Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

cograts kiwi! can't wait to hear the details.

and congrats blah on yourbfp!

I'm currently in need of some stress management. viewed the house yesterday and it was lovely... apparently there are several other people wanting it so she has to go through everyone's applications and call references and pick her favorite. if we get it we'd move in april 15th. I HATE living in limbo and not knowing where i`ll be living in 3 weeks time.... I'm gonna call to check in later this afternoon.

everything around me has been breaking....my lap top...my kids busted mydaughters bed... the ceiling fan pully pulled right out.... came home to find one of my larger pictures had fallen off the wall leaving glass everywhere..... and i still have shingles... even my body is broken.

Then I had my m/w appt this am. All is well cept I am 40+3 according to their dates [39+5 based on conception]. Because of this and hospital protocol they requested that I go in on wednesday for a biophysical and ob consult to have an induction arranged for friday :nope: I Declined the consult and induction and told them that it would make more sense if the scan was booked for friday. The midwife was quite bitchy throughout the appt but agreed to postpone the scan and kept saying 'the ob`s are not going to be happy about this...' She`s just a temp midwife while mine is on holidays till tomorrow... Overall she`s been the nicer of the two. I dread next weeks appt and am anxiously awaiting formy newly graduated student midwife to become registered. She's lovely! damn all the paper work! I Want her working NOW!

After I came home I had a sandwich and none of it stayed down. I feel my anxiety levels just sky rocketing uncontrollaly which is definitly not a very effective way to get my body to naturally go into labour...

Oh no it's not is it? :nope: I'm sorry! You need a long meditative bath I think.
Thanks girls :hugs:
The bath was a lovely idea and I'm feeling much better mentally. Physically I feel as though I've been hit by a truck. Maybe that's a reassuring sign? :shrug: My lower back is just throbbing and it feels as though Peanut's head is pushing against my pubic bone. All new feelings. Baby was still floating this morning so perhaps Peanut has decided to engage some :shrug:
Good morning all. I have my 36 week appointment today so I'm hoping there will be some planning for the homebirth kit to come next week and some birth planning which has still not even been looked at. I also have the consultant mw appointment on Thursday. Eek.
My homebirth planning is going frustratingly slowly. I don't see my MW now until next week (the day before I'm 38 weeks) and then I have to see the Supervisor at home before they'll drop the home birth kit off! I don't think my LO will be early, but it would be reassuring to know that when the time comes everything's actually in place for a home birth. I do know my MW is counting on me having changed my mind after seeing the consultant though....
My son came at 38 weeks so I'm not ruling anything out! There had better not be any issues today. :grr:
Hope you have a good appointment with the MW today PB. Do they do a kit in your area? We don't get one here... and I didn't have one with my DD either, when we were in Hampshire - so Lou and you shouldn't worry even if they don't get one to you - they CAN bring it all at the time. Only essential thing, is the right number to call in labour.. make sure it is written in bold on the front of your notes - that way anyone can find it for you.

Kandy, Hope that the pubic pain is a sign your peanut has decided to go head down! HOORAY!¬ We have also decided to move. Living in a 2 bed flat on the second floor without a lift, is not ideal for getting out and about with a 20month-old and a newborn! ;-) Really need to start looking, but I've been procrastonating about it! I had got some silly idea that my students will have moved out of my house in July before the baby decides to come.. and we might be able to move back in (VERY wishful thinking!). So we are now going to move by the 17th of May. I'll be about 31weeks, and about as much use a chocolate teapot!

Do you know, I've just realised that haven't seen my MW since 16weeks pregnant and I'm not due to see her again until 29weeks. I don't really know how I feel about that??? I guess it's ok - I know that I'm alright, and baby is moving about.. so it dosen't really matter. Still it's nice to be in contact with her!
Bourne I had the same gap but the appointments have been much more frequent since then.

We do have a kit, or at least we did 2 years ago. It smelt so strongly of antiseptic!
I know I'll be ruling the day when I'm closer to the end and it's all appointments¬! I think I miss her a little!? (as you drop 3 appointments with subsequent pregnancies)
I'm going along to my Glucose Tolerance Test at 28wks, then I'll see her to "discuss" the results! If I get a GD diagnosis again.. (which I think might be likely as I have family history) it will be a barrage of appointments with the Obst, Endocrinologist, Diabetic MWs, Nutritionists, and more scans! Plus doing my blood sugars every 2 hours after eating. Hell on earth! - So there is that to look forward to! ;-)

Surely they must be able to swing by your kit next week so you are in time for 37wks? I know you'll be telling them what you expect¬! ;-)

It’s going to be a lovely day here - and I’ve got spring in my step.. So DD and I are heading down to the beach for a picnic. I have even got my legs out in a summer dress!!! (oh and most of my breasts.. As they don’t really fit in this dress at the moment!) Brrrrr! LOL

Catch you later
I've had a big yellow box dropped off, which has got a load of inco pads etc in but the MW's will bring most of it with them. Seems like they're bringing half the hospital but they sound prepared for anything, which is reassuring!

I feel like a mahoosive flump and getting impatient.Have to pop out to town today to get some bits which means putting on something other than sweatpants, not happy! Still it's a distraction and something else to do other than clean or play with the kittens :)
MW appointment was fine. It wasn't my usual one but she said all is good for the homebirth. I should see my own MW this evening as she is running antenatal classes where I have yoga so will try and collar her to make an appointment for dropping off the kit and talking through the plan next week. :happydance:

Bloods taken, hope my iron's gone up a bit but I've been a bit hit and miss with spatone. MW put baby as OP but really she is on the right and I know is so quite consistently. OP would be better as at least she'd be half way to right way! Time to do lots of turning baby exercises especially as she is engaging. I'm wondering if part of the reason I had such a long early labour last time was that Byron was on the right and contractions were turning him. It'll be interesting to see what's on my notes on Thursday...

Enjoy town Abz, at least it's nice Springy weather!
Gosh that does sound like a long gap bournefree! A picnic sounds like the perfect way to spend today!

Abz...any more signs of bubba?

They don't drop anything off here before the birth. I've had to buy inco pads and get together a whole load of old sheets, floor covering and towels and the midwife brings everything else she needs on the day!

Had my 38wk appt this morning, all nicely normal still :D so not got another appt until due date, so lets hope we don't need that one!

Been feeling a bit like I'm going to come on every now and then since last night and lost some plug on Sunday, might mean nothing but might not! :D xx
Mine has been on the right every time the midwife has checked since 26 weeks and I can feel that she is mostly always there. Occasionally she'll move for half an hour or so. But I've taken to calling her SpiderBaby because I've been laying on my left side so much I have left thigh and hip cramps all the time and she still will not move!

Anyway, my midwife said she'd rather have the baby on the right than the left anyway. So I said "really?" and she said "yeah" and that was that. No explanation. Ugh. I just don't know what to think or do about it!
hmm, hopefully they'll switch properly just before labour! mine usually sits on my left but every now and then he swaps to the right, which is where he is today. I see his bump roll across the front of my belly, so he's more than able to get in the right position, just choses not to stop there ;) xx
That's interesting Gen! I got the impression that left or front was best and that as babies mostly seem to only turn in one direction being on the right means going the long way round. I wonder if that's wrong? I'm not sure I understand why if a baby can descend on the left they can't on the right! :wacko: Maybe I should research. I'm not hung up about it but it'd be nice if it wasn't a contributory factor a long labour. With the GBS issues the shorter my labour the better.
I was under the same impression that left was better, and if not they have to go the long way round? .. But just like you PB - I don't really know why that is, it is just something that I was told with my first. I can only think that it has something to do with the striated circular muscles of the uterus.. I'm off to investigate.

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