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Hey Pops - that is brilliant news, I'm so pleased for you. :happydance:

I totally agree with you.. It is such a huge and important experience, why can't some of the people you met on the way, the ones that are meant to be there to help you, be kind, gentle, sympathetic and understanding. Sometimes some dr's (and some other people, i met, i might add) treat you like an imbecile just because you are pregnant - and talk about birth, like the removal of a tumor, not the begining of a new life and a wonder to behold!

There are lots, and lots of lovely dr's and MW'S out there though, so I shouldn't be too down on them. My GP, after a hesitant start.. was and still is very supportive.

Having your OH, supportive of your choices, is just the best!! - you can get through anything with his love and if he is your biggest advocate!

Let us know how you get on at you MW's appointment? I'm very excited for you.

Thank you my lovely :hugs: We have just spent the past 2 hours talking about it and I called my Mumsy to get her opinion and she said she is not in the least bit surprised we are considering it as it would suit us down to the ground. We are going to watch this "One Born Every Minute" programme in a second and I bet it just confirms our thoughts.

I have our Midwifes number and am going to call her tomorrow to discuss as we don't want to leave it until we see her, we want an idea of what she thinks so we know where we stand. I will most definately update you guys with as to how it went :hugs:

I can totally see Pops having a HB. She's a total homebody and I agree with Bournefree that the support of her boyo is the cherry on the cake :)

:hugs: I am and it is the cherry on the cake! You know him Lise, all he cares about is me and our baby being happy and he would do whatever I wanted but it is obvious he is really keen on this idea. He has posted on his car forum tonight and is now talking to a few fellas on there who with their wives made the decision to have a homebirth and one even posted some pics.....his wife loks so happy and chilled 8% of the way through her labour :thumbup:

This is all very exciting and has made me feel really, I don't know, calm I think....


Wow Pops - it's great that your hubby is so supportive, mine is too and it really makes a difference!! :thumbup:

MandaAnda - how exciting!! Hopefully things are progressing :happydance: Everytime I have a twinge or niggle I get excited and every bit of pressure I feel 'down there' excites me as I know bubs is getting lower and engaging more :cloud9:
Hi Ladies....

Just a quick one to say I wasn't able to get my HB in the end. Unfortunate for some reasons, fortunate for others. The 'outline' of my birth story is on page 87 of my pregnancy journal, for those that are interested, and I hope to add more of the emotional side of things and 'aftermath' in the next couple of days.

In short though, we have a happy healthy baby girl - April Josephine - born 6th Feb 2010 at 15:04, weighing 7lbs 14ozs. She adorable and I'm completely in love!

I have a good 20pages of posts to catch up on which I plan to do shortly, but hope everyones plans are going well!
Only watched a couple of minutes of One Born Every Minute (am recording it to watch later) and was appalled! One woman trying to labour in a brightly lit room with a stupid man blowing up rubber gloves and begging for an epi. She doesn't need an epi, she needs a quiet room, a female birth supporter and probably a divorce!
Hi Hayley,

Just read through your birth story - what a shame you didn't get your HB, but sooooooo pleased your little girl arrived safe and sound - well done and congratulations xxxx
A healthy baby is always the most important thing at the end of the day. Congratulations, Hayley!
Only watched a couple of minutes of One Born Every Minute (am recording it to watch later) and was appalled! One woman trying to labour in a brightly lit room with a stupid man blowing up rubber gloves and begging for an epi. She doesn't need an epi, she needs a quiet room, a female birth supporter and probably a divorce!

I'm gonna watch this tomorrow - sounds very interesting to say the least!! Think it's going to definitely put me off hospital for good!! xxxx
Only watched a couple of minutes of One Born Every Minute (am recording it to watch later) and was appalled! One woman trying to labour in a brightly lit room with a stupid man blowing up rubber gloves and begging for an epi. She doesn't need an epi, she needs a quiet room, a female birth supporter and probably a divorce!

It's bugging the shit out of me already.....:growlmad:
All watched and it done nothing to make us want to go the hospital route.......

The room looked so cold and harsh and uncomfortable :nope:

Well watching 'One Born Every Minute' helped confirm why I dont want a hospital birth!!! Even my hubby was saying how negative the language the MWs were using was! :lol: I have to say my birth centre experience was NOT like that at all - that's a proper hospital labour ward and OMG this baby better turn so I dont end up with that lot!
Congratulations on the arrival of your little girl Hayley :happydance:..

I have just watched it, Oh man..was it me or did the father in BOTH stories just seem really uninterested. I mean, 5 minutes after the baby was born Mr Blue glove man was talking about work? :wacko: And listening to that babies heart rate on the CTG monitor at the end, yikes! I hated the way mum was left alone to labour right until the very end, and the midwife was shouting at her. Nothing about that program made me want to go into hospital to give birth, it didnt take long before they started talking about vontuese e.t.c :wacko:
The negative language the MW used to frighten that woman into submission made my blood boil.....:trouble:

It will be interesting to see how it pans out. The trailer for next week did include a water birth but that was slightly over shadowed for me by all the clips of women screaming they put together :dohh: Why, oh why......
Congratulations Hayley :hug: Sorry you didnt get your HB - maybe next time! :winkwink:

The negative language the MW used to frighten that woman into submission made my blood boil.....:trouble:

I hate it! They tried this kind of negativity with me at the end of my pregnancy, tried to scare me into changin my mind AFTER I'd seen the consultant at 36wks (I had low lying placenta) TWO midwives tried to scare me half to death, told me they HAD to take my blood (major phobia for me) and told me I may not be allowed a homebirth if I didnt give it and my baby "was going nowehere soon anyway" I went into labour the next day, the midwife that came to the house was FAB and pro homebirth! I was tellin her about my 'ordeal' the previous day and it turned out she was in a position to have the matter 'seen to'

I hate the way midwives bark orders at people. This is why I was so scared of a hospital birth - bein told what to do when I have a very bad phobia of anything medical! I hired a doula to help me stay focused and as support so I wouldn't 'give in' to them.

Sorry, I'm on the soapbox AGAIN :blush:
Nikki - did you find the doula useful? Was she easy to come by? I am thinking of doing the doula qualification this year.....I'm due to start a course in September with a view to possibly applying for the MW degree course in a few years but I thought the doula training might be a good in between thing to do......
Are you serious?? Are you ME??? haha! That is what I thought of doin now the hypno seems to be sorting out my phobia. My phobia is daft, its only when I'm the patient that I freak. I stood with my friend on the delivery suite the other day chattin with the midwife and watchin exactly what she did takin blood. I thought of practising as a doula first and then applying for midwifery further down the line. I did wonder if I am too young to be seen as a doula though?

My doula (Michelle Every) was so amazing, she really was the reason I coped so well. I was so prepared for labour and birth. I found her via DoulaUK - and I found her presence priceless, as did my hubby. He has anxiety issues, and he really didn't think he'd cope in a hospital and wasn't sure about coping at home. Michelle was there for both of us! I love the woman to pieces! I would love to give to someone the support that Michelle gave to me!

May I ask how much she charges and what that covers?

Fortunately I have no phobias of blood, needles etc. My dad used to practice putting cannulas in my arms when he was a paramedic! :rofl:
Did he really practise?? Thats great in a way - I hate my phobia, although I'm getting good at doing things now. I chickened out of an MRI scan recently so that was a minor step backwards...but I'm proud of how far I've come, I couldn't step foot in a GP surgery let alone a hospital.

https://everybirth.co.uk/default.aspx That is Michelle's website, if you click services and charges you can see what £500 covers. It also outlines her postnatal doula work.

I am fascinated by her - the way she works, how safe I felt with her around and how at ease my hubby was.

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