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I think she was just covering her ass. She said to me that they cant predict who will have shoulder dystocia as skinny women with normal size babies get it. She just doesnt want to look bad if I say oh no one told me. Im sure theyll be fine about things, Im just a bit defensive after the hospital telling me theyll induce me at 40w 1 second.

Great news about the birthing pool arriving moomin, all getting a bit real now so Im not surprised youre feeling the anxiety. Just think how lovely itll all be when you get in that water :)
I think she was just covering her ass. She said to me that they cant predict who will have shoulder dystocia as skinny women with normal size babies get it. She just doesnt want to look bad if I say oh no one told me. Im sure theyll be fine about things, Im just a bit defensive after the hospital telling me theyll induce me at 40w 1 second.

Great news about the birthing pool arriving moomin, all getting a bit real now so Im not surprised youre feeling the anxiety. Just think how lovely itll all be when you get in that water :)

im skinny and this has never been mentioned to me at all lol
we make babies the size thats right for our bodies and i just happen to make big babies for my size lol and zane got out just fine without and real problem.

im expecting corey to be bigger then zane which is scary lol but its weird that zane was the same size as my brother and my mum is 6 foot and im 5'6".
then i see well overweight woman having tiny babys and im like why cant i have a small baby lol
Theres no rhyme nor reason to it sometimes is there. Im my family we have a history of 7lb 12 babies. My mum was, my aunty was, my oldest cousin was, i was, and the turkey the xmas before I born was!
Theres no rhyme nor reason to it sometimes is there. Im my family we have a history of 7lb 12 babies. My mum was, my aunty was, my oldest cousin was, i was, and the turkey the xmas before I born was!


my mums had a 9lb baby (her second) and me her 3rd 5lbs and i almost killed her so maybe bigger babies are better hahaha

even with a 4lb weight difference she said there was no difference in the pain or birth part.

ive got a big head so zanes got my head, ohs got a really small head so im hoping corey takes after his dad on that front lol
Hi ladies, had my MW booking in and had a little chat about HB, few things have changed since I was pregnant last time (2006) I may need to see a VBAC team (cant see why seeing as dd2 was a VBAC) and when I asked about HB although she wasnt negative as such it was definitely more about the cons than pros. Also need to have diabetes check later on due to my mum being type 2, I think they may well use this as a factor too.
Transfer times, consultant "allowing" it after VBAC, MW availability, time of year (due Jan 2012) lots of niggles which I was sure she'd bring up.
I said I want another natural birth, no uninviting hospital beds etc which she was pleased about and pushed about the new refurbished labour suite, pool and active birth equipment.

As its early days I wont rock the boat too much but honestly I felt a little disappointed that they were still more concerned about the previous section.

Not seeing MW again til 4th Aug (should be approx 14 weeks I think) so see what happens then.

Any advice you ladies could offer would be good :D
welcome to the group 5-a-side.
doesnt matter about mw availability they have to send someone out to ur hb if thats what ur having.

good luck with the rest of ur pregnancy and i hope to see ur hb story on here inafew months x
well i got my birthpool today and then my kit on wednesday :happydance:

altho its seeming too real now im scared lol

I know what you mean hun!! Were only due a day apart I think? ive got all my homebirth stuff in a bag ready now, packed up Seth's overnight things into a bag as well (just incase) and also got midwife dropping my kit off on Thursday!! eek!! very exciting though :) for some reason picturing my birth seems to get rid of all my nerves about the pain.

How are you feeling? Ive had some strong quite painful (what I assume are) braxton hicks the past few days, I don't think this one will hang on til her due date!!! She seems quite keen already :)

Just had a couple of questions to pop in here today :)

1. Did anyone put notes through their neighbours doors before their homebirth? reason I ask is we live on quite a narrow road with a cul de sac at the bottom, and sometimes the way people park we struggle to get our fiesta down there, so last thing I want is an ambulance to struggle should we need to transfer.... just wondering if its ok to put letters through neighbours doors & if anyone else had done this really!!

2. also do we have any obligation to tell our landlord we are planning a homebirth? I would rather not until I've done it just wasn't sure if we are obliged to tell them or not. I suppose at the end of the day, I could have given biorth very quickly at home, just want to make sure we're doing everything right. I don't think they'd have a problem with it, just would rather not risk them putting a dampening on it!!

well i got my birthpool today and then my kit on wednesday :happydance:

altho its seeming too real now im scared lol

I know what you mean hun!! Were only due a day apart I think? ive got all my homebirth stuff in a bag ready now, packed up Seth's overnight things into a bag as well (just incase) and also got midwife dropping my kit off on Thursday!! eek!! very exciting though :) for some reason picturing my birth seems to get rid of all my nerves about the pain.

How are you feeling? Ive had some strong quite painful (what I assume are) braxton hicks the past few days, I don't think this one will hang on til her due date!!! She seems quite keen already :)

Just had a couple of questions to pop in here today :)

1. Did anyone put notes through their neighbours doors before their homebirth? reason I ask is we live on quite a narrow road with a cul de sac at the bottom, and sometimes the way people park we struggle to get our fiesta down there, so last thing I want is an ambulance to struggle should we need to transfer.... just wondering if its ok to put letters through neighbours doors & if anyone else had done this really!!

2. also do we have any obligation to tell our landlord we are planning a homebirth? I would rather not until I've done it just wasn't sure if we are obliged to tell them or not. I suppose at the end of the day, I could have given biorth very quickly at home, just want to make sure we're doing everything right. I don't think they'd have a problem with it, just would rather not risk them putting a dampening on it!!


hello im dues on the 6th august.

corey has been enagaging over the past few weeks so that was a suprise and can be abit sharp....ive also had alot of BH. i dont think corey is going to wait around either....long as im 39 weeks so my doula can be here ile be ok lol (shes on holiday for 16 days and gets bk 4 days before im 39 weeks lol)

picturing the birth scares me even more lol im worried i wont be able to do it due to zanes birth not being a great experience.

other then that im ok, getting everything in its place now so thats weird...i need a bigger house lol

i was also wondering if people were telling their landlords and ive decided no way lol it may be his house but i live here n pay rent so its up to me what i do behind closed doors...if theres a mess ile get it cleaned up haha
Yeah thats what I thought, people who tend to not know a lot about HB have kept asking me about mess etc & everything Ive read said that mess seems to be minimal. So I thought well if something happens we can fix it, if not he'll never notice the difference. Plus there isnt a lot he can do once she's here is there.

Aw can't believe your doula is away I hope he sticks around til she's back!!

Also need to have diabetes check later on due to my mum being type 2, I think they may well use this as a factor too.

Im under the diabetic consultant and as long as the placenta is working ok and all going normal the main issue they have with home birthing is that if your blood sugar is high then when baby is born itll have higher insulin in its body so will need feeding, not rly that different, just they might need more feeding, and theyve said that I might have to get my boob juices flowing pre birth so that the proper milk comes through ready for the birth so that they get more nutrients.

Theyve also told me about shoulder dystocia but thats because of being a fatty rather than diabetic, diabetics tend to have kids with bigger torsos tho. This all depends on your blood glucose, if its all normal then you wont be any different from anyone else.

Also theres some study which seems pretty tenuous about increased risk of still births but as I remember it was done on t1 diabetics on insulin. Even so the risk is miniscule still and only influences their desire to induce you, if youre pre 40w it wont affect hb. Im not going to let them induce me until they can prove that my placenta is starting to fail, my blood sugars are normal levels so they can jog on.
shes so worried ile go early and she wont be here and so am i but she said if i did go early and she can get a replacement to me she will. but if i have my mw delievering she wont try and push me into hospital so i should be ok.

because im having a water birth all the mess will be in there and then pumped down the toilet so i cant see there being much mess.

i need to get zanes bag packed, he will be going off with my sister so ive gota put money in there too lol

my bags packed i just need to buy afew more things, god im getting so scared now. the past 7 months have been so crazy and is all going to change again in well the next 7 weeks (i add 2 weeks on just incase haha)

ive changed my mind i dont want to give birth lol
I reckon that its none of the landlords business tbh. Its not like youre guaranteed to make a mess, and if you do then youll just clean it up/pay for it. With the car thing, I dunno if I would ask ppl to move their cars tbh, would they really do it? If theyre not fussed about ambulances getting through on a normal day will they give a hoot about yours coming? It might just mean that you get people nosing in and asking if youre given birth every 5 minutes.

I think on my birthing plan I want "If I say i cant do this, no one tell me that I have to" it feels like such a massive pressure that we're going to have to do this really hard thing and no one else can help us, so I can understand how youre feeling, but you will do it and youll be a graceful swan of a lady i bet :)
Hi Everyone!

I've been lurking here for a while but thought I'd better introduce myself, and this is my first post here. I'm currently 37wks+3 with my first LO, and having a home water birth using natal hypnotherapy - if everything goes according to plan :)

We were told by our mw last week that we would have to wait until sat (37+1) to have a home birth as she hadn't visited us to go through all the paperwork, and then when she turned up, she said that we'd have to wait until today at 8:30am as they didn't have the staff to attend before then! Apart from that - I think we're all ready to go, the pool has arrived and is inflated in the dining room - just waiting to be filled. The hypnotherapy seems to be working (well, as much as I can tell, having never done this before), even though it does feel somewhat like I go to sleep when I put the cd's on - I'm really excited!

Will start another thread in a bit to find out about the mw staffing issues and where we stand on that. I don't want to be in a situation where I can't have my hb just because they don't happen to have someone on duty!

Looking forward to getting to know people!

Solitaire :)
Hi Everyone!

I've been lurking here for a while but thought I'd better introduce myself, and this is my first post here. I'm currently 37wks+3 with my first LO, and having a home water birth using natal hypnotherapy - if everything goes according to plan :)

We were told by our mw last week that we would have to wait until sat (37+1) to have a home birth as she hadn't visited us to go through all the paperwork, and then when she turned up, she said that we'd have to wait until today at 8:30am as they didn't have the staff to attend before then! Apart from that - I think we're all ready to go, the pool has arrived and is inflated in the dining room - just waiting to be filled. The hypnotherapy seems to be working (well, as much as I can tell, having never done this before), even though it does feel somewhat like I go to sleep when I put the cd's on - I'm really excited!

Will start another thread in a bit to find out about the mw staffing issues and where we stand on that. I don't want to be in a situation where I can't have my hb just because they don't happen to have someone on duty!

Looking forward to getting to know people!

Solitaire :)

welcome :)
them being understaffed isnt ur problem. if ur having a homebirth they have to send someone out to u simple as that so dont take "we dont have the staff" as a reason to go into hospital because it really isnt
ive seen so many women recently being told they cant have a hb because of them being understaffed! its starting to really p me off :(
if ur having a homebirth they have to send someone out to u simple as that

Ah - thank you for that - it explains the mw's cryptic comment as she left our house of "well, you could just stay at home anyway". I thought she was being silly, and suggesting a "free birth" or whatever it's called when you basically have no-body attend, and I don't really fancy that!! She's been so supportive of the hb the whole way through, and although I guess she shouldn't make comments like that, it's nice to know that there is some shred of sensibility in the world somewhere!!
if ur having a homebirth they have to send someone out to u simple as that

Ah - thank you for that - it explains the mw's cryptic comment as she left our house of "well, you could just stay at home anyway". I thought she was being silly, and suggesting a "free birth" or whatever it's called when you basically have no-body attend, and I don't really fancy that!! She's been so supportive of the hb the whole way through, and although I guess she shouldn't make comments like that, it's nice to know that there is some shred of sensibility in the world somewhere!!

when ur in hospital ur left alone for pretty much the whole labour. i had to scream for the mw to even stay when i had to push :dohh: staffing issues shouldnt effect a hospital or homebirth, they should plan better lol

its nice ur mw is supportive of ur hb plans.

i cant blow up my pool and leave it up as i have a toddler lol but i might blow it up tonight to have a look while hes in bed
i cant blow up my pool and leave it up as i have a toddler lol but i might blow it up tonight to have a look while hes in bed

My only comment is that we inflated the pool Sat night, with my MIL there. Both me and OH tried getting in, even though he's not actually planning on getting in there - but when we got out, my MIL asked if she could get in... I have the photo to prove that she made it in there - She'd only had one G&T at that point!
i cant blow up my pool and leave it up as i have a toddler lol but i might blow it up tonight to have a look while hes in bed

My only comment is that we inflated the pool Sat night, with my MIL there. Both me and OH tried getting in, even though he's not actually planning on getting in there - but when we got out, my MIL asked if she could get in... I have the photo to prove that she made it in there - She'd only had one G&T at that point!

when i was planning a hospital water birth with my first i told me oh he could get in with me and he refused..i wasnt impressed hahaha

im tempted to fill it with water one day when my sons not around, but i dont think id want to get out lol

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