High Prolactin & Dostinex - success stories?

Bea, I just popped over to your journal and I am so very sorry that you are feeling so worried. I feel awful that I have been away from the boards and that I haven't been there for you. This is just not fair. When we get pregnant we should be full of happiness and joy and nothing should take that away from us. I totally understand why you feel like this and I sincerely hope and pray that this is such a sticky little bean and becomes your THB.

While I have been off the boards, I have been trying to get myself into a better mental state. Over a year ago my acupuncturist mentioned a youtube video to watch by a lady called Louise Hay titled 'You can heal your life' (its about an hour and 30mins long). I had taken a note of it and had meant to watch it many times. Well, at the start of the year I finally decided to watch it. It has really helped me change my way of thinking. Since then I have downloaded a copy of her book of the same title and am working my way through it. All I can do is tell you about this and hope that you watch it (I believe that these things come to us when we need them most) and/or maybe read the book. I just want to help take your pain away and I would love if this did the trick my friend :hugs: Thinking of you and sending you lots and lots of sticky vibes.
:hugs: Thank you so much for all your kind words, they mean so much. I have really missed you being on here, but i do understand the need to be away from the boards sometimes and take a little break from things, it does you good sometimes.
I am really interested to hear more about your clinic in Prague. How long do you need to be there for to do the IVF cycle? I think it is an excellent way of doing things, because you can incorporate it with a holiday and so you will be nice and relaxed and in the best frame of mind for a nice sticky bean IVF cycle. I am hoping so much that it works out for you, you deserve this so much, i am rooting for you more anything :hugs:
I am sorry you have been struggling with things, I know how hard it is to deal with the constant disappointment and I feel so much for you. I am really interested in that youtube video also and I have saved it to my bookmarks, I will give it a view towards the end of the week when I have some time. It sounds like its really helped you and I am willing to give anything a try at the moment.

Thanks for being so kind to me. i never want to sound ungrateful for getting pregnant,but I just wish I could enjoy it and be happy like normal people can when they find out they are pregnant. That feeling has been stolen away from me and I will never get it back. I know that so many of us go through the same thing, its just so unfair.

I am thinking of you and always here as well. x
I am finding out more and more about the clinic in Prague. You need to be there for about 8 days on average. I can PM you details about the clinic name as I am not sure if we are allowed to mention them on here :blush:

Thank you so much for your kind words too :hugs: I think we are both struggling mentally at the moment so the more support we can give each other the better my friend :hugs: I do hope the YouTube video helps you too x x

You absolutely don't sound ungrateful for being pregnant Bea :hugs: I totally understand why you feel the way you do and it is just so unfair. It just shouldn't be like that.

Please keep me posted on how you are doing. I will definitely be checking in more often to see how you are doing. I am here for you x x
Thank you, for checking in, I really appreciate it. I am starting to feel a bit more positive, but that scares me because it means now if things go wrong I will be devastated beyond words, that really scared me.

That's really interesting. So, do you do the down reg and stim-ing over here and is it the egg retrieval and transfer done in those 8 days. i am intrigued as it is something I have considered my self and a lot of these clinics have better success rates than ours as well.

how is your week going? have you anything nice planned? x
Morning Bea!

Yes, you do the stimming etc over here, you need to go for 3 scans ... 1 at the end of your cycle to check for cysts, the next one is early in the cycle to check how your doing on the meds & then the last one should be just before you go over to the clinic. Then it's on average over there for about 8 days for egg retrieval & egg transfer. I have heard excellent reports about Prague & was speaking to a friend the other day who has been & has a 3 year old from IVF in Prague ... She is about to go over again to try for number 2!! We have an appointment for our first consultation on March 13th (we were told there was a 5 month wait for this but I got put on a cancellation list so got an appt earlier). I'm very excited now!! :happydance:

I met with another friend for lunch yesterday and got to see her beautiful little baby girl for the first time. She did IVF this time last year ... Only got one good egg out of 9 follicles!! But that was all that was needed and she now had a wonderful little baby girl. She suffered from infertility for over 5 years so she knows first hand what I'm going through. It was great to catch up with her.

Yesterday I got news 'unofficially' that I am getting a promotion in work so I am very happy about that. It will be 'officially' confirmed on Friday.

I've nothing much planned ... Looking forward to the weekend!

I'm glad to hear that you are feeling a bit more positive and I totally understand you being nervous too. I hope that this is your sticky little bean & that you don't have to go through IVF at all :hugs:

Have you any plans for the weekend? x x
Hi :)
Wow congratulations on your promotion! you must be over the moon! I bet you cant wait until its made official.

Its great that you have spoken to a friend who has first hand experience of IVF in Prague so you know all the ins and outs before you go. It sounds pretty straight forward when you put it like that, I am guessing can you go for the baseline scans at your local hospital? Its very exciting to think that very soon you could be starting!

That's so sweet about your friend with the little girl. Just goes to show it can happen even with only one egg. Very inspiring. It must be good to have someone like that to talk to who has been through it all and who understands how you are feeling. I don't have any friends like that unfortunately, and when I do talk to my best friends they are great, but they don't really understand, I don't think anyone can unless they've lived it themselves.

Thanks :) I am hoping so much that I don't have another miscarriage, I really don't think I could cope with that again, although I am less emotionally attached this time, I am still trying to stay detached for now.

I'm going to a friends house for tea and hollyoaks :) Then tomorrow is my day off but picking my little niece up from nursery, then Friday out for lunch with a couple of friends and their toddlers. So all in all a busy few days, hopefully they will keep my mind off worrying and make time fly quicker to the 27th!

Hope you have a lovely relaxing weekend x
Thanks Bea :hugs:

Yes, it does sound fairly straightforward indeed. I'm hoping I'll be distracted with all the new surroundings over there to get worried and stressed about what's really happening! There seems to be lots of options for getting the scans done here so I'm hoping I choose the right one!

It really is inspiring about my friend and it does help to have someone to talk to who knows exactly what is going on.

I'm thinking of you often & am praying so hard that this is the end of this horrible journey & the beginning of a new magical experience for you Bea :hugs:

Oh your plans for the next few days sound wonderful!! They will be a great distraction for you x x
Hi Babydustpeace, how is your weekend going? I just thought i'd check in to see how you are.

Thanks for all your positive wishes for me. I would like nothing better than for you to have your BFP very soon as well, I am really hoping this IVF in Prague does make your hopes reality, I will be hoping so much for you.

I've had a busy few days its been nice. But now i feel like a couple of days just doing nothing and relaxing. I have found an awesome recipe for a homity pie which i may try making later x
Hi Bea!

Good to hear from you, I was meaning to post myself to see how you were doing! How are you felling now? I hope everything is ok. Do you know when you will see the doc or go to the hospital for a check up?

Thank you for all your positive wishes, it really means a lot :hugs:

I got my paperwork/notes yesterday from the clinic that we were attending here as I need them for the consultation with the clinic in Prague. I was in tears reading some of them. When I saw 'age 28' on one of the notes it just broke my heart that this is all going on this long :cry: There were notes from the scan of our 2nd miscarriage in there too ... I was really sad.

On a more positive note, I am in full motion now organising our IVF in Prague :happydance: I found a board on an Irish website where there are lots of ladies travelling for IVF in the same clinic as we are planning to go :thumbup: The ladies on there are amazing and I am learning so much from them. Some of them are over there right now and 2 ladies had their transfers today. It's all very exciting.

So I am trying to look forward now & not think about ttc until we get to Prague :winkwink:

I am having a quiet weekend. DH is working and I am home. We went to our local cafe this morning for breakfast before he went to work, that was really nice. I just did cleaning :laundry: , made dinner (nice healthy stir fry with lots of veggies & brown rice) and then I made some gluten & dairy free lemon cupcakes. I tried one just now with a cup of decaf coffee & it was really nice ... You just never know how it's gonna turn out when using gluten free flour!!

Hope that your babysitting went well :crib: and hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend!

Sending you tons of :dust: x x
Hi babydustpeace, i thought i had replied to this, i'm sorry for the late reply.
Thanks so much for stopping by my journal. Its been a bit stressful this week. I am feeling better now that the spotting has gone, but I am worried about what it was.
I have my ultrasound on tuesday 27th january at 2pm, so not long to wait now. I am looking forward to it and dreading it as it will either be ok or it won't, it could go either way and that scares me.

I'm sorry reading all your clinical notes brought it all back about the struggles you've had :hugs: Its so awful that it has gone on for so long, but i really do feel like you are finally getting somewhere now, you are getting closer and I have a really good feeling about this IVF cycle. I will be rooting for you and here for you the whole time.

That's great that you have found other ladies using the same clinic. How are they getting on? Has there been any BFP's yet?

Its a good idea to just forget about ttc as much as you can until your cycle starts. Fertility treatment is consuming enough, you deserve a nice break from it before then, it will do you lots of good.

The lemon cupcakes sound absolutely delicious. Its a bit like that with vegan baking, you never know how it will turn out, but its usually yummy.

Have you got anything nice planned for this weekend? xx
Oh that's ok Bea :hugs: thanks for stopping by with everything that is going on with you x x

I am sorry that this has been a worrying week and I'm hoping that the spotting was that little bean of yours snuggling in really tight :hugs: I'll be thinking and praying that all goes well at your scan :hugs:

Thank you for your kind words about my upset with reading the notes. I feel so positive about the IVF and it's nice to know that you are there :)

There is no bfp news just yet. The 2 ladies that are back from their transfer will test maybe next week. I think that you have to wait for 2 weeks after transfer to test as you need to take hcg for some time & I guess it would distort the results. I'm so excited for them!!

I don't have much planned for this weekend. I think I am going to try to sort out our storage room so that we can finally turn it into a bedroom!

Do you have any plans or is it best for you to take as much rest as possible?
Thanks hun :hugs: i really appreciate your positive thoughts for me, I am hoping so much that I can log on here on Tuesday evening with some good news for once but only time will tell.

It will be really exciting to see the BFP's come rolling in next week from the IVF ladies :) They must be finding the 2ww so hard, but it will hopefully be worth it in the end. It'll be you next :dance:

Aw wow, do you have any ideas for the bedroom, are you fully decorating it? :) I love getting in to decorating and picking out colour schemes. So exciting :)

I really don't feel like doing anything this weekend. People like my in laws are probably thinking ive disappeared off the face of the earth but i cant face people at the moment. I feel so sick on and off and i don't want them to suspect anything at this point. I am still feeling quite depressed and I can't get excited about the pregnancy yet, I feel like this might all be for nothing and it hurts to think that. I need Tuesday to be today! I think a restful weekend will be ideal.
Hope you have a good one xx
Bea, sending :hugs: & positive sticky vibes your way today x

I'm hoping that I see some bfps next week... Very exciting!!

We are actually turning one room into an office and our storage room into a bedroom so I'm really excited about the decorating side of things!!! I'm excited about having a proper office ... I work from home 2 days a week & currently I work from a desk stuffed into a corner of our spare bedroom while our other spare bedroom is being used for storage!!!! I went to ikea the other evening and got some storage boxes ... So I'm gonna start to clear that room out today ... I will probably be tired by this evening!!

I understand how you are feeling and I'm praying so hard you won't have to feel like this for much longer. I will check in again over the weekend to see how you are. I'm thinking and praying for you x x
Hi :) that sounds really cool, having your own little office at home. I love Ikea, you can honestly spend hours walking around it can't you? its great.

Very exciting about making a bedroom as well :) Don't tire yourself out too much, just do it in little bits.

Thanks for all your positive vibes :) The nerves are increasing a bit. I had 2 dreams last night, one that there were 3 babies with heartbeats and they told me I had to get rid of one of them for the others to survive, and the other dream there was no baby at all. Grr i just need answers, the waiting is so difficult.

I hope you have a lovely weekend, thanks for checking in on me and let me know how you get on with all the storage boxes :) x
I agree, I love browsing around ikea too and usually spend too long and end up spending too much money :dohh:

I just did a little bit today as I was overcome with nausea all of a sudden. I took a pre-conceive vitamin pack that you mix with water & I don't think it agreed with me :shrug: I literally was sitting by the toilet feeling like I was going to get sick any second. I had a bit of toast and that settled my stomach :thumbup: but I didn't go back sorting stuff ... I just took it easy instead :coffee:

Wow, they were really vivid dreams and I can imagine how awful they must have felt :hugs:

Hope you have a relaxing weekend. I keep meaning to ask how Pickle is doing?
That sounds horrible. Did you take it on an empty tummy or had you eaten? Sounds like it really disagreed with you. :( nausea is horrible. I'm glad you relaxed and took it easy.

The dreams were very disturbing, I am a vivid dreamer and dream a lot about things on my mind but I have sometimes had accurate predictions from dreams, I hope this isn't one of those times.

Pickle is wonderful Thanks :) light of life. He still likes to pee on me occasionally the little terror that he is but I always have a puppy pad on my lap now during long cuddles :) he's so cute he follows me everywhere and is always leaping on me when I'm watching telly.

Have you worked any more on your husband to get a pet?

Let me know how you feel tomorrow, I hope you're feeling better xx
I had taken on an empty tummy as it says to take without food :nope: I've been ok since yesterday. I took it again today but held my nose as I was drinking it so I couldn't get the smell .... It smells so bad. The sachets were given to me by someone else who couldn't stomach them ( one of the girls on the IVF Prague thread I was telling you about). They are €130 for a months supply & she sent me 37 days worth. I feel bad if I don't give them a try but I understand why she struggled taking them!! The things we do for a THB ... :dohh:

When you mention Pickle it always makes me laugh!! :haha: He just sounds so cute! I haven't talked to my hubby about a pet again ... Not yet anyway. We have a lot going on with preparing for IVF and with getting work done in our house so I think I might wait for a bit until we are more settled :winkwink:

How are you doing today? Hope that all is well :hugs:
Wow that was kind of her, sounds like they must be really good stuff at that price, so i understand why you are trying to stomach them. Hopefully it'll get easier after you've gotten used to them for a few days.

Pickle is so funny, he makes me laugh every day, he's such a little character. Today we laughed because he kept jumping on my husband when he was trying to do some leg stretches on the floor after running. :)

I am feeling ok today thanks. Managed to get a bit of housework done, but got nauseous so hubby had to take over, he's getting good at hoovering the house and cleaning the bathroom now :D

I had a horrible night though. I had a good moment yesterday evening so hubby made me a mexican bean wrap. I havent eaten real food for days. i felt ok, then a few hours later I felt more sick than ever and threw it all back up again :(
I'm sticking to lighter snacks throughout my better moments now, nothing heavy.

Have you got much planned for the week? I am working tomorrow. I understand you putting pet on hold for now, you have lots on and you will hopefully have another little addition very soon to think about :) x
Yeah, it was really kind of her :) you are right, Hopefully it will get easier after trying them for a few days!

Hehe, that sounds hilarious about Pickle & your husband :haha:

That's great that your hubby helped with the housework ... Mine has his moments but generally he is allergic to cooking & housework! LOL!!!

I'm so sorry to hear you have been so sick but at the same time it sounds like a very positive sign :winkwink:

I've nothing major planned ... Just the usual work stuff. We were thinking we might go to the cinema one of the nights but we'll see how the week goes.

I know this is a big week for you & I will be especially thinking of you on Tuesday x x I hope your hubby gets the best birthday present ever Bea, I really do x x :hugs:
Bea, just a quick note to say that i am thinking of you and praying that everything will be well tomorrow :hugs:

I forgot :dohh: that I am having a biopsy tomorrow afternoon on cyst that they found on my thyroid :cry: I am not looking forward to it but hoping that it won't be too bad.

I will check in tomorrow x x

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