

Not long till you see your RE and time is flying until your IVF consultation as well, i'm sooo excited for you :dance: Do you know what that appointment involves? I'd imagine you have a lot of the groundwork done already, you have all your test results and things.

Oh, i'm sorry to hear about your back after your massage. How is it now? Any improvement? I work in a chiropractic and massage clinic and occasionally patients do have bad reactions to treatments, everyone responds differently and the therapist can not predict how you would respond. If you talk to her about it next time you see her she will better understand how best to treat you so you don't suffer that sort of reaction again.

How is the 2ww treating you? It will be interesting to see if the new acupuncture and the massage has any effect on your lp.

Its good that they aren't rushing you in to anything with the job opportunity hopefully they will take their time so it wil be a win win for you as you can take your time deciding as well.

Pickle is great thanks. Although i'm sad to say his wee is one of my biggest pregnancy smell aversions. To the point were if i even see a wee in his litter tray and if i'm already feeling a bit queasy, it will make me vomit :cry: my husband has had to take over that side of looking after him for now.
The sickness is still really tough. They have found ketones in my urine and glucose. Indicating that my body is effectively eating itself because its not obtaining enough nutrients from what i eat (and bring up :() i have lost a stone and i was a healthy weight before. I am just having to try extra hard to eat and drink what i can, lots of protein and carbs. I'll be 11 weeks tomorrow so hoping things will start to improve in a few weeks x
Hi Bea! Sorry I haven't been around. I've just haven't seemed to find time to come onto the boards much lately :blush:

How are things with you? I'm so sorry the sickness has been so bad. I'm hoping that you are seeing some relief :hugs:

My back is all sorted now ... My new acupuncturist fixed me!! :happydance: she is truly wonderful and I'm so happy I found her!

Next week I have lots going on ...
Tuesday, job interview .... Eeeek! It's also our 10th anniversary in our house!
Thursday, back for an appointment with the RE.
Friday, we have our IVF consult ... I'm excited about that! I can't believe it's almost here after all this waiting!
Saturday, going for a Spa day & afternoon tea with my mam & 2 sisters! I'll also have acupuncture later in the evening too!
I'm also taking an extra long weekend .... We have Tuesday off for 'Paddys Day' so I'm taking Monday off too :winkwink:

I can't believe you are 12 weeks already although I'm sure it probably has felt like a lot longer with the sickness :hugs: You are almost finished your first trimester!!! I hope that you are getting to relax and enjoy it a little more now x x
Hi Babydustpeace :)
I am just popping on here today to say I am thinking of you today with your RE appointment, I hope it went well and that they are still happy with your prolactin levels. Also, I can't believe it is your IVF consultation appointment tomorrow! I am so excited for you :dance: The ball is rolling now and you will soon be going with the flow and getting on that plane :)

I'm so glad to hear that your back is better. The spa day sounds absolutely amazing! You will have a lovely time together and come back feeling pampered and refreshed, what could be better :)

Enjoy your extra long weekend!!

I had the 13 week dating scan yesterday and baby was lovely. I have started a pregnancy journal now. They gave me EDD of 14th September. The sickness is definitely improving as well now thank god!!

Keep me updated about your IVF appointment, I am really excited for you to start the process :) x
Bea :dance: I am sooooo happy that things are getting better for you now!! You are 13 weeks!!!! Amazing!!! Long may the improvement from the sickness continue :winkwink:

Thank you so much for thinking of me yesterday :hugs: That really means a lot. The visit with the RE was good. My prolactin levels are still down at a normal range thank god! So she wants me to stay on the Dostinex and keep trying naturally before we go for IVF.

We also had our consultation with the clinic in Prague this morning. I came away from it feeling really down and deflated :cry: I was asking about embryo glue (which helps with implantation) and she that that wasn't the issue, it's my egg quality :cry: With the language barrier I'm sure it sounded harsher than she meant but it made me really feel all the time we have lost.

Also, she wants me to have a scan on CD5 which is almost a whole cycle away because I am on CD10 today ... If i had known about that, I could have had that done 5 days ago instead of having to delay things by a whole other month!

I posted on my other thread and a few of the ladies popped on to say to ignore that ... they're either pregnant or have had babies through IVF at my age so that really helped lift my spirits O:)

On the job front, I went for a first interview this week. It went really well and I have been called for a 2nd interview with 2 of the directors next week. I imagine it will be a tough enough interview.

The potential change of job is spinning around in my head and I was hoping to have an IVF cycle under our belt before potentially moving. Now if I do get offered and decide to take the job, IVF will definitely be after I start. I think that it probably what is bothering me a lot too.

I think I need to take a step back, breathe and just let it all happen ... most of it is out of my control anyway!

Any other news with you? Any nice plans for the weekend?
Hi Babydustpeace :hi:
I am so glad to hear your prolactin has stayed within the normal range and you can continue with the dostinex. That's half the battle.

I'm so sorry she sounded harsh and insensitive during the IVF consultation. It could have been the language barrier, and unfortunately some consultants just lack the sensitivity and people skills they need. I really wouldn't focus too much on the egg quality. You are totally right, so many ladies conceive on their own or have successful rounds of IVF who are much older than you, so it really isn't something to worry about. Focus on the positives, the success rates and that you are healthy and look after yourself, you have a very good chance.

That is really annoying that they didn't tell you about the CD 5 scan earlier, what a pain to make you wait another full cycle. I'd be so frustrated. But try and think of it as another cycle and another chance for it to happen naturally, its not wasted completely :hugs:

Best of luck with your second interview this week, it sounds pretty daunting having 2 directors there, but I am sure you will ace it :) Try and relax a little and just let what will happen happen. Its like you said, most of it is out of your control anyway, and you can cross that bridge when you come to it and decide how you will tackle the time off for the IVF. Don't let it worry you too much at the stage :hugs:

I had a nice weekend thank you. We went for afternoon tea at my sister's house, (my mum and other sister were there) and we had scones and cakes and little sandwiches, it was a nice way to spend mothers day with her. Oh and in other news, Pickle had the snip on thursday :( he actually coped really well. I was so worried while he was at the vets but he was absolutely fine. Came home the same day and was a little groggy but the next morning he was back to his mischievous self again. We are just hoping that we'll notice a good change in him over the next few weeks as his hormones calm down, the wees on the floor and dropping poos everywhere is starting to get really difficult to cope with :haha:
How was your weekend? x

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