High Prolactin & Dostinex - success stories?

Thanks Bea :hugs: I just realised that my test date is the day before our 22nd anniversary since we got together :shock: ... I know it's a lot to hope for but I'm imagining how amazing it would be to finally get a :bfp: for our anniversary!!

Oh my, pumpkin soup sounds delicious!!! We don't really do anything for Halloween ... Maybe we need to start a new tradition!! We'll probably be just too lazy & stay in and sit by the fire!!

That's very exciting about the rescue cat, you will have to keep me posted!

The doc prescribed antibiotics which I started last night. I hate taking them & I couldn't even tell you the last time I took them. There's nothing much I can do as I obviously need them :cry: Hopefully this will be me done & dusted with sore throats/sinus infections for the winter!!!
Wow your 22nd anniversary, thats fantastic and that would be such an amazing gift :) I hope so much that you have the best gift in the world this year. Do you have any plans for your anniversary? It is our 10 year anniversary since we first starting dating, next week :D

We've been pretty lazy this halloween too, sitting by the fire and relaxing sounds perfect to me, I hope you have a good one :)

Yes i will keep you updated about the kitty, do you have any pets?

I really hope the antibiotics are starting to help, its horrible when you feel under the weather. I dont know if you've ever tried it but I cant recommend echinacea highly enough, the stuff is amazing! I often use it to prevent and treat colds and uti's its really helpful for fighting off infection. Get lots of rest, i hope you feel better sooob. x
Thanks Bea for the lovely wishes :hugs:

How nice that you will be celebrating your anniversary this week! Our's is next Monday and we both plan to take the day off work. We will probably go out for a nice breakfast, potter around and do some shopping, go to the cinema and finish the day off with a nice meal. We normally go away for a night or two for our anniversary but we are pulling some money together to change our fire/heating system so we decided it would be best to skip going away this year. Do you have any plans for yours?

We had a lovely Hallowe'en ... We did just laze around by the fire. I had my loot bags all ready for the kiddies but we didn't even get 1 caller. It was raining extremely heavy so I think the parents decided not to bring the kiddies around. We live down a country lane and there aren't many kids anyway. I was so disappointed after all my efforts (I even put a little glow stick in each of the bags)!

I feel so much better now. I mainly just took it easy and rested a LOT!! Believe it or not I actually have great faith in Echinacea and I was taking it but for the first time it just wasn't working :nope: I think I need to start dosing myself up with it now so that I don't get sick again :winkwink:

How was your weekend? Did you get to go see the rescue cat? I'm so excited to hear about it. We don't have any pets at the moment. We had a dog that we had to get put to sleep a couple of years ago who we'd had for 15 years. I still miss him. My DH doesn't want another dog right now ... I'm not sure he could handle losing another dog. I need to keep working on him though to convince him that we should get one :winkwink:

Did you go to the firework display in the end? Hope you had fun!

Happy Monday :coffee: Hope you have a good week.
Aw your anniversary plans sound perfect, a nice relaxing day pottering about together and enjoying yourselves, it sounds chilled and perfect :D

We are going to the lake district just for one night, we will do similar, just stroll around the shops and have some nice food and just be together.

Oh no that's a shame :( it always seems to rain on Halloween and ruin it for everyone. Ah well, more sweeties and choccies for you and dh then :D

Its good to hear you are feeling better :D

Haha yes keep working on dh, I'm sure he will come around to the idea again eventually. Show him some ads for rescue dogs, that will win him over! I am sorry about your dog, its such an awful grief to go through, they are part of the family, I can understand your hubby being scared to go through that again. We love animals and we are so excited to be getting a proper house pet, but we have decided that 2 house rabbits would be better suited for us. We'll take our time now choosing housing and toys and everything and only when we have everything perfect will we start looking for the rabbits. We are very excited though :D We have always had hamsters and although they make wonderful pets, they do tend to sleep a lot especially when they get older, it will be lovely to have animals who greet us when we come home and enjoy lots of cuddles :D

We did go to a local fireworks display, it was fun, we went with a couple of friends and my sis and her boyfriend, then went for some drinkies after. My first :wine: in about 6 months, so that was nice :D

Are you having a good week? Anything nice planned for the weekend?

I have ovulated, which I am pretty pleased about, means the mc hasn't messed me up as much as I'd feared. Hows the 2ww treating you? x
Hi Bea!

Your anniversary plans sound absolutely perfect too!!! I'm sure you both need a break & some time to yourselves :hugs:

That's great that you have made a decision about your next pet! You are totally right to get organised first :winkwink:

It sounds like you had a really lovely evening at the Fireworks display & nice that you got to have some wine too :thumbup: I am not really a drinker and last year I gave up completely up to a couple of months ago when I had a glass for a couple of occasions that came up. I do enjoy a glass every now and then :winkwink:

I got far too strict with absolutely everything that I was consuming ... So in the past couple of months I have eased up a little bit. This ttc stuff totally takes over your life!! I am still gluten, wheat & dairy free for the most part but u have a little bit at times too.

This week is good. I'm so happy I'm not sick anymore :happydance:
I'm a bit tormented wondering as usual if I might finally get that bfp this cycle ... The tww is torture :coffee: and feels like it's going on forever!!! I haven't been obsessing over any 'signs' or anything & it's good not to be stressing over temperatures but one thing I have noticed is a change in CM ... Sorry if tmi but it's very white, creamy & lotiony ... Somewhere between EWCM (but not that) and creamy CM. I know that these things can just play tricks on you making you think 'this is different' ... I wonder if that means something and then bam ... Af arrives!!!

That is such great news that you have ovulated & your cycle hasn't been impacted :happydance: I've heard lots of people say that you are very fertile after a miscarraige. I truly hope this is the case for you Bea :hugs: and that you get your THB really soon x x
Hi :D

I totally understand what you mean about being strict about what you eat and i think its really good up to a certain degree as long as we allow ourselves a night off from it every now and again. i have never tried the gluten free diet but I have heard such good things about it and know many people who have done that. Have you found it beneficial? I am also dairy free and after trying for 2 years I have fallen pregnant twice in the few months since I have become dairy free and vegetarian, i think that has a part to play in it all. I don't drink very often either, but like you I think its a nice treat :wine: :dance:

Ah that 2ww is torture isnt it, you've done everything you can but cant help thinking about it and wondering and wondering. You are reaching the end of it now though and will soon know either way, when do you plan to test? The increase in cm sounds like a good sign, a indication of high progesterone. I am hoping that this is it for you and sending lots of baby dust your way.

Thanks :) :hugs: We both deserve our sticky bfps after everything we have been through.

Do you have anything nice planned for this weekend to take your mind off the tww?

I have just bought a massive in door rabbit house :) I'm getting so excited now x
Hey Bea!

I'm so absolutely gutted today .... I knew I couldn't face another bfn ..... I got a couple of FRER when I was at the pharmacy this morning (I got a yeast infection from the antibiotics even though I am taking acidophilus :shrug:) .... I tested when I got home and it was a stark white bfn. I just burst out crying :cry: I am so sad right now. I'm dreading telling DH when he gets home later as I know he will be sad too.

I weaned off dairy & gluten around the same time so I don't know which one (or if both) helped my whole digestive system. Lately since I've been having some of both I have found my digestive system isn't doing so good ... I suffer from IBS and I am very sensitive to what I eat. I think I might have to get strict again if this keeps up :dohh:

I've nothing much planned for the rest of the weekend except I need to log on to work for a couple of hours in the late afternoon. I might go and bake something nice for DH & I to help cheer us up this evening :winkwink:

That's so exciting that you have your rabbit house now!! :happydance:
How was your anniversary? I hope you had a great time x
Oh hun, i am really sorry for your disappointment and feeling sad :hugs: Do you know how many DPO you are? :hugs: sending you so many hugs, I honestly do understand how horrible it is when you feel hopeful and then get a bfn. I also find that the hardest part is telling dh the news, especially when he's been hopeful as well :hugs:
Be good to yourself this weekend and remember that you have some real positives and good signs, with the earlier ovulation and good luteal phase. I always remind myself that even the most fertile couples only have a 20 to 25% chance each cycle.

I also find that my tummy now gets upset if I do have dairy, i had a cream cake a few weeks ago (someone bought me one and i thought it would be rude to say no) and my tummy was churning all afternoon after. I am really interested in the gluten side of things as well, i'm just not sure i could cope without bread and pasta.

Don't work too hard and I hope you managed to bake something yummy :dance:
We had the in laws over last night for a games night, i made a lentil and butternut squash curry and they loved it, I am trying to slowly convert them to vegetarian :)

Today dh is going to see a mate so I think i will crack the sewing machine out. I am also looking in to bunny proofing our living room, i need to cover all cables and look in to getting a fire guard. i hope you have a nice relaxing sunday. Have you got much on next week? x
Hi Bea :wave: So sorry I am only getting to check in now ... I really don't know where the last week has gone!

AF came on Sunday which was at 13DPO ... So I only had a 12 day LP ... It had improved to 14 days the past 2 cycles so that was disappointing :cry: I have been feeling pretty down overall this week. I think I find Christmas and the run up to it particularly difficult coping with the disappointment of ttc ...

I did bake some Portuguese custard tarts in the end .... we love them and always treat ourselve to them when we go to Portugal! That was my first time to attempt to make them! They were yummy! DH came home early from work ... just when they had come out of the oven ... perfect timing! I also made us a white chocolate anniversary cake ... it was so rich ... a little bit too rich for us though!!

Lentil & butternut squash curry sounds yummy!! I made a lovely spiced butternut squash soup a few weeks back in my crockpot ... it was very tasty!! I find butternut squash such a comforting veggie :D

How did you get on with the sewing machine and trying to bunny proof the living room?

I will be working for sometime tomorrow ... I am not looking forward to that but if I don't try to catch up on a few things tomorrow, next week will be a nightmare! Other than that I will be just taking it easy over the weekend!

Hope that you have a lovely weekend. Do you have any nice plans? Hope that this cycle is going well for you :hugs:
Hi Babydustpeace :flower: I do understand what you mean about Christmas, it is definitely the hardest time of year to deal with when going through what we are going through.= and it does make the disappointment harder to bear. Its all a big reminder of what we don't have and there's all the family gatherings as well. I find them particularly difficult because I have lots of cousins and they are always having new babies, so there's no escape from talk about babies.

Your 12 day LP is still good and may just be a one off with you 14 day luteal phase before that, try not to worry about it, keep tracking and see what happens.

Oh wow :D The custard tarts and the white chocolate anniversary cake both sound absolutely delicious!!!! How was your anniversary?

That butternut squash sounds yummy, I may have to attempt a soup next,i agree its so comforting and nice especially at this time of year :)

Yes we bunny proofed and we are now a happy fur baby mummy and daddy. His name is Pickle, if you go on to my journal I posted a pic :) he is adorable, cuddley and a little rascal, he certainly keeps us busy!!!

I started spotting yesterday so this cycle is coming to an end, I didn't have any hopes for it though, its just nice to get it out of the way, i feel a lot less hormonal now its good to get all the pregnancy hormones out of my system.

I went for my specialist appointment on Thursday. They are doing miscarriage blood work for me and testing myself and dh for any genetic issues. If all clear (it will be a few months till we get the results) then we will start ttc again on clomid again, as its worked twice for me so they see no point for IVF. In the meantime we will ttc naturally.

Don't work too hard and I hope you have a lovely weekend, have you started christmas shopping yet? x
Hi Bea!

I was starting to wonder if taking antibiotics impacted my LP :shrug: I guess I will just keep tracking and see what happens this cycle!

I am sick again :cry: ... I am very rarely sick ... And now this is the 2nd time in a few weeks. I think the antibiotics have really destroyed my immune system :nope: I got hardly any sleep last night ... I am so completely congested & my throat is raw :sick::cold: I am taking echinacea and I'm hoping it will give me the boost I need [-o<

Our anniversary was great. We just chilled out, went to the cinema & went for a meal. It was perfect! How was your anniversary? I hope you had a wonderful time.

Oh my goodness!! I just saw a picture of Pickle <3.... He has to be the cutest bunny I have ever seen!!! You must be thrilled :happydance:

I'm sorry about the spotting :hugs: but I do know what you mean about getting rid of those pregnancy hormones! It's great that they are doing all those tests. We had 2 miscarriages (albeit quite some time ago now) but they never did any blood work afterwards. They said if we went on to have a 3rd miscarriage that they would do the genetic blood work then :shrug: ... Seems a bit crazy but that's how they work here.

I worked for about 4 hours yesterday, it wasn't too bad. I did some more baking ... I baked gluten & dairy free banana bread & DH specially requested a Swiss roll when I asked him if there was anything he would like. I just made that with regular ingredients as he isn't following the gluten/dairy free diet like me!! I had a small piece but will stay away from the rest of it!!

I have picked up a few things for Christmas but have lots more to do. My sister & I are going to spend the day Christmas shopping in a couple if weeks time so I am looking forward to that :happydance: What about you, have you started Christmas shopping yet?

Hope you're having a wonderful weekend x
Hi Babydustpeace, I'm sorry i haven't be on here lately, I just felt I needed a bit of a break from the boards, but I am back now :)
How are you feeling now? Any better? Its horrible being sick and these things do anyways seem to hit you all at once, when your immune system is a little weaker from fighting something, another illness hits it. I hope you are feeling better now.
Your anniversary sounds perfect :) What film did you see? We had a lovely weekend thank you. It rained the entire time, but it didn't matter we just got cosy and warm in the cabin and chilled out in the hot tub in the evening, it was perfect :)

Pickle is an absolute star, he is almost fully litter trained now and he brightens up my every day. My dh works a lot of night shifts and its nice to have Pickle to snuggle up with in the evenings when I'm watching telly.

I went for the blood tests yesterday, but it takes 6-8 weeks for the results to come back so it will be in to the new year. They did say they don't normally test until 3rd miscarriage but given our struggles they were happy to do it after 2 for us, i'm sorry they never offered you any.

Wow the banana bread and swiss roll both sound delicious!!! Mmm i love swiss roll, i may have to make one now as well :D

Did you have a fun day shopping with your sister? I have done most of mine online this year, i find it so much easier that way :) I am almost done now, it feels like its been very expensive this time round! i may have to cut back a bit next year.

How are you getting on this cycle? your chart looks like you definitely ovulated with that temp rise! very nice x
Hi Bea :flower:

No need to be sorry at all :hugs: I totally understand needing a break from the boards at times. I have needed that too and it's good to try to switch off from all the ttc stuff sometimes.

I am a lot better, thank you :hugs: I just have the 'tail end' of a cold now. Thank god the worst of it is over! :happydance:

We went to see Interstellar ... it was a LOT better than I thought it was going to be! From the trailers we weren't sure but thought we would give it a go. We both really enjoyed it :thumbup: Your weekend sounds amazing!! Just perfectly what you both needed.

Ah, that is so lovely to have Pickle to snuggle up with. My DH is working crazy hours too at the moment so it would be nice to have a pet to snuggle with. I will have to think about that some more :winkwink:

That is great that you are now progressing with the blood tests. I find I always have mixed emotions with these things ... you don't want them to find anything but at the same time if they did find something that could be easily treated it would be great! I hope that you get the answers you need :hugs:

My sis and I are actually going shopping tomorrow! I am really looking forward to it!! :happydance: We are going for afternoon tea in a nice fancy hotel too ... Can't wait!! We are not putting ourselves under too much pressure to get everything done tomorrow ... we want to enjoy the day browsing :winkwink: Anything we don't cover tomorrow, we can pick up over the next few weeks. The hard part is coming up with ideas for everyone!! Lucky you that you are almost done! That is really impressive to be nearly done this early!

Do you have any plans for the weekend?

I 'think' I ovulated on CD 15 .... I would have liked my temps to be a bit higher on Mon & Wed .... I don't know if that means it wasn't a strong ovulation and I am trying not to think to much into it :blush: I did have a nice temp jump today. I am not feeling hopeful this cycle ... I think because of how disappointed I was last cycle, I am afraid to get my hopes up again :cry:

How are you doing with your cycle this time? I didn't get to pop into your chart to look before I started to respond. I hope that it is going well x x
Hi Babydustpeace :)
I'm happy to hear that you are feeling better. Ah I might go and see Intersellar then, we are looking for a good film to go and see, we saw the Hunger Games a couple of weeks ago, that was great too.

Oh yes, definitely speak to dh about it. Having Pickle has transformed my life. I honestly don't think I would have gotten through the last few weeks without him, he's always happy to see me and always loving and warm, I've really needed him recently. I think its with Christmas being just round the corner, I find being childless so difficult. Its hard with all the family gatherings full of babies and pregnant ladies and the awkward questions. I would love to just jet away at Christmas and avoid it all. Every Christmas I am sure that I will be pregnant or have a baby in my arms by next Christmas. This Christmas I don't feel that way. Something has changed inside me recently, I think I am finally believing the idea that we may never be parents. Its a strange feeling, but DH isn't on that page yet, he's still hopeful.

Did you have a fun time with your sister? The tea at the posh hotel sounds awesome! I hope you managed to get a little shopping done too :)

It looks like you definitely ovulated so I wouldn't worry about your temperatures now if I were you, they can fluctuate month by month anyway. Hopefully the 2ww will be an easier one for you with Christmas shopping to focus on :)

I have no idea about my cycle, I will have ovulated by now and we did bd a little around the usual time, but I am not thinking about it at all. I know I cant get pregnant without help anyway.

We have my dh's work Christmas meal on Saturday - its a curry and then we have some shopping and wrapping presents and stuff to do over the weekend, should be a pretty relaxed one. How about you, do you have anything planned? Any Christmas meals coming up? xx
Bea, I'm so sorry I missed your post :blush: :nope:

I don't know where the time is going lately!! Afternoon tea & shopping was great ... We actually got lots of shopping done in the end which surprised us both! We're normally very organised but this year we are not ... It's slowly coming together though.

How was DHs work meal? I hope it was yum & that you had great fun! How is Pickle?

I totally get where you're coming from on the thought of maybe never becoming a parent. It is so unbelievably painful. I am totally with you and I'm feeling like I'm in a very sad place right now too :hugs:

DH said that he thinks he might need a break this cycle, he is almost at breaking point with the whole thing. He desperately wants a baby as much as I do but the pain is getting too much to bear. Sometimes I wonder how much devastation that we can take :cry: I would prefer to try this cycle and then take a break in the new year to give us a clean slate to start with in 2015.

How are you doing? I am sending you lots of hugs in case you are feeling down like me x x
Big hugs :hugs: back to you as well. This is such a hard time of year for us to get through, all the pain and longing is magnified at this time of year :hugs:

I'm sorry that your dh is finding it all so tough as well. I understand the needing to take a break.

Do you have any holidays planned for next year? A vacation to look forward to would do you the world of good, even if its just a few nights away somewhere?

I am taking a break until some time in the new year and its really been helping me, in a way I am dreading going back on to the clomid again, I only have 4 more tries maximum on it and the pressure will really be on. We are talking about a holiday in June so may even wait till after that.

I got my post miscarriage blood test results back and they found I had an elevated level of Cardiolipin G antibodies which could likely be the cause of my miscarriages. I have to wait 12 weeks and repeat the test again, so cant try again for at least 12 weeks now. If that blood test comes back the same, it means I can be treated with aspirin when pregnant again and I should have a better chance.

I am very apprehensive and not looking forward to trying again, I'm not sure I can cope with it all again, this break is giving me clearer head and I am enjoying other aspects of my life more.

I hope you are feeling nice and organised for Christmas now, have you finished work yet? I am working right up to christmas eve unfortunately. DH's work meal was really nice thanks, we have my works meal tonight, its another curry! Do you have any work parties?

Pickle is lovely thanks, although he is becoming a bit naughty :) He's weed on me a few times and i think its because he needs to be neutered soon, he's marking me as his territory :D

What do you have planned for Christmas day? xx
Hey Bea, :xmas3:

We have no holiday plans yet for next year. We have a family home in Portugal so we will go there at some point :winkwink: We are thinking if we are not pregnant in the next while we might go for IVF in Prague ... We are going to look into it. It is a LOT cheaper than here! So that might be somewhere new to explore .... We will see what next year brings though!

I was thinking of asking my fertility specialist about trying Femara ... I am not sure what he will say though. Is there a reason why you can only try Clomid so many times? I hadn't heard that before. I can't remember if I told you that Clomid didn't agree with me ... Too many side affects :dohh:

It is great that you have some thing to work with now from your blood test results but at the same time I can understand frustration with having to wait another 12 weeks to have them repeated :hugs:

I'm sorry you are feeling so apprehensive about trying again :hugs: I'm afraid the same thing will happen to me if we take a break :cry: We decided to try this cycle and take a break in January if we have no BFP again! We are both feeling really down and I think that we possibly could do with some counselling to help us deal with it. It might be worth looking into that in the new year too.

I was supposed to finish work on Friday but there was too much to do so I decided to work tomorrow too. I will finish tomorrow and will be taking 2 weeks off ... Won't be returning until 6th Jan :happydance: I am looking forward to the break :coffee:

I'm mostly done with Christmas shopping ... I just have a couple of small things left to pick up. We had our work night out a few weeks back and that was great. I don't have anything else planned.

We will spend Christmas with my family and then do some visiting. I'm looking forward to it ... Especially Christmas dinner & giving everyone their gifts :xmas9:

What about you? What are your plans?

Pickle sounds like a mischievous little cutie pie!! I was laughing when I was reading your message!!
Hi Babydustpeace,
I'm so sorry for the late reply, i have not been on here a lot lately but i have been thinking of you and wondering how you are doing.
The family home in Portugal sounds amazing, you must love having the option to just jet over there for a bit of sun shine, you are so lucky. The IVF in Prague sounds like a good idea also, i have looked in to it in the past and it is a lot cheaper than over here, plus you could incorporate it in to a bit of a holiday for you and dh so you would be nice and relaxed, sounds like something worth looking in to.

Trying femera sounds promising, unfortunately they don't offer it on the nhs where i live. The clomid can only be used for 9 to 12 cycles in a life time due to the risks of it causing ovarian cancer unfortunately. Do you mind me asking what the side effects were that you suffered on the clomid?

I also wonder whether we need counselling. Deep down I know that I have not come to terms with my last miscarriage at all, I have not grieved properly and now I am just avoiding things. Will dh go to counselling with you?I am sorry you are both feeling down, believe me I do understand the feeling :hugs:

We saw the most amazing deal on the holiday we wanted on boxing day and decided to book it. We are jetting off to St Lucia in June for an all inclusive boutique resort holiday. This means no ttc at all until after the holiday, i do not want to be pregnant or miscarrying on this holiday. It is a nice feeling to think that we have 6 months of being together and not sparing a thought for ttc. I don't know whether it is healthy though, as i said i know i havent come to terms with the miscarriage and this may be a way of avoiding further pregnancies and stress but i feel like i need it.

How was your christmas? I hope you have had a lovely break :) How was your christmas dinner? x
Hi babydustpeace, i cant believe i am saying this. i got a bfp yesterday. i woke up with sore bbs and decided to take my last frer just to use it up as ut was going to expire before we try again in june. we are completely in shock and also scared as i was supposed to wait for another blood test before ttc again. Truth is we prevented this month all but one time :blush:

i really dont think i can cope with another miscarriage. i am in denial. Cant really process it at all.
OMG Bea!!!!! I haven't logged in for a while and am just seeing your messages now!

Congratulations on your :bfp: :happydance: !!!! I am praying that this is such a stickly little bean :hugs: Have you had any preliminary checks done like betas?

Nothing much with me except that we are taking a break from TTC this month and we are looking a lot deeper into going to Prague. I have found a clinic over there and am in the process of sending the paperwork etc. I really hope that this does the trick for us Bea, otherwise I just don't know where I will be at mentally!

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