Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

Im going to... making tea and getting her paws on my notes are going to be her key jobs bless her heart!!!
Crazy that they charge for them
A few years ago i broke my toe and while i was waiting with the porter for an x-ray i strarted to thumb through my notes and a nurse came over and took them off me and gave me a right bollocking for it!!!
1981 we left Bretton for Yorkshire. Never been to Peterborough since! I've got some vague memories of there. When we move there it had literally just been built!

yeah i would believe its not so nice anymore lol most people i know will avoid bretton/westwood on house sites aswell as wellend lol Ive lived in westwood.
1981 we left Bretton for Yorkshire. Never been to Peterborough since! I've got some vague memories of there. When we move there it had literally just been built!

yeah i would believe its not so nice anymore lol most people i know will avoid bretton/westwood on house sites aswell as wellend lol Ive lived in westwood.

You don't really notice if places are rough when you're little do you! Maybe that's why my parents only spent 4 years there then moved us all up here! :lol:
Hi ladies

I have a long way to go but am really keen (all being well) to have a home water birth. I can't think of a more perfect way for our first child to be born. We live within minutes of major city hospital should anything go wrong so hoping I get the go ahead.

Will be reading this section avidly!

Welcome! I was in here with my last pregnancy! I loved being in the water during labour! :D
Welcome to the thread Jodie! Ask away about anything you want to know about having a home birth or water birth with your first - I did it, and it was brilliant, couldn’t do it any other way other than home now.
Nightkd! Great to see you here again - though I’m sure you never really left. ;-)
And welcome imagine13
Wow I’m so excited for all our new mums to be - it is great to have you here!

The post partum can be totally different for everyone hey? My experience, was that I had major muscle ache is places where I didn’t even know I had muscles! And the bleeding after was for about 12 days… then stoped, for just under 2 weeks, and then I had my normal period. (I was breast feeding, and I know lots of ladies don’t have periods for ages after, but my normal periods last about 3 days… and it was the same.)

I lost an estimated 150ml post birth. But this is something that I will always ponder??? I had a syntocine injection about an hour after, and I will never really know if it was effective or not, or if my uterus was already contracted down? Unanswerable. I will be refusing the injection this time, unless there is any signs of bleeding becoming a concern.. I only had it last time because the MW were getting twitchy about how long I was taking - and to be fair to them they thought there was a slim chance it might help get the placenta out and avoid me going in with a retained placenta. With hindsight, I now know this prob made little difference, as the separation blood any already been seen, and the cord had lengthened considerably, it was the squeezing it out which was taking its time = I should have taken baby to the breast sooner, rather than starring into her eyes for far to long… and then considering placenta delivery as something separate to me being with baby.

I won’t be doing that again! To the breast in 30min is my new moto!

It is great to see your notes again, can really make you see things - well worth the £10 to at least go and view them and take lots of paper and a pen - or fork out the upto £50 for your very own copies.

I hope that you don’t encounter problems getting notes copied at home - they are always the property of the NHS, even though they are in your possesion.. But you know what they say about posession and the law. The trick is, if they are actually in the hands of your MW, they don’t have a duty to give them to you for 30min while you scan or copy then in.. it could be negligent for them to do so - and esp to a third party.. Even if you say it is ok. I would hope your Mws would take a common sense approach, but their jobs are on the line for the mishandling of information relating to a patient EVEN if you ARE the patient. I’m sorry but I wouldn’t hold out hope for you or any person being able to copy your birth details at the time. Really hope you get further than this! :)

Apparently the policy to not give notes back to women until discharge was made after a string of incidents with 1 or 2 MW's not bothering to get them back.

I'm so annoyed they didnt tell me about it, it was only 18 months ago I kept my notes.

There is a call to make the charge for getting a copy less so only £10 but hey what a swizz. Its our informatin dammit!!
Why do we have to lug them round and remember to take them to every bloody appt and not lose them if they're the hospitals? If I go to any other appt they share the notes internally. Seems stupid to me. Stupid hospitals don't seem to be interested in patients at all

When does your mw take the notes? After the birth? Will copy mine before if so then at least Ive got my Preg history

I had no idea about post birth bleeding for days on end, lovely thing to look forward to...
Why do we have to lug them round and remember to take them to every bloody appt and not lose them if they're the hospitals? If I go to any other appt they share the notes internally. Seems stupid to me. Stupid hospitals don't seem to be interested in patients at all

When does your mw take the notes? After the birth? Will copy mine before if so then at least Ive got my Preg history

I had no idea about post birth bleeding for days on end, lovely thing to look forward to...

i wouldnt say days on end id say weeks.
i bled for 5 weeks after having zane and then got my period a day after i stopped, so i bled for 6 weeks.

but after having a baby the bleeding was really the last thing on my mind
Sorry. Weeks then.

i really wouldnt worry about it.
just add maternity pads to ur list of things to buy when u start buying.
i would use 2-4 at a time not because the bleed was bad, but just for padding hahaha
I'm not worried just this is the first time I've heard of it and Ive hardly stinted on my research. Would be rly nice if midwifes told you this stuff rather than just tick boxes. Hard to know what to google if you don't even know what to look for. Seem to be relying on dr google ATM rather than any actual ppl who are supposed to be looking after me. The whole system is just crap.

I know they can't tell you everything but they should kinda walk you through the pregnancy so you know what to expect on average.
i agree the mws dont give women enough information, and its suprising how many first time mums dont have a clue about the bleeding after until they read it on here or another forum.

i only knew because my mum told me and warned me about things like clots ect ud think the mw would talk to the woman about that :/
Hehe. I asked my mum what her birth was like and she said it was fine. End of conversation. Thanks then... Lol
Hehe. I asked my mum what her birth was like and she said it was fine. End of conversation. Thanks then... Lol

my mum has always been open about our births (im one of 4) i didnt even ask lol and she told me everything from a young age lol

she was trying to put me off having children i think
My mum kept telling me I would have a quick easy birth just like her but I decided not to get my hopes up and believe her. I told her I was in labour at 7 in the morning and she said "Oh, you'll be done by 2". I gave birth at 2:07. I guess mother's intuition never goes away.
My mum kept telling me I would have a quick easy birth just like her but I decided not to get my hopes up and believe her. I told her I was in labour at 7 in the morning and she said "Oh, you'll be done by 2". I gave birth at 2:07. I guess mother's intuition never goes away.

my first birth was alot like my mums, even down to zane pushing down instead of around the birth canal just like my brother did (we both have extra bit of bone) apart from i didnt have a epidural.

so i think my second birth will also be like hers
see mine was not, with me my mum was in labour for ages and in then end in her words "they got the toilet plunger out to get you out" lol with my brother they needed a goalie in her words lol well my labour was 4hours, 2hours at home got me to 9cm, 2hours in the mat unit to get to 10cm and get kyle out lol
ive just got my tens machine in the post :D ive just got really excited about using it lol

still cant believe in the next 12 weeks i will have my baby here. cant wait to see what he looks like, from the scans hes another spitting image of his daddy just like zane
My mum's were totally different. Four kids, no pain relief:
1) induction because they induced them all, 7 hours
2) homebirth, 4/5 hours
3) homebirth, 4 hours
4) induction for pre-eclampsia (me), 3 hours

My granny had a terribly long and difficult birth with my dad. My sisters three have all had days of early labour and hours for delivery but otherwise no complications. I'm the black sheep.
Mum had a long difficult labour with my sister and episiotomy terrible time with stitches

Quicker easier labour with me, epis again b y stitched with cat gut by her GP pn his way back from the pub and easy healing! LOL

My sister had a 24 hour long tough labour with her first and her second was very quick scary 8 weeks early ickle baby.

I'm the only one to have had the unsurprising long difficult labour with my first thats ended up with EMCS for failure to wait. Damn policy.

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