Hi, I wanna join the group! I have a history of 3 miscarriages, PCOS and am currently pregnant according to test I took at home 2 weeks ago....
Scared because of the first visit today...
I took a hpt about 2 weeks ago got a positive result (feelin some symptoms... nausea, headaches, sore bbs but off and on (the bbs that is), and had some cramping as well (kinda feels like a pulling feelin). 3 miscarriages (early) and none felt like this. Went for my ob apt today and during ultrasound (they didn't see anything), pelvic exam (where the Dr. said that my uterus was way in back), then a transvaginal ultrasound and it took a few minutes to find it because it was tilted to the back. They said that it was to small to show up on ultrasound. Ran blood work (beta, and progesterone)... Dr. told me not to worry because its not uncommon for this to happen where the position of my uterus could make it difficult to see the lil one and even if the beta numbers aren't high enough it could be that my dates were not right and I would get to come back every 2 days for repeat blood work and ultrasounds more often as well until we get to see lil one. I have been cryin about everything today... even though Dr. said she didn't see anything that would cause her to be concerned nor did she see anything she didn't like. If that was the case she said she would tell me, and that I don't need to worry till she tells me that she is. She said thinkin positive is what I need to do. I am however I am scared to death because I don't feel the symptoms that are listed for 5 weeks and that according to lmp I should be. Does anyone relate to this? Why is it that its not showing up on the ultrasound? Do they automatically run preg test on urine when you go in for first visit? They asked for urine sample and my mom asked me if they ran one on it... I couldn't answer her. I am so nervous, Dr. told me that it happens sometimes when your in early pregnancy and or your uterus is tilted to the back rather than to the front and we need to give lil guy time to grow. I fell like its all gonna make me crazy.