Home Birthers & Hopefuls!


You can change my details on the front page of this thread now :D

Baby Rafe arrived at 5am on 20th January at home in the birth pool as planned. He weighed a whopping 9lbs 13oz!!

Just off to write my birth story for y'all now :D


9lbs 13oz?!?! That's a biggin' that is! It's a fear of mine to deliver such a large baby (they run in the family) So I'll be looking forward to your story for the inspiration I need! :flower:
massive congrats Lou! such a big baby :shock: well done you! :D xx
congrats loulou, can't wait to read the birth story!

Clare x
And a bit more news from here, not that it necessarily means anything, but I've been checking my cervix daily. As of this evening it's disappeared! Rah for effacement! I didn't check for dilation - got a bit scared and backed away when I realised I could feel the edge of the opening with no ridge/lips but my midwife reckons I must be dilated a bit too. Woo hoo!

Fingers crossed for action for at least one of us tonight. :)

Gina. x
And a bit more news from here, not that it necessarily means anything, but I've been checking my cervix daily. As of this evening it's disappeared! Rah for effacement! I didn't check for dilation - got a bit scared and backed away when I realised I could feel the edge of the opening with no ridge/lips but my midwife reckons I must be dilated a bit too. Woo hoo!

Fingers crossed for action for at least one of us tonight. :)

Gina. x

So Gina,

complete ignoramus here...a couple of weeks ago i could feel my cervix and it was soft, now it has disappeared...what does that mean :shrug: apart from my fingers may be shrinking?!! :haha:

cheers, Clare x
I just got home from work and read the updates. Woo hoo! Cathy's not posted in a good while - so exciting! And good on you, Cathy, for being clear and sensible (and yay to your reasonable midwife) about how you want things to go should your SROM become PROM. You go, girl! x
Snaggle it's so funny you mentioned that because I was just coming on to say DH just helped me insert my first EPO pill. While he was in there I asked him to find my cervix as I can barely put a fingernail up there anymore I'm so big. But he seemed to have a hard time. He claims there's no way he could reach it unless we stuck more of his hand up there. But that doesn't make sense to me as a midwife would have to check me without sticking a hand up there right? And if women can do it to themselves surely he should be able to reach it. Any tips ladies? Is he just supposed to keep going back until there's nothing there anymore? He did mention feeling a little nobdule thingy. But that was like back and upwards. Anywho... Hope everyone has a good night!
Hehehe. OK, here's a basic cervix 101 - though I'm no expert. I do think the cervix is fascinating. Usually the cervix is like a little tube, though it is softer during pregnancy than at other times. It averages about 2.5cm long and about 2cm across and can be felt like a little nubby thing with a dimple in the middle (the os) before it starts to change. I bet that's what your hubby felt Jenni, and it being high-ish is quite normal too, as is having it pointing towards your back (posterior).

Once it starts to gear up for birth it starts to soften more and shorten, a process that can take weeks or hours depending on the woman. So for someone having a feel of it they'll notice it getting flatter. Mine has been about 1cm long ever since I lost my plug last week which would be classed as about 50% effaced (about halfway between 2.5cm and 0cm). When I had a feel last night I could no longer feel any thickness to it at all, it felt just like there was an opening without any structured edge. This means (assuming I was feeling it right) I'm now 100% effaced. This is great news for me as it means that things are moving in the right direction. It also means that my body has less work to do once I go into labour - sometimes women can go into labour with a fully closed, thick cervix and then the contractions have more work to do to get it effaced and dilating.

Here's a pic I found that may help you visualise it:


Clare, it sounds as though you might be a lot like me, effacing rather nicely. :)

This is not the same as dilation. A cervix can be a few cm dilated while still not very effaced and can be fully effaced when still barely dilated at all, though the two usually go hand in hand to some degree.

The other thing to know is about the direction the cervix is pointing. It's usually posterior - so pointing towards your back, as if the opening is slightly on the front wall of your vagina. (It isn't, it's just the pressure of the baby's head that makes it appear that way.) As labour progresses the angle gradually moves around until it's pointing straight down, by which point it's normally dilating quite well but again, this can vary. The baby's head often has to come down some to exert enough pressure for this to happen, or so I believe.

So, when a midwife examines you she's be checking for those three things, effacement, dilation and how posterior your cervix is. It's a combination of these three things that give the clearest picture.

Anyone with greater knowledge than me please feel free to expand/correct any of this, but this is my understanding.

Oh, and Jenni, a midwife usually uses the first two fingers of her hand which give her the best reach but it can still be a stretch. I'm big too and only have little fingers so I can only reach the bottom edge of my cervix, but that's enough to get a sense of how effaced it is. I couldn't check for dilation even if I wanted to, I just don't have the reach.

Gina. x
Congrats, Lou! Wonderful news!

Yay for an effaced cervix, Gina!!

As for me, my waters continued leaking pretty regularly until about 4pm yesterday. Between 4 and 6pm, I had very mild contractions about 10-15 minutes apart, lasting no longer than 20 seconds. Everything stopped after this. Had an acupuncture session at 8pm and then a hot curry after that. Went to bed and had very strong period-like pains throughout the night, every hour or so. Just about to eat breakfast and go for a very long walk!

The MW called this morning- my temperature is still OK, no green liquor, etc, and she knows that I am not going to go in without a very valid reason, so fingers crossed the next MW who calls me is as reasonable!
OMG theres no way my hubby would check my cervix for me...the closest we get to anything in that region at the mo is him laughing at my scratching my bum.

We haven't DTD in months and he got really funny about DTD last time I was heavily PG.

I do seem to remember a good (yet gross iykwim) site for finding out about the cervix while TTC was https://www.beautifulcervix.com/

careful it's VERY graphic but interesting.

Oh just had a quick look and theres loads more pics there than there used to be it seems ladies are sending in piccies now!
Hi peoples,

Would like some kind words of reassurance about having a homebirth please and also any tips for preparation. I'm 40+6 and decided to tell my MW on Weds that I wanted a home birth! She nearly had a dicky fit and really tried to discourage me as it is my first baby. I had to be quite assertive over the phone to get her to bring the kit the next day when she was coming to do my sweep. My sentiments about home birth are that I will be much more relaxed and able to enjoy the birth at home than in hospital and as women have been giving birth for centuries it is a natural process not a medical one. Obviously if there are significant concerns then I will go to the hospital which is 10 minutes away. However I refuse to make a decision based on fear.

Well Thursday turned out to be very eventful, we went through the paperwork with the MW and she checked left the kit. Then came time to do the routine checks. When she put the dopplar on there was a problem with beans heartbeat as it was slow and sluggish. I was concerned but she was quite panicky and flappy and rang the ambulance. It was horrible but having been on the monitor for an hour and a half at the hospital all was well. The doctor was very reassuring and said if they monitored ladies all through that would happen sometimes, he was probably laid on his cord.

When I calmed down I decided to go ahead with the home birth again as actually baby was fine and I am fine. Had to fight a bit with my MW to get the kit back as she took it away in the ambulance. She said if what had happened to me had happened to her then she wouldn't home birth but that it was her opinion. Really I am not going to be bullied into hospital by someone else's fear but then if there are concerns at any point of course I am not irresponsible. So home birth it is for me!

Sorry about length of post but just want some reassurance from people who have home birthed. One of the things I was concerned a bit about is all the
mess - any tips there? I've set up a waterproof matress downstairs with plastic sheeting and wet the bed mats on it too. Any tips or ideas will all be much appreciated however simple :thumbup:
Hehehe. OK, here's a basic cervix 101 - though I'm no expert. I do think the cervix is fascinating. Usually the cervix is like a little tube, though it is softer during pregnancy than at other times. It averages about 2.5cm long and about 2cm across and can be felt like a little nubby thing with a dimple in the middle (the os) before it starts to change. I bet that's what your hubby felt Jenni, and it being high-ish is quite normal too, as is having it pointing towards your back (posterior).

Once it starts to gear up for birth it starts to soften more and shorten, a process that can take weeks or hours depending on the woman. So for someone having a feel of it they'll notice it getting flatter. Mine has been about 1cm long ever since I lost my plug last week which would be classed as about 50% effaced (about halfway between 2.5cm and 0cm). When I had a feel last night I could no longer feel any thickness to it at all, it felt just like there was an opening without any structured edge. This means (assuming I was feeling it right) I'm now 100% effaced. This is great news for me as it means that things are moving in the right direction. It also means that my body has less work to do once I go into labour - sometimes women can go into labour with a fully closed, thick cervix and then the contractions have more work to do to get it effaced and dilating.

Here's a pic I found that may help you visualise it:


Clare, it sounds as though you might be a lot like me, effacing rather nicely. :)

This is not the same as dilation. A cervix can be a few cm dilated while still not very effaced and can be fully effaced when still barely dilated at all, though the two usually go hand in hand to some degree.

The other thing to know is about the direction the cervix is pointing. It's usually posterior - so pointing towards your back, as if the opening is slightly on the front wall of your vagina. (It isn't, it's just the pressure of the baby's head that makes it appear that way.) As labour progresses the angle gradually moves around until it's pointing straight down, by which point it's normally dilating quite well but again, this can vary. The baby's head often has to come down some to exert enough pressure for this to happen, or so I believe.

So, when a midwife examines you she's be checking for those three things, effacement, dilation and how posterior your cervix is. It's a combination of these three things that give the clearest picture.

Anyone with greater knowledge than me please feel free to expand/correct any of this, but this is my understanding.

Oh, and Jenni, a midwife usually uses the first two fingers of her hand which give her the best reach but it can still be a stretch. I'm big too and only have little fingers so I can only reach the bottom edge of my cervix, but that's enough to get a sense of how effaced it is. I couldn't check for dilation even if I wanted to, I just don't have the reach.

Gina. x

Wow Gina, that is fantastic, thank you!!

I was just saying in my journal, I am hoping Baby stays in until February so that the building work is all finished and the builders gone! But I can't help but be excited about signs like this, and 3 people yesterday saying Baby looked like she had dropped. The body is just soooo amazing isn't it, I love it :lol:!!
Good on you for sticking to your guns. I find it really hard to understand the attitude of some midwives sometimes. Mostly all mine have been supportive about home birthing, but I'm beginning to think that they are in the minority.

I got a cheap shower curtain for the floor and have hoarded old towels etc for cleaning up afterwards. There are lots of useful threads on here about how to prepare and what to get.

Good luck with everything - I hope it goes well and bubs is ok :)
Welcome to the thread susie! Good on you for showing that it's NEVER too late to decide to have a HB!

The doctor makes a good point about what happened with you LOs heart beat - it actually also demonstrates why continuous monitoring can sometimes actually show things that intermittent monitoring would miss altogether and them to seem like 'problem' when in the context of everything (ie like when you'd had further monitoring which showed all to be well) arent actually a problem just a normal occurrence that 9/10 time would be missed with no detriment to the baby or you at all. (hope that makes sense :wacko:)

mess is a common question and honestly there is very little mess at all! The mattress sounds great - I think Snaggle has a similar set up if I remember rightly. My little tip is to strip the bed in early labour. Clean duvet covers and pillow slips and pop a fresh sheet on first with some of you wet the bed pads or a shower curtain on top then another sheet over that. This means when you're finished, if you've used the bed to birth or labour on (you never know where you might fancy being at the time!) then you simple remove the top sheet and protective layer to reveal a clean sheet with lovely clean bedding to snuggle into with your new babe....nothing like your own bed ESPECIALLY with crispy sheets on it! :cloud9:

Cant wait to hear about your home birth! Wont be long now either! :hugs:
Oh and Snaggle - BRILLIANT description and fab picture too. Funnily enough I was describing the process in bed to my hubby last night (yes this is the kind of pillow talk that happens at 'Casa Sykes' :blush:) and when I just saw your post I pointed to the picture and he knew exactly what it was right away! :smug:
Snaggle! There needs to be a jaw dropping smilie cause that's how I feel about your post! I have been up and down google trying to find a reasonable explanation for Hubby to read so he can get a better understanding of what to look for. But nothing has even come close to that. Thank you so much! He's had a quick read already and said "Oh well that makes sense" :friends:

Hiya Susie!! Congrats on your pregnancy and welcome! Never to late to decide anything eh? :) My biggest concern at first was with all the mess as well but when I started researching around I realized there isn't that much. Most women who have their waters break in their own home have more of a mess than women who deliver there! I'm so sorry your midwife is a bit of a downer. I seriously can't believe she said that about "her oppinion". I personally think that's a horrible thing to ever say and complain about her some how. That could also be my pregnancy hormones speaking as well though. hahaha.
Lol yeah she is a bit depressing sometimes, but guess we all have issues huh? Just not going to respond to her own fear - I have more faith than that!

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