Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

My midwives (I've yet to see the same one twice, it was the same with my son) just keep saying I need to talk to the consultant about my options. It was a senior midwife I spoke to in the community. No one seems to have looked at my delievery notes from my son being born though which is annoying. One midwife told me "oh you had an epidural with your first, you know there not avaliable at home". Yes I know! I'm not an idiot If you checked my notes you would see I was doing fine until they mentioned syntocin then I crumbled, cried and gave up.
Oh, and sorry to hear that Laura. Hope the induction goes well.

And Pops, she is lovely!

And in other random news my feet have stopped swelling up. Which is nice.

Can I ask if anyone who has had a homebirth got their midwife a present? I was thinking a pot plant for her office and some biscuits to share round the team. What do you think? MrUrban thinks I am a bit nuts for suggesting it, as she is surely just doing her job. But I think it is more personal than that and will merit a little something as she has been so nice throughout.

I think a personal gift is a lovely idea. Yes they are doing their job but they are also involved in a very special moment in your lives.
My midwives (I've yet to see the same one twice, it was the same with my son) just keep saying I need to talk to the consultant about my options. It was a senior midwife I spoke to in the community.

I would latch onto that midwife, especially as she is a senior one so likely to have more clout. If the others come and go then having one consistent voice will be good. Maybe you could write her a letter and ask her to put something positive about her opinion of you having a homebirth in your notes?
Pops - amazing scan pics! So cute!

Babybear - I THINK I had to get my iron levels up to 10.5 or 11 (can't remember now) for it not to be an issue

Still nothing here - 6days till dd now! I did have a really strong sensation in my lower bump earlier and I was like 'ooooh is this the start of something??' then I moved and farted! So that would be a no then!!

anyone heared anything from mrsraggle? feel like my bubs wont come out unitll she has had her bubs coz she is before me on list lol:haha:
Amazing pics Pops. she's a wee cutie :D

Welcome babybear! Stick to your guns and you'll get the home birth you want, I've had all sorts of nonsense thrown at me, then found a lovely midwife who I now cling to like a limpet :haha: Def try stick to the midwife you mentioned. I also got tolf I couldn't have an epidural at home - duuuuh, I must look dafter than I am lol

Cactusgirl - LMAO! Oh if only it was so easy, a wee fart and that was it :rofl:

I just went to have a look at the first page there to see how many home birthers we have now, it's so good to see the list growing :D But very scary and exciting to see I only have 5 ladies in front of me now!!!! It's so close, I can't wait!!! Also realised though, that I don't have a text buddy on here at all :( anyone willing to help me out cause I know I wont be getting on here much at the time....

Hope you're all well today :D xx
I can handle the Drs ( I save their asses every day at work) My mother, now thats another story.
babybear - Why do you need to fight with your mum? Do you live with her?

Pops, I'll be your text buddy if you like? If you want, PM me :)
My step grandmother had a home birth with her second (now 40) and although she raves about how good it was he was born blue and needed oxygen (no biggy to me). Everytime my step grandmother raises the issue my mum goes off on a rant about how unsafe it is.
My mum lives 10miles away but we are close. She seems to think I should be battling for a c-section this time due to my son being a 'big' baby ( he was 9lb 14 but 12 days over his edd). Basically we have different philosopies on life I know it will be a battle, and should I need to transfer I know I will get a 'I told you so' which will make me want to punch her.
I wouldn't waste my energy trying to convince her. I mean, if you don't succeed it's not going to change what you do is it?
Urban - I've been thinking about getting my MWs a present/making one, even though I've only been having prenatal visits with her for a couple of months, she's made me feel so comfortable and empowered about having a homebirth - whereas my OBGYN's office made me feel like I had to filter in with the system and do as they say, otherwise I'd get in 'trouble'... :dohh: Any suggestions appreciated though, because I'd like to get something they can have as more of a keepsake, rather than a bunch of flowers or box of choccies (though I've started moulding my own chocolate!) that will go over/get eaten in a matter of days! :)

BTW, we saw our new apartment yesterday!!!! It's awesome!!!!! Lovely a bright and I've decided where the birth pool will be going already ^_^ I'm so glad it hasn't turned out to be horrible yet! And we bought some hanging baskets to grow tomatoes and strawberries in on our lovely big balcony, which I'm also excited about (on a completely unrelated note, obviously :lol:)!

STILL looking for a pool... I'm just going to do a search incase anyone knows of somewhere local I can pick one up from. I just want it here and sorted now!

Hi girls, thank you all so much for your lovely comments :cloud9: We are of course biased but think she is pretty beautiful! She looks so much like her Daddy (for those that know him I'm sure you agree!) and nothing at all like me yet! He is convinced she will have my eyes so we'll see!

I am well but starting to suffer a bit in terms of uncomfortableness, feeling heavy and cumbersome and being routinely kicked and punched in the ribs! Still enjoying every second of it though and very much looking forward to this last push before her arrival!

We have some more Hypno sessions in June to refresh which we are looking forward to and we are slowly getting ready. People are starting to come round to the HB idea with a few people even saying how much they admire us and our approach to the whole thing which is nice. Boyos Mum however still won't even talk about it!

Madasa, thank you for the offer sweetie that is so lovely of you, I will drop you a PM but Lisa is going to be keeping you guys all updated and my OH has set up a FB page specially for updating anyone who wants to know so if any of you would like to be on there, let me know :hugs:

babybear - Why do you need to fight with your mum? Do you live with her?

Pops, I'll be your text buddy if you like? If you want, PM me :)

Haha oh gawd I thought you meant me coz I'd asked! Well I PM'd you anyways whether you like it or not :haha:
Well I got cafizzled at first but what the hey - is there a law against having more than one text buddy? :)
nigtkd, I was wondering about a plant that was midwifery appropriate, some sort of herb or something? That way it could go in her office and last for a while. I will do some research.

I forgot to say, two things that came up during my last MW appointment. The first was that they have set up a kind of brokering system for birth pools, they have started putting women who have bought one in contact with other women on their books (with permission of course) who are a few weeks behind so that they can sell their pools on. Which is a great idea!

The other is that she knew I had my pool as it had been spotted! The woman before me, whose house she had just been at, mentioned that her Mum had spotted what she thought was a birth pool in the front room of a flat across the road. My MW asked what street and said "she is my next appointment!". It has been quite helpful I think as her Mum wasn't onside but now is coming round to it as normal, and knowing one of her neighbours is having a homebirth has made it just a little more mundane!

But I must remember to make sure I close my blinds properly before getting in!
Urbanpumpkin - great news about your feet not swelling anymore. Mine are looking more hobbit like every day. I was talking to my friend about it yesterday and she said a few days after she gave birth her whole legs swelled up and the mw said it was perfectly normal and just all the fluid from the rest of her body?! She said her legs were like tree trunks!! And there was me hoping my feet would just go back to normal!

Nightkd - great news your new place sounds so lovely!

Am planning to have a chilled day around the house today - have been so busy out and about seeing people/shopping was starting to wonder if would have time to fit in a labour!!
My step grandmother had a home birth with her second (now 40) and although she raves about how good it was he was born blue and needed oxygen (no biggy to me). Everytime my step grandmother raises the issue my mum goes off on a rant about how unsafe it is.
My mum lives 10miles away but we are close. She seems to think I should be battling for a c-section this time due to my son being a 'big' baby ( he was 9lb 14 but 12 days over his edd). Basically we have different philosopies on life I know it will be a battle, and should I need to transfer I know I will get a 'I told you so' which will make me want to punch her.

I have only a very small selection of people that are supporting me with my home birth, but my FIL and most of my friends are against it and try and fill me with horror stories, but im sticking to my plans unless i truly have to change them
Hi everyone :hi:

I've joined the home birth hopefuls today and fingers crossed everything will go ok at my consultant appointment tomorrow so that it can go ahead :)

yay good luck for tomorrow and welcome!! Let us know how it goes :)

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