
I am sooooo happy that things are getting better for you now!! You are 13 weeks!!!! Amazing!!! Long may the improvement from the sickness continue
Thank you so much for thinking of me yesterday

That really means a lot. The visit with the RE was good. My prolactin levels are still down at a normal range thank god! So she wants me to stay on the Dostinex and keep trying naturally before we go for IVF.
We also had our consultation with the clinic in Prague this morning. I came away from it feeling really down and deflated

I was asking about embryo glue (which helps with implantation) and she that that wasn't the issue, it's my egg quality

With the language barrier I'm sure it sounded harsher than she meant but it made me really feel all the time we have lost.
Also, she wants me to have a scan on CD5 which is almost a whole cycle away because I am on CD10 today ... If i had known about that, I could have had that done 5 days ago instead of having to delay things by a whole other month!
I posted on my other thread and a few of the ladies popped on to say to ignore that ... they're either pregnant or have had babies through IVF at my age so that really helped lift my spirits
On the job front, I went for a first interview this week. It went really well and I have been called for a 2nd interview with 2 of the directors next week. I imagine it will be a tough enough interview.
The potential change of job is spinning around in my head and I was hoping to have an IVF cycle under our belt before potentially moving. Now if I do get offered and decide to take the job, IVF will definitely be after I start. I think that it probably what is bothering me a lot too.
I think I need to take a step back, breathe and just let it all happen ... most of it is out of my control anyway!
Any other news with you? Any nice plans for the weekend?