Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

midwife just came round my house to discuss where i was giving birth and to bring my pack - though she had left that at the hospital and is bringing it later :dohh: so its all systems go from today i am on the home birth list eeeek :)
I was examined twice with DD once in very early labour, waters hadn't gone, and I was just 2 cm and in latent labour.

The next time was at 3-4cm.. (still my waters hadn't gone) so just to know that things were really starting to happen! from there on in it all became very obvious where I was with stage one and stage 2 contractions.. so there wasn't any need to bother looking again.

I wouldn't want to be checked at 8cm or 10 cm - I couldn't imagine how uncomfortable that would be!!.. and maybe I'm being daft here, but what is the need?!??!? If anything you are risking infection as your waters are likley to have gone by then (although not always I know)
I just see that your contractions are one of the best signs of where you are at and also, how you are behaving. It's hard to ignore the big involentary pushes. Plus like Jen said, skilled MWs are great at palpation of your tum to get a good idea of the strenght of a contraction.
^^ Bourne I've no intention of being INTERNALLY checked at ANY stage! lol But it might be interesting to follow the external signs. No-one is getting inside me this time.
midwife just came round my house to discuss where i was giving birth and to bring my pack - though she had left that at the hospital and is bringing it later :dohh: so its all systems go from today i am on the home birth list eeeek :)

Yay that's good news! Good job she didn't look upstairs :haha:

Mine wasn't too worried about the state of the house...as long as I was getting biscuits in!
midwife just came round my house to discuss where i was giving birth and to bring my pack - though she had left that at the hospital and is bringing it later :dohh: so its all systems go from today i am on the home birth list eeeek :)

Yay that's good news! Good job she didn't look upstairs :haha:

Mine wasn't too worried about the state of the house...as long as I was getting biscuits in!

:rofl: My MW mentioned today to just have plenty of tea at the ready, hahaha.
haha, tea and biscuits all round then! and don't forget to offer them out...my mum's just come back from attending a home birth (midwife) which she said was lovely but she hasn't eaten all day!!

Anyways, just wondering whether you ladies have hired or bought birthing pools and where from? xx
haha, tea and biscuits all round then! and don't forget to offer them out...my mum's just come back from attending a home birth (midwife) which she said was lovely but she hasn't eaten all day!!

Anyways, just wondering whether you ladies have hired or bought birthing pools and where from? xx

I thought about this, I've told hubby to make sure there's plenty of bread and cheese available as well because if they're there for any length of time I would hate them to be hungry. I could see myself making up a bunch sandwiches in early labour and having them all cut up with some crisps in a bowl for when they arrive. It's the silly hostess in me! :rofl:
ohhh i'll have to remember that, get food for the midwifes!!

Today Chris came home from work and told me his flight sgt had been talking to the lady who is in charge of postings, Chris has applied for two over seas postings one to germany and one to cyprus, his Flight had put a good word in for him when he talked to her on the phone, but also said he would be sad to loose him, because he's just got back from a detatchment hes probably going to be favourd more for an overseas posting than he would be f he hadnt, we will find out at the end of next month if we're moving to cyprus of germany in june! how scary is that!? im worryed about the home birth if we go over there! i know that i cyprus there's a midwife lead unit and no hospital other than a cypryt one, in which they take your baby away from you and put it in to a nursry and feed them forumla untill your milk comes in :grr: In germany im not too sure, i really want germany over cyprus though, its more my kind of place, im not a great fan of the sun, but all that aside im worryed about not being able to have my home birth!!!!
My bump buddy dizzy is in Cyprus. She's having a nightmare about the formula thing. They also give sugar water and have a really high section rate. :(. You see to have to pay for the privilege too.

Well we have decided to attend a birth choices meeting tomorrow at the hospital. I was told there are 3 other couples planning homebirth attending. It seems to be aimed partly at getting the mws on board for home and natural births and is the first in the hospital. I hope it's good!
haha, tea and biscuits all round then! and don't forget to offer them out...my mum's just come back from attending a home birth (midwife) which she said was lovely but she hasn't eaten all day!!

Anyways, just wondering whether you ladies have hired or bought birthing pools and where from? xx

I thought about this, I've told hubby to make sure there's plenty of bread and cheese available as well because if they're there for any length of time I would hate them to be hungry. I could see myself making up a bunch sandwiches in early labour and having them all cut up with some crisps in a bowl for when they arrive. It's the silly hostess in me! :rofl:

When I was a midwifery student I absolutely loved it when clients had food to share and welcomed us to help ourselves to their tea and kettle :D Little things to snack on that could stay out without going bad are the best cause often oppertunities to eat them are scarce depending on the degree of labour support they are providing.... My favorite was always baked goods like cookies.
Just a quickie from me. I'm not entirely sure but I think my water may have started to go - a bit of action at last! Ember woke at 6 so I got into her bed in the hope we might both get a little more sleep but by 6:20 she was sitting up and asking for juice so we got up. The action of getting out of her bed triggered a pretty intense contraction that, whilst only uncomfortable meant I couldn't move until it passed. By the time I got to the bottom of the stairs I realised I had damp pyjama bottoms - despite the fact that I was wearing a pad. I'm now in clean bottoms with a fresh pad and there's been no sign of more yet, but I've had a few mild contractions so I guess we'll see what the next hours hold.

The timing is perfect. We have a midwife appointment at 10 and she had offered me a sweep. We spent some time discussing it last night and coming to the conclusion that we'd discuss it more but probably decline it for the time being. No sweep for me if there's a chance of ROM! :) But at least baby and I can have a quick once over. I may try and arrange an acupuncture treatment later if things aren't getting into a pattern in the next few hours. I don't feel a rush as yet but I'm aware it's Saturday so I may struggle to access therapists tomorrow if we decide we need it then.

Oooh, I think I just felt another trickle! *running off to loo to check*


PS. Sorry for the lack of personals. I can briefly add on the food front that as a doula a large stash of varied wrapped muesli bars go with me to every birth. At home births a well stocked fruit bowl and a sliced loaf in the freezer for easy creation of toast are the two easy things I usually suggest to clients. Depending on the timings/situation I sometimes end up raiding the fridge and have in the past made anything from omelettes to jacket spuds with ratatouille for the labour supporters (and sometimes mum) during a birth. It's the kind of situation where having a doula/second birth partner is really handy. One can stay with Mum while the other keeps both the pool water and the birth team nicely topped up. :)
ooo gina sounds exiting!! this time last year i was pacing my floors getting early contractions! little did i know how long it would take me to get in to active labour! harrys 1st birthday tomorrow :cry: where does the time go!!!
ooh how exciting Gina, hope this is it for you! Good Luck xx

I will make sure I have plenty food and snacks in for the MW's but I hope they don't mind helping themselves to making cups of tea etc because im the worst for forgetting to offer any visitors I have drinks.. usually about an hour after a friend or family member has arrived I get 'Simone.. are you going to put the kettle on sometime soon' haha I say if you've been to my house once then you'll know me well enough to go make your own drinks/food :rofl: I guess I can leave all that to my dad.. Whilst trying to support me he's going to be looking after my children and 3 dogs so I may as well add the MW's into that too.. bless him!!

Got my MW appointment on Monday, Im worried about telling her I want a Home Birth, hope shes ok with it, she's not the most supportive of MW's at the best of times so I expecting some negativity over this. Fingers crossed Im wrong and shes a big Home Birth fan :D lol!
GINA!! That's so exciting! I really, really hope it's the start of something for you. :flower:

Thanks for all the tips on food girls, I've informed hubby now what we need. I tend to have more nesting urges towards my midwives than towards babies room for some reason. :wacko:

I'm 38 weeks today!! Wowza 38 weeks. That's just crazy. Looks like my long winded letter was infact useless. But oh well. 38 weeks! :happydance:
Good luck Gina!

Sorry for my absence I have just got back from my 3rd home birth this month! It was fantastic! Hypnobirthed her head off! The MWs were not happy about her not wanting VEs, getting in the pool when SHE wanted not when THEY allowed and making them wait to use the doppler. The first MW didnt get that she was trying to 'get in the zone' with her breathing and was waiting for a gap to let her use the sonic aid. She started by talking loudly and repeating (lets call her Lisa) 'Lisa? Lisa? Lisa? I need to listen to your baby.....Lisa?'. :dohh: Anyway her OH and I protected the space and she got her wishes but not before they called in the big guns and sent the SOM to give her OH the 'do as your told or your baby may die' routine. Fortunately they understood their rights and options and I just helped them maintain confidence in their own informed choices.

Breathed her (first) baby out like a dream :cloud9:

NB - If you are setting your pool up in the kitchen then set a drinks station up in the sitting/dining room for the MWs - my client wanted to labour in peace and quiet and her mum bless her was coming in making tea for the MWs. Eventually my client asked her not to so she wasnt being interrupted.

Home birth rocks my socks off!!! x
Wow Lisa, 3 this month - You've been busy! :D Sounds like another great Home Birth.. :happydance:

Cant wait for my turn :D

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