Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

Thank you for all your support ladies, I have been so down this evening. My fiance thinks I should fight for it..Im expecting a call about this meeting tomorrow I think but I already told the consultant I wont be going. But I am happy to accept a phone call from the senior midwife e.t.c So far everytime I go to the hospital, it has been a waste of taxi fare as everything is normal and baby is STILL healthy. I really dont know what to do for the best..as it terrifies me the thought of having to go to the hospital to give birth but I feel so worn down. ..
Eternal rose:
i had some similar issues when i wanted to opt for a homebirth.

I'm really sad to read ur story...bullying like that shouldn't happen...homebirth shouldn't b something we have to fight for :-( Its a perfectly safe option. Unfortunately It seems that hospitals sometimes have alterior motives for wanting women to have their babies in a very 'medical' way.

Its up to u if u want to fight or not but if u do wish to fight this then there is oodles of info out there to prove there is no reason for weight alone to b an issue. I researched it and came up with no reason for a high BMI to b a safety issue when no other medical issues r present (i'm not talking crazy morbid obesity but my BMI is above urs). If there has been no probs throughout pregnancy with blood pressure etc, u don't have GD and growth scans r showing everything is fine then there isn't anything to worry abt.
I refused to see my consultant for the 'bullying' meeting- i was pre warned abt it. You don't actually have to see anyone at all abt having a homebirth. It is completely your choice and you don't need 'permission' despite being made to feel like it by the hopsital!! In the end i had a visit by my MWs manager and she was very pro me having a homebirth. She said she doesn't believe weight alone should ever b an issue either and was very supportive of avoiding the consultant.

Personally i wouldn't attend this proposed meeting. Homebirth.org has some great info abt weight being used as a reason against HB and also what to do if ur being 'refused' a HB.
Personally i would write a letter (homebirth.org has address for who best to write to) explaining that i am having a homebirth, that i can see no reason not to and that i expect full support when the time comes then i wouldn't set foot in a consultants office unless there was a medical reason to!! IMO its far less stress that way- but like i said thats just what 'i' would do. Tis completely up to u and i understand how hard it can b especially near the end of pregnancy when u just want some peace.

If u need any help/ someone to chat to abt any of this then feel free to PM me x

This was really helpful hun, I got my OH to read it and he agreed with you. I tried to ask the consultant how much higher the risk of post partum bleeding was but he said he couldnt quantify it. :wacko: So God knows what he is planning on talking about at this meeting? I only live a 10 minute drive away from the hospital, but he insisted on speaking to the senior midwives tomorrow about whether this is viable and how they can accommodate me in the best possible way? Dear God! He also said I am more likely to be transferred into hospital anyway. He wrote in capital letters on my notes that I AM VERY UNHAPPY..:dohh: I wish I never went in today..

Edit: This is probably going to sound like a silly question, but if you were me ladies would you just go ahead with the homebirth? Matthew is now concerned that I will feel resentful if I go into hospital to give birth. I know its easy for you to say as your not me, but I want to know if you would get that fighting spirit going..So sorry to go on x x
You're right. We're not you. But as for me, hell yes I'd fight for it. Their reasons are absolute rubbish. We've seen piccies of you. There's some of us on here with higher BMIs who've not been questioned. Mine's higher than it "should" be at 31, and no one's said a word to me. Besides, the concept of BMI charts is very outdated. If I had a B cup bra size (one can wish) and lost 5lb, I'd probably be the perfect BMI. This BMI business isn't taking into account you as an individual, Mon.

And, yes, you are more likely to transfer to hospital. But that has nothing to do with your BMI. Most mothers trying for a home birth in their first pregnancy transfer, but it doesn't mean you will. I could very well end up needing to transfer due to a long labour, wanting more pain relief or unforeseen complications - so what?! At least I know that I gave a home birth my best shot and that I (probably) enjoyed the time I did have at home, and I'd be more determined to give it another go the next time around.

Here's my Facebook if you (or any of the other girls - just tell me who you are!) want to add me.
I would but that's me - I'm a dog with a bone! The more I'm told no with no justification, the more determined I become. The only thing that will change my mind about my HB plans is going into prem labour or labour while he's breech. The growth scan, or my iron levels will not change my mind.

I don't want any regrets.

And you will be welcome here no matter which way you decide to go....... x
Thank you Manda, I am two stone heavier now but a lot of that seems to have gone round my middle which is expected. I wear size 16 trousers, and have done for ages now. Im going to have a think about all the advice and support you have given me tonight and tomorrow, and see if I can get that positivity I had back again. The consultant said he is not concerned about how my pregnancy is going or the health of the baby as he knows we are both fine just the risk of me bleeding to death and not being able to get to the hospital in time..I hardly think the ambulance would wait in the traffic if that was going to happen though! :dohh: If you all lived down my street, I would invite you all over for tea & chocolate muffins tomorrow :hugs: x x x
I would but that's me - I'm a dog with a bone! The more I'm told no with no justification, the more determined I become. The only thing that will change my mind about my HB plans is going into prem labour or labour while he's breech. The growth scan, or my iron levels will not change my mind.

I don't want any regrets.

And you will be welcome here no matter which way you decide to go....... x

Do you think the post partum bleeding is justified though? I cant find any research online that quanitifies the risk in women with higher BMI. Its all really sketchy. Thanks hun :hugs:

P.s I have added you on facebook Manda x x x
EternalRose - If I were you then I would fight tooth and nail because I think his reasoning is unjustified. Yes, you have a higher chance of transfer due to it being your first labout BUT you will never know if you don't try. I was worried I'd have to transfer...but I successfully delivered Aimee at home. I felt bullied by 2 midwives on my choice for a homebirth - so I complained. Just so you know, we are all here to support you and I really pray that you do get the homebirth you want!

You want me to bring my non preggy ass down there to give him a kick?? ;) Warn him - say "Nikki will come n kick ur arse if you don't co-operate" lol!!

Aww in all seriousness though hun - I really hope it all works out for you. :hugs:
**Did someone say chocolate muffins??**

I'd fight it honey. Correct me if i'm wrong ladies, but I thought the community MW's could carry a jab to give you 'if' you started bleeding heavily??
If it helps, I'm seeing my MW Tuesday, and I can ask her opinion on the BMI/bleeding thing??
I really don't understand why they have said this?? Is anyone aware of statistics with regards BMI and bleeding??xxxx
Here's my facebook :)

Nikki's Facebook

Feel free to add me ladies :)
**Did someone say chocolate muffins??**

I'd fight it honey. Correct me if i'm wrong ladies, but I thought the community MW's could carry a jab to give you 'if' you started bleeding heavily??
If it helps, I'm seeing my MW Tuesday, and I can ask her opinion on the BMI/bleeding thing??
I really don't understand why they have said this?? Is anyone aware of statistics with regards BMI and bleeding??xxxx

They do carry a drug - because (and I don't want to scare you ER) I did start to bleed, and the 2nd midwife was talkin about it...but Faye (my Angel in midwife form) massaged my uterus and it slowed down and all was ok!

I have just been reading this...

EDIT TO ADD - I did have a low placenta (4cm from os) this is a risk factor for PPH - don't know if that had anything to do with my 'hairy moment' as the midwfie put it.

Homebirth.org.uk info on bleeding
EternalRose - If it were me I would fight for what feels right to me. Obviously a home birth feels right to you and they are simply trying to bully you into giving it up. I would worry about feeling defeated at the hospital and how that could affect labour.

Can you decline attending these meetings so that you don't have to continue to feel pressured. Tell them that they are welcome to discuss among themselves what they feel they need to do to provide you every opportunity to have the homebirth that you want. That is their job, to make you happy. A size 16 is not big and not a reason not to have a homebirth.

If you do have post partum bleeding, your MW is there to help sort it out. And if she can't, then you can simply transfer to the hospital, which is close. I definitely don't think that this is a good justification for bullying you. Some of his comments were just out of line.

Lots of hugs from me. :hugs:

Edit - I have sent both of you FB requests :)
Yes double chocolate chip muffins Emma..:hugs:

Its good to know that they bring an injection with them to help stop the bleeding if it occured.

Well, the midwife should call me tomorrow Ill speak to her and Ill update you all on what I have decided to do.

Thanks again ladies. x


P.s Anyone can add me if they want x
It all sounds a bit like scare tactics to me. My GP warned me I'd bleed to death too. :(

For those who have already had their babies, does anyone have any of these books they want to sell on?

Active Birth Janet Balaskas
The new pregnancy and Childbirth Sheila Kitzinger
childbirth without fear Grantly dick read
Ina may's guide to childbirth Ina May gaskin
Homebirth sheila kitzinger
my mw is pro home birth and the only thing she mentioned to me regarding breeding (in connection with my iron levels) was that unless I really had any objection, she'd advise I had a managed 3rd stage ie the injection that speeds the delivery of the placenta. She said a useful side effect for me would be that it may reduce bleeding. I had a managed 3rd stage last time and only lost about a litre and needed some iron tablets for a week or so but certainly felt ok very quickly. My sister had a hospital delivery, epidural, slowed labour, 'distressed' baby, failed forceps, emergency section and ended up needing a blood transfusion.....the cascade of intervention IMO led to it... and her bmi must be 23....25 max!

I'm going to make it my business to find out more for you today ER. I'll be back.... x
This thread moves so fast that by the time I've caught up with it, I have no time to post. :p

ER, I am sooo sorry that you're being put through this ordeal, darling. :hugs: I'm really glad your other half is wonderfully supportive though. Good for him. Ultimately, you've got to do what you're going to be most comfortable with, but if you're still wanting to have a home birth, I wouldn't give up yet. In your situation, the first thing I would want is some hard evidence from the naysayers. What empirical research can they provide you with to back up their claim of increased risk? If that assertion isn't evidence based, then the conversation would stop there for me. You shouldn't be expected to engage with and argue against individual health care professional's biases and prejudices. Your picture shows what appears to be a strong, healthily proportioned, beautiful woman, and if they're saying that all indications are that you and the baby are healthy and strong WTF is their problem?! :growlmad: On the other hand, if there is evidence out there that a slightly higher than 'standard' BMI poses the increased risks they say, well then they need to let you see that evidence and let you weigh up the risks for yourself and make an informed choice. You're not a child, you're an intelligent adult woman. Your body, your baby, your birth, your choice!

Sorry for that rant, but I am so angry on your behalf that you've been treated this way. Know that we'll be here to support you however you choose to proceed. Please don't feel the group is no longer for you, just because you've hit this new hurdle. :kiss:
Oh ER - PLEASE, please try not to let the buggers get you down!
I feel so sad for you right now! I can empathise, It is horrible, and you do feel bullied down.

I admit, that I even had this discussion with my OH when I was feeling that I didn't want to fight any longer. I remember saying to him in tears "do you think I should just go in and have a c-section, least then it is my choice - I just can't fight it anymore.. and I want my pregnancy and birth to be beautiful, not stressful - why are they doing this to us!" It is awful, esp when it feels like you are getting it from all angles.. even some of my family where against it. (but he's a moron) My OH, He was really supportive, and we fought on, and got what we wanted.

Please don't give up, if a Home birth is what you desire, and you feel you are not at risk - you won't regret it if you get the birth you wanted. It really was the best decision for me. But, you might regret it if you let them make you feel so scared you feel you have little choice but to go in. You'll be one of the ladies back on here pregnant with your next child, telling everyone that will listen, that you wont be bullied again.

Based on what you are telling us, I can't see a single clinical reason for you being in hospital.. above what is a risk for all births.

PPH is a risk for all births. It is far less likely to happen if you labour naturally, you body will turn off the vessels that supplied the placenta, if let alone... and as others have mentioned you could always plan to have the injection after birth to reduce your risks - you can be doing this at home or hospital.

So what would I do??
*I would go to the meeting and get the MW's on your side.
*I would take with me another person, other than my OH, to help you feel secure, and to
*record anything said and/or agreed at the meeting.
*I would follow up the meeting with a letter to all parties, and also copy in the head of your health authority, and your local MP.
*I would at the meeting ask for a letter addressed to you regarding their medical opinions of your birth and the options open to you. This is from your Obst and the MW’s. This is because as soon as you have given birth, your notes which you have been carrying around for months, go with them. Keep a copy of these letters in your notes, and one for your own record.

(I bet you are all thinking this is a bit much. Take from it what you want, it is what I would do, and infact IS what I did - then that's the lawyer in me)

Any support you need, we are all here for you. You have 10 weeks left, I didn't start my little fight till 36weeks - there is along way to go. If you refuse, which you are perfectly entitled to do, then you wouldn't be able to say you were compliant to listen to advice and informed by them. It might make you feel bad, it might make you feel brilliant - you just don't know.
I felt compelled to go to all meetings and appointments set up for me, for all the women that want to labour and birth at home, to make my points, and to educate my Obst - that his view of childbirth is swayed towards complications; as that is his job. I felt that if I couldn't fight the "system" (and I'm not one to be trifled with as far as my rights are concerned) then what hope is there for others?!

Please remember regardless of there thoughts at this meeting.. you can still walk away saying I AM having a homebirth.. They cant stop you. If you are at home and in labour, refusing to go to hospital - the MW's have a duty of care to you, to try to come, if available.

They (that is all the medical professionals - MW's, Obst, even your GP) do however have to cover there own backs.. Just try to see it in this light, and not as something personal.
I was happy to note anywhere that I went against their medical policy. I asked for 2 Obst in different hospitals, to write me letters regarding my HB stating it was policy for me to be induced and birth in the hospital, but also stating, I felt that I would likely labour and birth fine at home, and wishing me every success for my HB.

It's not something that is mentioned much, (..and I don't like to mention it myself) but the reason is because of medial malpractice - and as far as medical malpractice goes a wrongfully performed childbirth is top of the list. There are lots of women who end up feeling so strongly wronged by there clinicians, who owe you a duty of care, they are prepared to sue. If you get what you want on your terms, you won't feel like this.

Also, you can always go in if you plan for a HB, It rarely happens the other way around. (Although, there is nothing legally to stop you from discharging yourself and going home - but whilst in labour.. I feel it is unlikely)

I better stop.. before I make you feel bullied into having a HB!! HAHA! Sorry!

We are all here for you. If you want help drafting a letter to your health authority and/or you MP - I will gladly help. Also, If you feel you would like another representative at this meeting, then I would be happy to attend with you and your OH. However, you might feel better with a trusted friend - Choose someone who isn’t going to be too emotional though. It is good to have another person there to remind you of what you wanted to say, and also to take your own notes of everything that is said - It will make you feel like you have control.. it's not nice thing to have to feel as though you have to do it, but it also makes them wary of what they say to you. They can't been seen to be discouraging you of choice.. Only to make you aware of risks.

Keep strong, you are going to have wobbles.
Anyway ER - you're not 'allowed' (by me) to make any decisions until you've read that book that will be landing on your doorstep any day now (posted yesterday) :winkwink:
Nicola, you're so flippin strong! You're such excellent inspiration for us. :hugs:

ER, I was just wondering if you'd looked into whether your local NCT branch runs a homebirth support group? You'd probably find local women that have been through similar experiences, possibly even with the same medical professionals. They might be able to give you a BTDT perspective.
ER, where are you booked??? (PM me if that’s better for you)

The only two people that you need to have a meeting with is the community manager and one of the supervisors of midwifery. YOU tell them what you want/ expect...they may then tell you the risks...BUT its their duty of care to attend your birth. Just state clearly that you want a competent midwife to attend your birth and not one that will try to transfer you for any reason.

Your BMI is¬¬ not an issue here...I don’t know any obs Dr that is pro homebirth...ask them the last time they saw a normal birth, let alone a homebirth.

All midwives carry drugs to control PPH, they also have to know how to cannulate so if you ever did bleed they could have it under control in minutes. There should be two midwives there as well so both of them should be competent enough to control any situation.

You say your scan went well...so anything else they throw at you i.e shoulder dystocia please don’t listen to them, I’ve attended to more emergency buzzers where mums have had a low BMI, baby is of 'normal' weight and there the one’s that get stuck!:dohh:

Please don’t get pushed into something you don’t want to do...I just really hope that this doesn’t have a negative impact on you.


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