Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

Here we have 1.6% home birth's....but only 52.8% where planned for home, a lot lower than nat average of 85.6% planned for home.
13.5% first time mums, and 12% not offered cos of med reasons.
Not brilliant stats, but I'm sure some of it can be explained by the demographics of the area as opposed to a negative home birth approach.

My midwife had her babies at home, so I know she is home birth, even when she is being sensible and supporting the trusts policy.
I think the demographic will have a lot to do with it but there's no denying that the stats for ER's hospital say the Drs rule! :lol:
Hey Manda what does yours say for '% women not offered home birth because of medical reasons'........11.2% here....

18.7%. Eeek. But then, to be fair, I was never "offered" a home birth - I just said I wanted one.
Hey Manda what does yours say for '% women not offered home birth because of medical reasons'........11.2% here....

18.7%. Eeek. But then, to be fair, I was never "offered" a home birth - I just said I wanted one.

I never gave the midwife the chance to offer me a home birth, I told her I was booking for home almost as soon as she came through the door at my booking appointment.
That's the way it seems it needs to be for a lot of women unfortunately.....

My MW was suggesting it to me after my last birth - I know I'm lucky she's so supportive....this being 'allowed' thing is not something I'm up against at all.
ER - I'm really pleased that you have decided to "crack on" - hopefully it will just mean that you get some really good help, brilliant mws and good advice in your final 10weeks. Plus hopefully some excellent mws in attendance on the day.

Here for you, anytime.

Make a list of things that you would like to say at the meeting and questions you have. It will help to keep you focused.. as I know how easy it is (esp when pregnant) to get emotional, and break down. You want to have a successful meeting - and remind him, the meeting is to inform of risks, and to make your plans for a HB viable. (that was his words!).. So try to look at it in this light, and not get too stressed or down about it - you are planning a homebirth, and they have all planned this meeting to help you achieve it!

Plan of Action:
>Make a list of potential health risks:
First make a list of all the potential problems that may arise in birth that the consultant potentially might bring up. (it doesn’t have to be long - your not indicated for too many risks) Research them thoroughly. Make sure you know the definitions of them, and how they are treated. If you can - find your consultant on the internet, when they graduated, and when they started being a registrar in their speciality - it’s great to start a sentence; “since you started your specialisation in 19**, I’m sure that medical technology has moved on significantly in obstetrics… but, as you have been in this environment for X years, you have to concede you have little experience of natural labour (gets them every time! - he will sit up and listen to you)

>Draft agenda: It's your meeting after all - take the lead, it‘s all about you! I have added a suggested agenda for you - I hope you don’t mind. Keep it formal and friendly. You need them to know you are an informed, intelligent, and self-assured.
*Thank yous and intros
>Make sure you get everyone’s name and who they are - your support should do this for you. You can instigate this by saying “.. well I’m guessing that everyone knows who I am, because of the bump, but if you wouldn’t mind telling me who you are, that would be great”
>Thank everyone for coming, and for taking the time to support and help you to plan your homebirth. (it just gets it off on the right footing - and flattery can go a very long way!)
> First, make sure you thank the mws. Tell them, there support, attendance and experience are central in your plans for a homebirth. (always do the mw’s first - you might be in the Obst office.. But these are the pros who are going to help you, and be your support)
> Then thank your Obst (sorry you might not want to - but keep your enemies close and all that! - seriously, he is there to help you.. they are all there taking the time to help you)

*Case Orientation
> Ask if everyone is familiar with your case history and medical results. It helps to keep it focussed on evidence. (it is important, that you don’t give up your notes unless you have to, before your meeting - you will then get to see who knows you, and who doesn’t. Plus is stops them having a “side meeting” to discuss you without you being present)
>Then invite everyone to read your notes first. To familiarise themselves with your case history, so they can all make and give informed opinions.
>Tell them they can ask any questions of you, to help them to help you. Stick to - “as you can see for my notes, my baby isn’t presenting with macrosomia (tech word for large babies), I don’t have high blood pressure, My urines have been clear. My booking weight taken at x gestation was xxx, at present I have gained xxxx (in Lbs or Kg) (this because you know BMI is the only issue you have.)

* Safety of birth - It’s the main issue, there is no avoiding it
> inform them, and they will want to hear it: that you wouldn't do anything that you perceive to be a posed significant or even imminent risk to you or your babies health.
> Invite the Obst to talk about what risk factors he feels might apply to YOU based on your presenting clinical evidence, and not just policy, in your HB, one by one. Hopefully it will be short. (you don’t have GD, you are not measuring big, your BP is within norms etc)
> explain that for each factor, you would like a full description and explanation of what each risk is, what it can lead to, and what if anything would be able to be done in a hospital environment. Let him finish going through all problems - and make a list of them.
> then ask the mw's if they can comment on each risk, and ask if they feel the risk applies to you based on your notes, and how they feel that you would be treated in the home environment, should any such risk occur.
>Thank everyone for there input, then go through what ones if any, YOU feel apply to you, (point out, that because you are in a relaxed environment, you will labour slower, and naturally, and have fewer problems because of it etc) and say that you are confident with the mw's experience to treat these problems, or to transfer if you feel necessary, if anything unforeseen occurs that couldn't be safety treated by the community mws.

> Start by saying what you have found out about stats for HB in your area. (this lets them know you are well informed)
> Ask the Midwifery team, how many on-call mws they have at anyone time. (excluding sickness, and holidays)
> experience - how many mws are trained on attending a HB and how many in there current team have attended a HB.
> Ask what drugs are available to you and your baby?
* synthetic oxytocin, vit K injection, or oral administration etc.
*Medical pain relief; .gas and air, can you have a pethidine or diamorphine, script on hand, if you want it, and if it is available, and how to organise it?
>Ask what equipment they will bring? For you and for baby?
* For you:
Thermometers, BP machines, Dopler (will it be waterproof; if you decide on a water birth?) Suturing equipment - inc dissolvable stitches, how many are carried. What are transfers if 2 degree tear and 3 degree tear? Also Oxygen, canellas - for fast admin of IV drugs, Breast pads, maternity pads, absorbent bed pads…. etc
* for baby:
suction cups for clearing babies airways (if necessary), re-sus equipment, Oxygen (with appropriate masks for baby) , clamps for cord; what type are they - unless you decide on another method, scales of measuring babies weight - some have hanging scales, others digital flat-bed ones.
>Any thing else you can think of, you want answers to.

Thank everybody, for helping and supporting you in your HB plans.
Make it a reality. You can do it!

Sorry for yet another mammoth post from me! - off to bed I go (sorry for any typos, I keep doing loads, and then having to edit. I have to type fast whilst the LO is asleep!!!)

woooo!! I met my new midwife yesterday (the old one has left) and.......she thinks the consultant is being silly for suggesting i didnt have one cos my baby is small, she actually said to ignore him! and she doesnt see my SPD being a factor at all!!

She wasnt very friendly though but i will give her the benefit of having an off day!!
woooo!! I met my new midwife yesterday (the old one has left) and.......she thinks the consultant is being silly for suggesting i didnt have one cos my baby is small, she actually said to ignore him! and she doesnt see my SPD being a factor at all!!

She wasnt very friendly though but i will give her the benefit of having an off day!!

That's awesome that she is supporting your choice for a home birth! Hopefully she's a little more friendly next time. :flower:
Bournefree, thank you so much for writing all that down. Your amazing!

I have bookmarked it, and when I get my date for this meeting. I will spend a few hours compiling my questions. You are definately right about getting the midwives on my side, and I am quite confident when I speak so I wont have a problem with taking the lead for the meeting. I have no idea how many people are going to be there, it could be just me the consultant and the senior midwife? :shrug: I havent recieved a call back from them yet to confirm this appointment. I will give them till Tuesday afternoon as I know thats when he has clinic.

I am going to follow everything you have told me in your last two posts. I cant thank you enough for taking this time out to support me, and you dont even know me in real life. You have shown me that there are good, kindhearted people in this world still ::hugs:

As soon as I get a date for this meeting, I will start working on my 'case' so to speak, and I will let you know what I have planned to talk about.

Edit: I just asked my fiance, I think the consultant said he is going to set the meeting up with all of the senior midwives..

EternalRose x x
so glad your still pushing for your homebirth Eternal.......x

Thank you Rach :hugs: I will get there...

I am just so glad to have found this thread. The support on here is fab, and Bournefree has gone out of her way to help me with this. If she had a donate now section at the bottom of her post I would have clicked it :haha:
Bournefree - That post is AMAZING! It is great there are such strong women on this group!

ER - Keep pushin hun, GOOD LUCK!!! I am sooo pleased you are going forward and fighting for what is your right!!
Here's a FB group I am a member of for anyone interested:


I am currently discussing ER's HB/BMI issue on there with someone......:)
Rach - maybe she had PMT...:lol: Anyway I'm glad it was a decent outcome for you hun or once the BnB Home Birth Mafia were done at Kingston Hospital, we'd all be off round your gaff to sort them out too!! :lol:
Here's a FB group I am a member of for anyone interested:


I am currently discussing ER's HB/BMI issue on there with someone......:)

I requested to join, and BNB home birth mafia.....:lol:
If your health authority is refusing to offer you a home birth service, the Secretary of State needs to know that women in your area are not being supported in their childbirth choices. Catherine McCormick is responsible for midwifery services and has specifically asked for women having difficulty arranging a home birth to contact her, as apparently the Department of Health is looking for evidence on this matter. Address letters to Catherine McCormick, Department of Health, Room 419, Wellington House, 133-135 Waterloo Road, London, SE1 8UG or email [email protected]

There is a load of stuff on this page Read about the midwifes responsibility bit??
Tried some searches about legal positions of local authorities etc...
ER didn't know your exact authority but knew London, you could try the hospital policies for your hospital and their standards of care statment all can be found on their internet site or can be requested direct from them.
Print some stuff off and go armed with it. Basically tell them their are no valid health reasons why you cannot have a home birth and maybe if they could meet you half way and arrange for a home birth initiallyand suggest that you will agree that you will willingly transfer at such a stage where the midwife feels there could be a risk to you or LO if you carried on at home..(which is what we all do really) It may be an olive branch to them..... failing that it's election time soon threaten to go to the press get the MP for the opposite party in your area on the go.

From the above site
It is highly unlikely that the Secretary of State for Health would ever consider it 'appropriate' that a health authority refused to provide a midwife service for home births. If a mother who had met with such a blanket refusal was prepared to pursue matters, presumably the Secretary of State for Health could be asked to intervene.

It may help to complain to your Member of Parliament, and send copies of the letter to Yvette Cooper at The Department of Health, Richmond House, 79 Whitehall, London SW1A 2NL. Alternatively, you can email the Department of Health on [email protected]
Good luck If I come accross anything else I'll post :kiss:
If your health authority is refusing to offer you a home birth service, the Secretary of State needs to know that women in your area are not being supported in their childbirth choices. Catherine McCormick is responsible for midwifery services and has specifically asked for women having difficulty arranging a home birth to contact her, as apparently the Department of Health is looking for evidence on this matter. Address letters to Catherine McCormick, Department of Health, Room 419, Wellington House, 133-135 Waterloo Road, London, SE1 8UG or email [email protected]

There is a load of stuff on this page Read about the midwifes responsibility bit??
Tried some searches about legal positions of local authorities etc...
ER didn't know your exact authority but knew London, you could try the hospital policies for your hospital and their standards of care statment all can be found on their internet site or can be requested direct from them.
Print some stuff off and go armed with it. Basically tell them their are no valid health reasons why you cannot have a home birth and maybe if they could meet you half way and arrange for a home birth initiallyand suggest that you will agree that you will willingly transfer at such a stage where the midwife feels there could be a risk to you or LO if you carried on at home..(which is what we all do really) It may be an olive branch to them..... failing that it's election time soon threaten to go to the press get the MP for the opposite party in your area on the go.

From the above site
It is highly unlikely that the Secretary of State for Health would ever consider it 'appropriate' that a health authority refused to provide a midwife service for home births. If a mother who had met with such a blanket refusal was prepared to pursue matters, presumably the Secretary of State for Health could be asked to intervene.

It may help to complain to your Member of Parliament, and send copies of the letter to Yvette Cooper at The Department of Health, Richmond House, 79 Whitehall, London SW1A 2NL. Alternatively, you can email the Department of Health on [email protected]
Good luck If I come accross anything else I'll post :kiss:

Thanks ever so much for finding this information out Deej! :hugs: I have bookmarked this page now also, I am going to make my way down the list of things to do from now. Good job, I started this process early..it would have been too late if I had left it till 36-37 weeks.
Just tried to email this lady and got an automated reply to say not delivered.... will look into it and try to find another email address for her.
ER, good on you for fighting for it, they are full of shit!

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