Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

Becstar :hugs: Great words from Gina!

Firstly PLEASE dont think that what you saw on One Born Every Min is representative of child birth in general. It's a TV show - for entertainment - and a quiet, calm, average birth with no complications doesnt make 'entertaining' TV - not to the masses any how. I didnt see one positive thing that I could really relate to in those births when thinking about my own experiences.

In the event of an emergency, every second DOES count but there are a few things to consider too.

1. In a HB you will find that the MWs are even more cautious than in a birth centre or hospital. Most problems come after some warning signs so there is almost always LOTS of time n advance to decide if a transfer is necessary and a MW would transfer sooner from home than they would intervene in a BC or hospital.

2. If something serious happens that required an emergency c section, even in hospital Drs need to be contacted to make decisons, the theatre staff need to scrub and prep and then you need prepping. All these things would still have to happen if you came from home and the MW would have rung ahead with her analysis of the situation so that they can get everything ready for your arrival. On average its 45 mins from a decision on intervention to actually sectioning a woman and with a HB this doesnt rise much at all as they factor your transfer in.

3. The things the can 'go wrong' are actually often as a result of interventions in the hospital. So for instance if labour isnt 'progressing' at the speed the hospital staff want ie you're taking up a bed for too long, then they may put you on a drip to speed your contractions up....this in turn makes you contract at an unnaturally painful rate so you opt for the epidural....which either doesnt work or works really well and then you end up (like me) unable to push and need an episiotomy because they need to 'help' (pull) your 'stuck' (not moving quick enough for their time scales) baby out with forceps....and if that doesnt work then you're off for a c section and people cry 'thank goodness you were in the hospital'.....and all of this started when THEY put you on some kind of child birth stop watch and hooked you up to that drip.....do you see what I mean?

Positivity is key. Home birth is more than just a location to have your child - it's a frame of mind. Something doesnt HAVE to go wrong - pregnancy is a normal healthy function, not an illness or a medical incident. You do to the hospital when you're ill - a healthy pregnancy isnt an illness and so doesnt require treatment in the way an illness does.

Your body was designed to do this! You trust your body to look after him and keep him safe during your pregnancy and, if allowed to just get on with it, your body will deliver your baby to you safely too :)
Oh Dee she's beautiful. Well done honey. You did so well such a shame the placenta wouldnt play ball :(

Congratulations though!! x
She is so beautiful Dee!! Well done honey, but what a shock you must have had waking up in hospital you poor thing!! Can I ask - did they give you the injection to help deliver the placenta at first? Or were you doing it naturally? x
Dee she is so beautiful! Contrats on your natural birth and I'm sorry that your placenta didn't co-operate.
Congratulations, Dee! She is beautiful. Sorry the placenta wouldn't do its thing, but glad you are back home now.
Congrats Dee! wow, what a dramatic ending, but so glad all is well, and she's beautiful :D

Well ladies, I was back at the midwives yesterday, and my usual one was off sick, so I saw yet another different one......and I want her at the birth!!! She was the most amazing, positive person, and said how much she's looking forward to the homebirths coming up. I told her how unhappy I was with the other one we saw, and she was completely sympathetic, and said that she was never normally like this, so will try and find out what the problem is.....I said I was thinking about making a complaint, and she agreed we're well within our rights to. But she was so upbeat and positive, and made me feel so at ease, I began to wonder if it was worth my while dragging it all up......:haha: I'm such a softy. Anyways, I'll be seeing her again at my next appointment, and she'll be coming for the home visit with my regular MW :D

Asides from that, I've been so bloody uncomfortable! Baby's head is well down now, 2/5 in my pelvis, and boy am I feeling it!! The back pressure I've been getting with the BH is intense, and I actually thought I was starting labour the other night......not yet please!! But all was well when she checked me, and they've settled down again, I'm well and truly taking it easy for the next few weeks!

Ooooh and it's the Scottish Baby show this weekend, me and my Mum are going tomorrow, hoping to get myself some goodies :D
Deej - you did amazingly well, congratulation on your gorgeous girl! I am sorry to hear everything went wrong after the birth. Make sure you take time to recover physically and mentally. Your OH sounds like he is doing a fantastic job supporting you.

Well I had my home risk assessment yesterday and it went really well. Everything is on track and the MW said at this stage she cannot see a reason why I cannot have a home birth. There is one other lady wanting a hb due in May in Oldham but hopefully the chances of us both going into labour at the same time are slim and bagsy being the 1st one if we do!!

She left a bag of gloves, notes, waterproof mats etc and said they would bring the gas and air on the day.

She said they will only do a home birth from 37wk 5days so only 1wk and 1 day till can relax!! She was very positive but did say that I needed to trust them and if they say we need to transfer it will be the last resort (after trying everything else) and I need to take their advice.

Cannot believe this might actually happen!!!
Congrats Deej on your home birth -you done really well, shame about the placenta problems but still you had her at home , no pain relief and I bet she is thriving because of it. Well done to you. xx

Mervs mum Thanks for the motivational speech -very well said xx

Hope everyone is well today xx
Well done Deej - I think you did brilliantly! As others have said, just give yourself time to remember your birth, talk it through with your OH and time to heal mentally and physically - I'm sure that all the magical feelings will come back to you.

I even remember things now, that I didn't realise at the time - it comes to me all of a sudden, and I find myself asking the OH, "did the MW say such and such?, it's just come back to me>?"

Well done Catusgirl and Janiepops - Both your MW's are sounding much more supportive and I'm so pleased that you feel more assured.
That is great Cactusgirl and Janiepops!

I'm excited as I just got a call from the hospital delivery driver and she is going to drop off my Home Birth Kit tomorrow morning! Which makes it all seem very real.

I also have a midwife appointment tomorrow as well, and my Mum is visiting for the weekend so I'm going to see if she wants to come along and have a listen to the heartbeat.
Huge congrats Deej...your little girl is beautiful. Sorry it didnt go to plan but as has already been said, at least you got to give birth at home. I hope that helps a little xx

So glad things are going well for you Janiepops and Cactus girl. I swear I get more excited at the prospect of other peoples homebirths than my own!

Little update on me...went to see my midwife (and assigned student who will be at all my appointments and birth) today. Still to early to tell if Freddie is breech but seemt o think he is side on still.

Next appointment is at 36 weeks and we will just see how it goes then. Im confident he will move even if my SPD means I cant get on my hands and knees to help him out!
Little update on me...went to see my midwife (and assigned student who will be at all my appointments and birth) today. Still to early to tell if Freddie is breech but seemt o think he is side on still.

Next appointment is at 36 weeks and we will just see how it goes then. Im confident he will move even if my SPD means I cant get on my hands and knees to help him out!

That's great you will know who is going to be at your birth!

And I recommend (if you feel like it of course), getting on all fours and cleaning the skirting boards for moving baby round! I know it sounds bonkers, but the crawling on the floor and wiggling your hips is really what it's all about! Hahaha It worked for me - not that anyone noticed my dust-free skirting boards!
Congrats Deej, sorry it didn't go fully to plan as you would have liked. :hugs:

Well, I had my MW appointment yesterday and the MW says all is well...slight trace of protein in my urine AGAIN, but probably because I still can't seem to drink enough water :blush: She said Bean was head down at that point, but she is still spinning around ALL THE TIME, so she was just showing off for the MW I think :lol: MW also said that she's not going to be a big baby :yipee::lol: DH said he was guessing 7lb 6oz (we were both guessing into the 8lbs before, as both of us were about the same (me being 8lb 4 or 6oz I think...)) and MW said she'd probably guess a little lower than that, but only just... :)

Oh and I decided not to do the Strep B test....instead I will be doing an 'alternative regime'.....one of which is shoving a raw garlic clove 'up there' :shock::lol: Ah well, if it works!!! And at least it'll keep the vampires away :rofl:

nightkd - I wouldn't worry about slight protein, I've been trace at every visit and my MW said she wouldn't be suprised if I start to go +1 from now on as well. But she also said it's not a big deal and that she's not concerned at all. :)
hi there ive just found out im expecting number 5 and im hoping for a homebirth this time, looking forward to getting to know you all :)
omg :rofl: it was only on the 13th jan i put on here about having another and im back
does anyone know if they have any rules on bmi and homebirthing, when having archie the booking in nurse did suggest it but i said no and bcause of my bmi had to have consultant led care(even though i never saw him)

so im hoping this time i can do it, otherwise im dieting :rofl:

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