High Risk Pregnancy.... come join!

well i had my phone call from the midwife finaly and its the one that brought jay in to the world.... she cant believe hes 6 soon either, anyway she filled out a form to send of for the 12 weeks scan said i should get it before xmas and she will see me sometime at the weekend
So glad you got good news and that you will get your scan in before Christmas - how nice to have the same midwife.

I wonder if I ate something I shouldn't - I feel horribly sick like I will throw up but there is also heartburn involved so not sure. My sugars have been low today so that also makes me feel sick. Got my HbA1c fo second trimester back today and it is 7.0 which is exactly what they aim for here for diabetic type 1s (they aim for lower in GDs and also type 2s but I am happy with this as I have brittle diabetes anyway) Last oregnancy I was at 7.2 for second trimester so I can't believe I have done better this time.
Hi, I wanna join the group! I have a history of 3 miscarriages, PCOS and am currently pregnant according to test I took at home 2 weeks ago....
Scared because of the first visit today... :shrug::wacko:
I took a hpt about 2 weeks ago got a positive result (feelin some symptoms... nausea, headaches, sore bbs but off and on (the bbs that is), and had some cramping as well (kinda feels like a pulling feelin). 3 miscarriages (early) and none felt like this. Went for my ob apt today and during ultrasound (they didn't see anything), pelvic exam (where the Dr. said that my uterus was way in back), then a transvaginal ultrasound and it took a few minutes to find it because it was tilted to the back. They said that it was to small to show up on ultrasound. Ran blood work (beta, and progesterone)... Dr. told me not to worry because its not uncommon for this to happen where the position of my uterus could make it difficult to see the lil one and even if the beta numbers aren't high enough it could be that my dates were not right and I would get to come back every 2 days for repeat blood work and ultrasounds more often as well until we get to see lil one. I have been cryin about everything today... even though Dr. said she didn't see anything that would cause her to be concerned nor did she see anything she didn't like. If that was the case she said she would tell me, and that I don't need to worry till she tells me that she is. She said thinkin positive is what I need to do. I am however I am scared to death because I don't feel the symptoms that are listed for 5 weeks and that according to lmp I should be. Does anyone relate to this? Why is it that its not showing up on the ultrasound? Do they automatically run preg test on urine when you go in for first visit? They asked for urine sample and my mom asked me if they ran one on it... I couldn't answer her. I am so nervous, Dr. told me that it happens sometimes when your in early pregnancy and or your uterus is tilted to the back rather than to the front and we need to give lil guy time to grow. I fell like its all gonna make me crazy.
Hi, I wanna join the group! I have a history of 3 miscarriages, PCOS and am currently pregnant according to test I took at home 2 weeks ago....
Scared because of the first visit today... :shrug::wacko:
I took a hpt about 2 weeks ago got a positive result (feelin some symptoms... nausea, headaches, sore bbs but off and on (the bbs that is), and had some cramping as well (kinda feels like a pulling feelin). 3 miscarriages (early) and none felt like this. Went for my ob apt today and during ultrasound (they didn't see anything), pelvic exam (where the Dr. said that my uterus was way in back), then a transvaginal ultrasound and it took a few minutes to find it because it was tilted to the back. They said that it was to small to show up on ultrasound. Ran blood work (beta, and progesterone)... Dr. told me not to worry because its not uncommon for this to happen where the position of my uterus could make it difficult to see the lil one and even if the beta numbers aren't high enough it could be that my dates were not right and I would get to come back every 2 days for repeat blood work and ultrasounds more often as well until we get to see lil one. I have been cryin about everything today... even though Dr. said she didn't see anything that would cause her to be concerned nor did she see anything she didn't like. If that was the case she said she would tell me, and that I don't need to worry till she tells me that she is. She said thinkin positive is what I need to do. I am however I am scared to death because I don't feel the symptoms that are listed for 5 weeks and that according to lmp I should be. Does anyone relate to this? Why is it that its not showing up on the ultrasound? Do they automatically run preg test on urine when you go in for first visit? They asked for urine sample and my mom asked me if they ran one on it... I couldn't answer her. I am so nervous, Dr. told me that it happens sometimes when your in early pregnancy and or your uterus is tilted to the back rather than to the front and we need to give lil guy time to grow. I fell like its all gonna make me crazy.

You won't see anything on scan till about 6wks and the same for the heartbeat, my first scan was took at 8+1 then second was 10+1 and so far so good all is okay, but welcome to my group and I hope that us girls can help you though your wonderful 8 months
@ Tanikit: I hope that you sugar level stays stable enought, the heartburn towards the end I've been told it means lots of hair, it was the same with Skye I had it at the end and she was born with alot of hair...
tjlp welcome to the group - I have heard of people being sunable to see anything til the 9 week scan in some cases esepcially with a backwards faced uterus. I had a problem my first pregnancy being scanned too early so this pregnancy I waited til 7 weeks and could see a heartbeat by then. No they seldom do pregnancy tests in urine anymore - it would be more likely that they would do a blood test to see what your levels or hcg are and then repeat it in 2 days to see if it had risen enough - these days the home tests are so accurate that if you get a positive they take it you are pregnant.

Had my 29 week appointment today and my baby is weighing about 1.2 to 1.3kgs (2 pounds 12 ounces) which is just less than one week ahead and so I am pleased with that (its based on a 3.5kg baby at 40 weeks) She is doing fine. I also booked in at the hospital but they forgot something so will have to go back again this week (and its so far to go - sigh) else I will not be able to have a 4d scan on Saturday. I also want to see the maternity ward this Saturday and get a tour.
tjlp welcome to the group - I have heard of people being sunable to see anything til the 9 week scan in some cases esepcially with a backwards faced uterus. I had a problem my first pregnancy being scanned too early so this pregnancy I waited til 7 weeks and could see a heartbeat by then. No they seldom do pregnancy tests in urine anymore - it would be more likely that they would do a blood test to see what your levels or hcg are and then repeat it in 2 days to see if it had risen enough - these days the home tests are so accurate that if you get a positive they take it you are pregnant.

Had my 29 week appointment today and my baby is weighing about 1.2 to 1.3kgs (2 pounds 12 ounces) which is just less than one week ahead and so I am pleased with that (its based on a 3.5kg baby at 40 weeks) She is doing fine. I also booked in at the hospital but they forgot something so will have to go back again this week (and its so far to go - sigh) else I will not be able to have a 4d scan on Saturday. I also want to see the maternity ward this Saturday and get a tour.

Glad that you lil girl is growing well Hun
Well girls I get to see my lil pip before xmas it's the NT scan 12+1wks 20th dec @ 9:10am
That's nice Anna - early Christmas present.

They have found hair on my baby at this scan (its the first time I have seen it) so wondering how much she will have at birth. Using gaviscon now for the heartburn.

My sugars went really low this afternoon and my MIL was staying at our house - I think I gave her a big fright - I have learnt somewhat to cope with it and even laugh about it if possible though its far from funny, but she has never seen it and it is scary and I am very nasty when low and uncooperative. I need to run around a lot again tomorrow so may let my sugars go a bit higher as I need to drive safely and get stuff done and I can't when low.
Hi ladies.

I need some opinions. As everyone knows I had my son at 23.4 weeks, due to unknown reasons. I did have chorio, but no one knows if that was the cause of my PPROM or as result of it.

We were referred to a OBGYN by our GP (who we trust) and thought this doctor was a high risk OBGYN, she isn't. She has only delivered 32 and over preemies and isn't that experienced with them. She doesn't feel there is anything that can be done to prevent it from happening again. And stitching my cervix will cause more issues than good, due to the chance of infection. She is treating us like any other pregnancy. I won't be closely monitored even, not given more US to see if my cervix is shortening or anything.

I am not sure this is enough?
Hi ladies.

I need some opinions. As everyone knows I had my son at 23.4 weeks, due to unknown reasons. I did have chorio, but no one knows if that was the cause of my PPROM or as result of it.

We were referred to a OBGYN by our GP (who we trust) and thought this doctor was a high risk OBGYN, she isn't. She has only delivered 32 and over preemies and isn't that experienced with them. She doesn't feel there is anything that can be done to prevent it from happening again. And stitching my cervix will cause more issues than good, due to the chance of infection. She is treating us like any other pregnancy. I won't be closely monitored even, not given more US to see if my cervix is shortening or anything.

I am not sure this is enough?

If that was me Hun I would kick off tell them your worried and want extra care or you will go somewhere that understands your feeling
nkbapbt I would get another ob/gyn with more experience with tiny prems if you can. I would also advise getting the stitch or at least finding an ob who can talk you through it and explain everything and also explain what they do do to prevent infections and complications - you need to know the risks very well before doing it, but it has saved many pregnancies.

Well just past 31 weeks and have been having very low sugar levels lately. Baby has had a huge growth spurt and is now 2 weeks ahead (she weighs 1,9kg or just over 4lbs) even despite the low sugars - my last DD was born 4 weeks ahead (3,8kg or 8 pounds 3 ounces) so this one may just catch her if she continues to grow like this. I stop work today - last shift is in a few hours and while I may miss some of it I am very happy to be ending as I am tired and baby is heavy and working while battling sugar levels has been very tiring this whole pregnancy.

Hope everyone has a good new year.

Anna how was the 12 week scan?
nkbapbt I would get another ob/gyn with more experience with tiny prems if you can. I would also advise getting the stitch or at least finding an ob who can talk you through it and explain everything and also explain what they do do to prevent infections and complications - you need to know the risks very well before doing it, but it has saved many pregnancies.

Well just past 31 weeks and have been having very low sugar levels lately. Baby has had a huge growth spurt and is now 2 weeks ahead (she weighs 1,9kg or just over 4lbs) even despite the low sugars - my last DD was born 4 weeks ahead (3,8kg or 8 pounds 3 ounces) so this one may just catch her if she continues to grow like this. I stop work today - last shift is in a few hours and while I may miss some of it I am very happy to be ending as I am tired and baby is heavy and working while battling sugar levels has been very tiring this whole pregnancy.

Hope everyone has a good new year.

Anna how was the 12 week scan?

it went alright hun apart from they couldnt do the NT scan as Baby D wasnt laying right... AND i found out i was 12 weeks 4 days when i had the scan so im not due July 3rd now im due 30th June
Anna that is nice - always great to lose a few days of being pregnant - I tend to gain 2 days everytime because I have shorter than normal cycles (26 days) and the U/Ss in the beginning tend to say I am 2 days behind and then later on that I am weeks ahead. Either way it is not much in the greater scheme of things.

Have managed to get a cold that has gone straight to my lungs and I have been battling to breathe for 24 hours already - its not so bad that I would go in yet, but I know the meds I am on (there are two of them) are not working as they should, so must keep a close eye on it and get help if needed. I think its just mild bronchitis right now.

Braxton Hicks have been pretty excessive lately - I am wondering if its genetic since my mother complained of the same thing with her last pregnancy - in fact they induced her at 37 weeks because of it, but so far I am still managing and its early days yet.
Hi I am also high risk pregnant for the 7th time but hopefully having my 4th baby:)
Bubs is not growing right and I am having scans every 4 weeks atm they are saying csec at 36 weeks on 30/3 but having seen the consultant last week tht date might be moved earlier, hoping to get to 35 weeks before having bubs, his brother was born at 35 weeks and is a healthy 14yr old now:)
Its a worrying time for us all whilst everyone else is busying buying things for their baby's I must admit to delaying this and I am nearly in my third trimester, trying to take heart that everytime I see bubs at the scan I am luckier than most I get to see how he progresses and changes and it is amazing:)
Fingers crossed that all of us have happy healthy and screaming babies before too long, I know I wont truely not worry till my lil man is here.
My oh says strange things that upset me like if I tell him how uncomfortable I am at night time nowadays, or moan about sciatica he says you sound like you dont want this baby, I know its hard for men to understand they dont truely realize what it feels like to suffer a mc, I find it tough sometimes telling him I want this baby soo much but at the same time I am scared incase something goes wrong, and he is the only person I can talk to about it as I dont want to worry my kids who have been stars...going to stop now:( fingers crossed for us all xx

Please add me too. Would love to chat with other 'high risk' ladies!

My little boy is now 3yrs old and perfect thankfully! :) This is the first time I've posted anything about what happened so my apologies if i'm not very detailed.. I had suffered an APH in labour and PPH following Joseph's traumatic birth. It was found afterwards that the APH was actually an undetected placental abruption which resulted in Joseph being born at a low weight although 2wks overdue, and with only 1/5 of the blood he required. Whilst in NICU he was also found to have group b strep. We both stayed in hospital for 13 days afterwards

Following this i suffered with PTSD, and until recently I had thought I was pretty much over the worst. However I'm currently 29 weeks pregnant with another little boy and beginning to struggle again to be honest.. Would love to chat with anyone who can offer any advice??


Almost forgot to include my details for this time as I got so caught up in that... I'm under consultant care this time, having scans and doppler studies every 4wks to check on growth and placenta function, and will be having an elcs (booked for 30th March).
:hugs: and welcome daisyduck and spring_baby.

Spring_baby I agree its hard for both of us - I feel like no one understands the desire I have for this baby and the fear that something may go wrong (and when things do technically go wrong they keep telling me to feel blessed that baby is ok which I most certainly am, but it doesn't make dealing with the problems any easier) I think my DH has a very hard time with this himself and probably feels neglected since there is so much attention on me right now and he is also struggling. Nonetheless some hugs and just general care would be appreciated.

Have been in hospital the last week with low sugar levels - they went shockingly low that I could not walk or talk and it went on for hours. When I could talk again I begged DH to call the paramedics as he had been trying hard to help by himself for ages. I was in hospital for 5 days and despite huge drops in the insulin (about 50% drop) they could not get it right so now I am struggling in my own again - they did get it better though at least. They do not want to take baby out til 38 weeks if possible and I agree as long as she is safer in than out - when that changes I need her out, so its close monitoring of everything til the end. I am staying with my inlaws now as it is too dangerous for me to be by myself with my 3 year old (never mind for my two little girls - inside and out) My mother will hopefully come up soon and then I can go home and be with her. About 4 more weeks to go now.
Has been very quiet on here lately - wondering how everyone is doing and how the pregnancies are progressing. I imagine most of you are in second trimester by now which is usually the quietest time of pregnancies (except for those with cervical issues - how are you all coping?)

I have about 3 weeks to go now until induction though I still am hoping that baby could decide to come by herself slightly before the induction date. Sugar levels are still a battle and I have quite a bit of depression partly because of that and partly from other things. I will see a pschologist on Saturday just to check all is ok, but am fighting to stay off meds since there is so little time left in this pregnancy.
im doing alright alittle tired and still got morning sickness :-( im 18 weeks today
Sorry to hear about the MS - mine died down only after 18 weeks so hopefully yours will stop soon. Thinking of you.

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