Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

Took me about two hours to read through everything, new page every minute in here! lol

I just want to jump for joy because I got my cot bed today!!!! woooohoooo
It's an American style cot, that turns into a bed, day bed for when she is a toddler. It's Simplicity Charleston Convertible crib in dark wood https://www.walmart.com/ip/Simplicity-Charleston-4-in-1-Convertible-Crib-Cherry/5614477 and I am just in love with it. We didn't get it from walmart, got it from the American base where were stationed and the bonus of it.... we got it for $160 which is like 90pounds!! woopwoop
I went and got some cute flower fabric today, that I am going to make a duvet for her. :happydance::happydance:
Morning all,

I've had another night of owwies and another morning where everything is fine. This baby is a right tease. We tried sex last night instead of EPO but all it did was make sure OH had a good nights sleep. Its not that I necessarily want her now, we have another 2 weeks, but that she keeps suggesting she is gonna be born then isn't.

It's my 30th birthday on Saturday, so its been a case of will I be mummy in my 20's or 30's. Its looking more like 30's.
You're probably finding things happening at night because that's when you are more relaxed and of course, oxytocin (the labour hormone) is released when you are relaxed and inhibited when you are tense or excited. The anticipation just added to the excitement. I honestly believe one of the reasons I went in to labour with my last baby when I did, was because I'd come home from the MW and completely let go of the idea of it being any time soon. I resigned myself to being 2 weeks past my due date.....and that night my waters went!
Lisa - I don't know if you have already seen this, but just in case: Turning breech babies
i don't want to be negative here (cos its such a wonderful positive thread), but now I am swaying away from home birth plan. I phoned the midwife at the new maternity ward to actually sort of say I wanted a home birth- i must be so easily presuaded!! and she sounded really nice and I don't know, she just made it sound such a nice place to give birth without any of the hassle for example hiring a pool (they have pools there),preparing a room to give birth in etc, she asked "would my kids be ok with me labouring in the house?" and I must admit I have been worried about this issue. I think my younger one (the 11 year old would be fine) but I think my older one (14) wouldn't. So I can see the advantage of being away from home too, because you can be away from the others that live in your house. I house share with my sister and her two children also. Anyway she said I could I have an tour of the unit!! Not normally offered but I think cos I said i was thinking of home birth they are trying to presuade me by offering this service.
I think I'll go on the tour and hopefully that will help me decide for sure. It's such a difficult decision! I wish I could just be completely happy with one option! So many pros and cons of each. Sorry to be negative here and still keep me down for home birth for just now! xx
Afternoon ladies...feels like I’ve missed too much on here...you guys know how to post, lol.

How is everyone today?

I’m ok...I went on a short school trip with 90 kids today:wacko:


Everything now hurts.

Plus I’ve offered to look after my 3 yr old niece for the next two nights..am I mad???:dohh:

I also had a strange dream that my waters broke and it had thick meconium in it...think Im trying to scare myself out of having a homebirth...:nope: It seemed so real...I think the closer I get to my due date the more I start thinking...which is not always the best thing to do. :shrug:

SB - you're not being negative honey. Afterall, you're not saying you don't want a homebirth, just that the MW led centre may be a better option for you at the moment. This is my first baby, so I've only had to organise the dog....hehe, so I'm lucky in that respect. Also, I managed to hire a pool for just £10 !! so I am very lucky there too.
You need to do what feels right for you.

Cupcake - you're brave (or mad!! lol) I can just about cope with a quick trip to the shops!!
I had three dreams in a row last week, the first night I dreamt I had a girl at home and I was saying how 'easy' it was!! Haha
The next night I dreamt I had a boy, and the night after that I dreamt my baby got stuck and I woke up in a panic!! It was horrible :'(
But I know it's my mind doing overtime.

I don't remember any dreams from this week, as this poxy carpal tunnel and horrendous heartburn has been keeping me awake. Am so tired, I feel like a zombie!!xxxx
thanks babyhaines,

i think i'm coming back to the idea. i get so easily presuaded by people sometimes! i'll have a look round the unit and think about it some more. aghh hate making decisions sometimes! xx
It's OK sb, you just take the time to come to the decision that is best for you and your family. If you are worried about labouring at home (remember that with a hospital birth you still do a bulk of the labour at home any way!) it may help you to come up with a plan for childcare/distraction. Many women find that if they are worried about older children they tend to give birth at night while the older children are sound asleep in bed!
I can only echo what the others have said SB. Look at ALL your options. You've plenty of time yet ;)

Thanks for the link Shifter. I am on with all of the suggestions - been swimming this week on my own which was nice and next weds if he's the same, I'll be booked for moxibustion and acupuncture and I'm having breech hypnotherapy on tuesday. He doesnt stand a chance!! :rofl:
SB, you're doing a good thing - covering all bases and informing yourself. I think it's a good idea to go on a tour of the unit. Perhaps make a list of questions to ask on your tour so that you can make a proper comparison. I think I'd be asking if there is a pool for every woman on the unit, if all midwives are confident in water births and basically what are the chances of you being able or not being able to get in the pool, as that's the main thing when you have it at home - you don't have to wait for it to be cleaned, you don't get told someone else is using it and you can get in it when you want.

hpjagged, I love the cot! I think a lot of the American cots are so much nicer. I was going to get one somehow, but then I decided I really wanted a bedside cot (one side drops completely under the cot so you can have it against your bed), and this is what I got:
Hello Lisa and Cupcake!

Amazon delivered my Ina May's Guide to Childbirth and Guide to Breastfeeding books today, so I am happy. I will stick my nose into them this evening.

Lisa, if you weren't sure about being so far from hospital for a homebirth, do you have the option of staying with family/friends in Glasgow and doing a 'home'birth there? I'm in Glasgow and they have a specific homebirth team here, who have been lovely. That way it gets over all their concerns about being too far from a hospital (not that I think they are necessarily valid concerns at all).

I run my own design business with my husband, so although I will be working after my maternity leave I will be at home as well. I will have to work out how I deal with sporadic childcare though as sometimes I have to go away for site visits for 2-3 days, or have meetings at short notice and random times. I guess I will have to befriend a very flexible childminder, and butter up my Mum and In-Laws! And get a breastpump I guess!

I'm going to try and take the full 39 weeks maternity leave although it will all be at the basic rate as I will get Maternity Allowance rather than SMP.

What kind of cot is that MandaAnda, it looks lovely? I have been looking at Ikea ones that aren't technically bedside ones, but which can have one side taken off.
i have the exact same cot, though mine is full of various baby bits and bobs and not made up yet!
Hi BabyHaines,

Im not sleeping well at all...I love my sleep but I wake up wanting to give up on it...:wacko:

Also heartburn has started...got to 35+ weeks without it and the last 2 nights I thought I was about to die!

Hopefully I'll start having some more positive dreams.

Hello to Lisa and Cupcake!!!

Thanks cupcake for telling us your job.. brave! (I’ll have to come clean too! )No, it is really wonderful to have a pro pro-homebirth on here - thank you!

Lisa, hopefully you will be able to have your home birth. I know it has to be a consideration if you have children. I can see pros and cons in both - but if your family are with you, perhaps you and they might be more relaxed? Or if they go to stay with someone else, you don’t have to feel they are a million miles away! They can come right back home after, and you can all be together sooner.

Surprisebaby - I don't think you are negative at all! Don't worry about that, we all have to weigh up the options. I would say though, if you really have your heart set on a water birth, the only way you are guaranteed to get it is at home. Check out your birth unit, and see how many pools they have.. and if you go for the unit, make sure you let them know about wanting to birth in water, as soon as you get there - as you might find that someone else is in it! Hiring a pool can be expensive - but I bought one off ebay for £50.00 - it was brilliant.

ER - As cupcake has been brave enough to share that she is a midwife, I should come clean and say that I'm a lawyer (gasp!!) Please don't all hate me.. some of us are nice - honest! :) It might explain why all medical staff were slightly cautious with me; as on my notes my occupation was written on the front in capitals!! Haha!!
Also, what a stunner you are in the that dress!!!!
I can see that you are feisty like me, but I also know that it doesn't stop us getting upset about some of the things that people say about HB and there reactions - it really can get boring explaining it all the time - I don't blame anyone who has decided to keep it on the qt!!
.. and then there is the whole BMI thing, well asides from what others have said, which I wholly agree with, there is a point which I like to add, which some of us have touched on. The "norms" for BMI are not only totally out of date, they also as I think you were thinking don't take into account ethnicity. The data was for white women in the 1950's. Can't see that if applies to anyone more. But for starters, women’s breast have greatly increased and what if you are small and Asian? You would prob be told you were vastly underweight! let alone of African or Caribbean; where men have been choosing ladies with larger bottoms for centuries! Hence the booty! Our make up does effect what's norm for our bodies.

What does seem to be a shame, is that because of hospital policies.. women who are subject to them (i.e "we can't have you in a birthing centre because of XYZ"), are only being left with 2 choices - Home or hospital. That has to be madness! Esp when NICE guideline emphasise choice!!

Manda - that cot bed, is fab!!! I wish that I had one. As the little one is getting bigger and bigger, and I can't keep her in the mosses basket for ever!!

Books for Boys - I had my OH read Homebirth, Nicky Weston - the stories in there are great.

As for number of mw’s for a HB - Well as some know, I ended up with more than my fair share (5). However in early labour, I was attended by 1 and sometimes 2. My mw Jill when I asked about a homebirth told me they like to have 2 for the reasons already said above. One to lead during labour, and the other to support your lead mw. Then when baby arrives, there is one for the baby and one for you. I was happy just to get one!!

Hi urbanbumpkin

Ive read Ina May's Guide to Childbirth and spiritual midwifery, the latter when I was training and pregnant with DS, that book is amazing....Ive got Grantly Dick-Reads childbirth without fear but Im finding that one harder to get into.

Really positive books to read, especially for us having homebirths.x.
Bournefree...a lawyer!!!! that just scares us midwives...lol. :haha:

I know I treat everyone the same but it is funny when you get midwives that change their attitude/ persona when they attend a 'professional' Lawyers are top of that list.

I completely agree with you on the BMI issue...its such a shame that maternity units take so long to realise what 'choice' means.

Hi urbanbumpkin

Ive read Ina May's Guide to Childbirth and spiritual midwifery, the latter when I was training and pregnant with DS, that book is amazing....Ive got Grantly Dick-Reads childbirth without fear but Im finding that one harder to get into.

Really positive books to read, especially for us having homebirths.x.

I've read Dicks!! :dohh: I mean, I've got that book!
.. and your right it is hard to get into, as it was originally written in such a bygone age! but stick with it, it gets better! His main principle about fear leading to pain - is something I totally believe in!! I didn't experience any pain in child birth, and I know this is because I felt supported and comforted in my own home, trusting my body and the midwives. Don't get me wrong, it was still a big effort; exhilarating, and all-encompassing physically - but not once painful.
Hi urbanbumpkin

Ive read Ina May's Guide to Childbirth and spiritual midwifery, the latter when I was training and pregnant with DS, that book is amazing....Ive got Grantly Dick-Reads childbirth without fear but Im finding that one harder to get into.

Really positive books to read, especially for us having homebirths.x.

I was wondering about Grantly Dick-Reads book too, as that is what Marie Mongan had read when she pushed for her own natural births in the 1950s and when she was starting up the Hypnobirthing movement, and it is quoted a few times in the Hypnobirthing book. My teacher has just got it, but hasn't started reading it yet.

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