Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

Totally agree ladies - I didn't have the option of having a walk up and down the stairs (living in a flat!) but there is so much more you can do at home when ever you want!!
You can take a shower or a bath, make yourself you fav food have all your comforting things around you to help you focus or even distract you, and feel tranquil, you can hang off door frames, take a walk in the garden, do what ever you feel like!!!!
You can do what ever you feel like after as well, and not have to worry about being bossed about, when to fed, when to dress and wash!

plus, you get not only one MW that comes in and out to check on you now and then - you get two - and they will be with you for the duration, and know every thing that is going on, and how you feel and want your birth to be; no pulling on a cord to get assistance if you need it!! I felt like my midwives had been life long friends they were so encouraging

:haha: Hang off door frames is EXACTLY what I did! I had a fave door frame. I took a photo of said door frame when I left that house in oct :blush:
:haha: Hang off door frames is EXACTLY what I did! I had a fave door frame. I took a photo of said door frame when I left that house in oct :blush:

hahaha!!!! I know exactly how you feel, I have rented the flat where Bronwyn was born, and I couldn't help telling the new tennants "....and this is the spot where she was born!" Don't think that helped to sell it too them!!? I told them not to worry there was no mess made on the carpet!! I was so sad to let her birth place go :cry:
I am gettin a new bed on sunday - would it be a step too far to take pics of the bed :blush: haha!

I didnt really like our old house, it was a bit dim and the landlady was a bitch! So much needed doin to it, we were promised the Earth with it and she never did it...so after 12months we had enough and left. Still, it was where my baby was born and I miss it for that reason. We LOVE the new house, its 'home' not just a place to live - so I hope and pray when I finally get pregnant again that I can have a homebirth here! I love it!!

My main reason for homebirth was hospital phobia, and I KNOW that had I ave gone in that my hubby wouldn't have been there as he's got the same phobia + anxiety issues. Homebirth was PERFECT. I tracked down the midwife who delivered Aimee and she's offered to deliver our next one! I hope she does!
Not had chance to catch up yet, so apologies if I am repeating anything.

MSLC = Maternity Services Liaison Committee. These groups are supposed to exist in every trust but some are so poorly funded that they cannot function. They consist of members of the board, maternity staff and public users of the services. The aim is to improve maternity services but if the trust is digging its heals in nothing much will happen. I have joined mine, which is one of the poorly funded ones :(

Consultant appointments = voluntary. If you have no medical need to see a consultant then don't go. They are often an exercise in scaremongering and excuse-making.

I hope everyone is well.
I was going to mention the same thing about shoulder dystocia!

Wow thank you so much for the warm welcome everyone, I love this thread and I feel right at home!!!! :cloud9:

I just have a piece of advice for BabyHaines, I don't know if you have read Ina May's Guide To Childbirth but you might want to see if you can, there is a great section on shoulder dystocia that she learned from some indigenous midwives (in my copy starting from page 98). Basically what they do and has worked every time is if they notice the baby is getting a bit stuck, they turn the laboring woman onto all fours. And this seems to do the trick with getting the baby free!

They actually named the maneuver after her and is taught in the US and the UK - called the Gaskin Maneuver.

I guess if you were nervous about it still you could have a chat to your MW just to make sure she has heard about it etc :) But don't worry, the chances of it happening are so so small.
Lisa, that is fab!! I will have a good read through with a cuppa once I've walked the dog, but loving the stats!!

I have a bit of a favour to ask you all....
For some reason, this shoulder dystocia thing is on my mind again :( Now....I know that I have less chance of it occuring at home AND I really, really want to trust my body to not produce a baby too big for me, but it seems to keep rearing it's ugly head.
I feel so positive after yesterdays appointment and picking up the pool etc, but I think I may need all your help to stay focused and to stop panicking about it!! Sorry if it sounds stupid (bloomin' hormones!!)

Oooh, the other thing I was going to ask....my sister had group B strep with her 2nd baby and so had the drip of antibiotics and my niece was treated with anti B's after birth.
After discussions with my MW, I have the choice of having a swab next Tues to see if it's present, but don't want to scupper my chances of a HB?? Any ideas whether I can HB IF I was positive for GBS (obviously bubs' health is top priority, my niece wouldve become very ill without the treatment) xxxx
Thanks ladies, I'll see if I can get hold of a copy of that book.
I'm sorry if it seems silly?? I am back to feeling über positive about the whole thing now, I just have these horrible 'wobbly' moments where I become terrified of something going wrong :'(
TBH, I think it actually stems much deeper and is due to the 5yrs TTC, as I am three weeks from my due date and still can't visualise having my own baby!! (Having wanted one for sooooo long, it doesn't seem like I could be lucky enough IYKWIM??)
Anyhoo, please just bear with my 'wobbly' moments, as I am so bloody excited about labour - I can't wait to feel my first contraction xxxx
I know how you feel about the wobbly moments BabyHaines, I get that sometimes when I think about the thought of going through this whole pregnancy, her room done, the pram and her clothes are all here e.t.c to possibly not have her come home. Sorry if that sounds really doom and gloom but it does occupy my thoughts sometimes, but generally speaking I am quite positive about having my baby at home. The more I read about hospital births, the more it freaks me out to be honest. Its all about believing in ourselves, we can do it ladies!! x x x
Oh and I cant reccomend Ina May enough, not sure about the making out and nipple stimulation in labour though. I have never been one for public displays of affection..:blush:
I am back to feeling über positive about the whole thing now, I just have these horrible 'wobbly' moments where I become terrified of something going wrong :'(

:hugs: I worry too. But I think I am a lot less worried because I am gonna be at home and if anything does go wrong and needs sorting it will be because of my body and this labour and not because of outside factors like being in hospital.
:rofl: I watched a breech water birth video recently and the hubby was getting right into the nip twiddling.....:lol:....a bit TOO into it....it was all a bit 'get a room'!
Oh and I cant reccomend Ina May enough, not sure about the making out and nipple stimulation in labour though. I have never been one for public displays of affection..:blush:

hahaha!!! That really made me laugh!! - Is that really what she says?? I'll have to give it a read!

I did watch a youtube video about orgasmic birth.. that was interesting :winkwink:
Hello ladies. I've just stumbled across this beautiful thread from a link in the NP section, and I have spent literally 2 hours reading your stories and looking at the wondeful links you have all posted (I'm not even close to finishing though!)

I'm Laura, and I'm a hopeful homebirther! At the moment I have a slightly reluctant OH due to the fact that I had a 3rd degree tear last time which was mistaken for a severe placenta haemorrhage so hence I unnecessarily had about 10 doctors/midwives etc in the room after the midwife pulled the emergency alarm. Enough to make any man think 'the best place for you is in the hospital' so getting him to see it my way is becoming a little bit more tricky. I still dont know why to this day that emergency alarm was pulled or why I was given 3 doses of placenta removal drug without my permission, but these are all things I hope to remedy with the next one! Apart from this slightly less than perfect end stage, I had the best labour I could have possibly asked for.

I'm going for my 12 week scan on Wednesday (can't wait), and hopefully little spud is growing big and strong for his/her mum, dad and big sister.

I have an appointment with a consultant at 20 weeks to 'discuss' the tear, and according to the midwife (whom I shan't be dealing with again for a whole manner of reasons...don't get me started on this because I will have you here all night) decide if I will have a section or a planned episiototmy. I will be having none of those things, unless the baby is in distress or danger.

I will be watching this thread closely over the next few weeks and months, and I hope every single one of you gets the perfect homebirth you want :hugs:

Hi i just wanted to say I had a 3rd degree tear with my first (at home) and was stitched with no problem.

But i have had 3 more children and not torn at all!:happydance: not one stitch:thumbup:

hopefully you will be the same!
Oh and I cant reccomend Ina May enough, not sure about the making out and nipple stimulation in labour though. I have never been one for public displays of affection..:blush:

hahaha!!! That really made me laugh!! - Is that really what she says?? I'll have to give it a read!

I did watch a youtube video about orgasmic birth.. that was interesting :winkwink:

Yeah she does, she talks a lot about getting your partner to touch you in labour e.t.c, and when making out open your mouth really wide :lol:..It all goes hand in hand with her theory about sphincter law..relaxing the mouth encourages opening of the cervix. That may work on a commune in Tennesse, but not in my lounge with two midwives I have never met before...:haha: Thats the only part of her book, I dont see me taking on but the rest of it is really good for understanding the way the body works in labour.
My MIL will be at my birth therefore NO WAY on the nip twiddling and snogging!!!
I think it my DH tried twiddling or snogging me in labour I might have to punch his lights out! :haha:
Oh I love you lot so much!! You always make me smile....!!
My MW did mention something about 'tweaking' if labour slowed...I thought she was kidding!!
Mind you, what a romantic atmosphere we'll all have going on....
Candles, oils, mood lighting, a birth pool and an open fire.....
Blow me, all I'll need is some Barry White and we'll all be well away!!!!!!! Ahahahaha!!

ER - as much as it may seem strange me saying this, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who has 'those thoughts'. Sometimes I feel like bursting into tears that something beyond my control will happen, but we must fight it!!

This thread really, truly, is the most supportive thread on this forum and I thank you all for that girlies xxxx

(I'm off to find some Barry White....!!) haha

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