Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

I don't see why you couldn't choose not to have them and just adopt a wait and see approach with the baby. Don't worry about it too much until your swabs have come back, but if you are GBS+, just make sure you read up on it so that you make a truly informed decision.
Thanks honey.
I did my usual 'worry/panic/OMG' over deciding whether or not to have the test, then I realised what a moron I was being and decided to take it, as it might not even be positive!! Oh, I annoy myself at times!! lol
I'm sure this isn't gonna get any easier when lo arrives, as then I'll have a whole new loada things to contend with!! haha

BourneFree - oooh, you lucky thing!!
My hubby is a wonderful chef, but I will be cooking us a roast tomorrow. I'm saving his dinners for when lo arrives!!
He has been out thus morning and bought me back a beautiful antique Mason & Cash pudding bowl as my Valentines pressie!! Our friends think we're so weird.....
I got a Victorian Wedgewood jelly mould at Christmas!!!!!
I just love cooking and my kitchen is my sanctuary xxxx
Hey all.I am here looking for advice.I have had 4 births in hospital.2 were assisted (kiwi cup) and 3 were back to back labours.

A home birth is coming to my mind alot as I have been let down in the past with childcare and for this baby I can not find any one to have the kids if I go in to labour.Family are a 4 hour drive away and I tend to give birth in 3 to 4 hours.So a homebirth seems an option.My OH isn't so sure though but what other option apart from giving birth alone?

I am worried because my labours are agony because of the back to back.I have always had gas n air and meptid so I know I can do it with out pain relief as such but my last baby I had an epidural although she was born 15 mins after it kicked in lol.

Mervs mum has inspired me with the hypnobirthing and yes I think it's something I'd like to do but can't afford the courses.I know I get the 190 HIP grant but i need that for my pram.So I may get books and cd's.

Basically I am asking if any of you had hospital births assisted or with epidural and went on to have a successful home birth?Also what happens if you get complications? Will I have to go to hospital and then I will be alone.

Sorry for all questions but I am scared stiff about this birth as it is let alone do it at home x

I haven't had a previous assisted birth but my homebirth was a long back to back labour which I was told in no uncertain terms by the m/w (an NHS m/w from the hospital in my area) that had I been in hospital, due to size and positioning, an epidural would have been strongly recommended and that the birth would almost certainly have ended in intervention of some kind, either forceps or a c-section. As it was she was born without so much as a scratch to me, face to pubes and perfect.
BourneFree - oooh, you lucky thing!!
My hubby is a wonderful chef, but I will be cooking us a roast tomorrow. I'm saving his dinners for when lo arrives!!
He has been out thus morning and bought me back a beautiful antique Mason & Cash pudding bowl as my Valentines pressie!! Our friends think we're so weird.....
I got a Victorian Wedgewood jelly mould at Christmas!!!!!
I just love cooking and my kitchen is my sanctuary xxxx

I don't think you are weird at all!! :wacko:
I'm so jealous!!! I just love buying old cooking stuff, and you can't beat Mason Cash huge mixing bowls - gorgeous! I'm still trying to complete my copper pot collection.
Your very lucky, my OH has a good try in the kitchen, but I'm wondering if tonight he is going to pass off the M&S as his own handy work?? Sneaky devil he is!
He's glued to the Rugby at the mo, with the LO, watching Wales loose, and trying whisper profanities, so Bronwyn doesn't get too frightened! :haha: (I've got my fingers crossed for Wales, or he could be unbearable later!)
Eoz - my first baby was delivered in hospital by forceps and I had an epidural. I really didnt want an epi with Hebe because I wasnt happy with my first labour and birth at all, so she was G&A and pethadine and no assistance in a birth centre - she was back to back and only turned on the last push out. Her labour was a breeze compared to the first and I do think it was about the state of mind I was in - I was really positive and ready to trust my body to do what it's designed to do.

I'm going to get Rachie to send my hypnobirthing book and CD to you honey when she's done with it :winkwink:

You've got lots of time to research things thoroughly and get in the right frame of mind where you're not anxious about labour and birth. Then I think you'll be able to look at HB properly and not from the stand point of being 'scared stiff about this birth as it is let alone do it at home' IYSWIM. :hugs:

You have just reminded me Lisa that I have a couple of books I can forward on. I think I have the hypnobirthing book - Mongan method (no cd) and Birth skills by Juju Sundin and one more homebirthing book which I think is more general.

I will check later if I have anymore and if anyone wants them (to pass on once read) then PM me.
I'm so glad there are so many lovely people on this thread! It was a joy to read through all the lovely support for ER over the past few pages, both practical and emotional. Hope the meeting goes well, ER.

I'm wondering now what the statistics for my area are for homebirths. In the latest statistics in 2008 they were at only 0.9%, but they got a bit of a kicking from the press recently which is one of the things I think facilitated the home birth team being set up. I would guess the rate must be higher now. I must remember to ask.

BabyHaines, I was just reading about Strep B in Ina May. She said that a home birth was particularly good if you do have it. This is as the less intervention you have, the less likely you are to pass it on. So the fewer internals and instruments the better.

And if I'm remembering right, that waiting and just giving the drugs to the baby afterwards if needed was a good strategy that didn't seem to have a statistical difference in outcome to giving it to the mother in advance. Unless you have a big bang or fall before birth that means that you could pass it on in utero, in which case you have the drugs.
Just found the other book I have its called Homebirth, the practical guide and is by Nicky Wesson.
Goodness me this thread goes v fast! i can barely keep up!

It makes me really sad that so many people have to fight for a HB when its a perfectly safe option...infact stats show that its safer that a hospital birth is there r no pre existing conditions/issues *shakes head* :-(

ER i would def fight if u was u! am wishing u the best of luck...i hope u get the birth u want.
Urbanbumpkin - thank you for that. I was hoping I could wait until after, as I really wouldn't want to pump lo full of anti-b's in their first few days of life if I could avoid it. Obviously if it's a must, then lo's health is always priority, but I'd like to know the options.

Anyhoo.....here's hoping the swabs clear anyways ;) xxxx
Aww guys you all are lovely thank you :hug: xxx

Mervs mum.That would be faberoony :thumbup:
Hey all.I am here looking for advice.I have had 4 births in hospital.2 were assisted (kiwi cup) and 3 were back to back labours.

A home birth is coming to my mind alot as I have been let down in the past with childcare and for this baby I can not find any one to have the kids if I go in to labour.Family are a 4 hour drive away and I tend to give birth in 3 to 4 hours.So a homebirth seems an option.My OH isn't so sure though but what other option apart from giving birth alone?

I am worried because my labours are agony because of the back to back.I have always had gas n air and meptid so I know I can do it with out pain relief as such but my last baby I had an epidural although she was born 15 mins after it kicked in lol.

Mervs mum has inspired me with the hypnobirthing and yes I think it's something I'd like to do but can't afford the courses.I know I get the 190 HIP grant but i need that for my pram.So I may get books and cd's.

Basically I am asking if any of you had hospital births assisted or with epidural and went on to have a successful home birth?Also what happens if you get complications? Will I have to go to hospital and then I will be alone.

Sorry for all questions but I am scared stiff about this birth as it is let alone do it at home x

I haven't had a previous assisted birth but my homebirth was a long back to back labour which I was told in no uncertain terms by the m/w (an NHS m/w from the hospital in my area) that had I been in hospital, due to size and positioning, an epidural would have been strongly recommended and that the birth would almost certainly have ended in intervention of some kind, either forceps or a c-section. As it was she was born without so much as a scratch to me, face to pubes and perfect.

Love the faces to pubes quote lol x
Hey lovely, good to see you in here :hugs:

We have done so much reading up the past few days that we are feeling more and more sure each day that the only way we will go the hospital route is for medical reasons and as you know this is our first baby.

One person I know personally who had a home birth with her 2nd has advised me against it which I actually found surprising as she had a wonderful experience but her reason is that it is our first and I don't know how much pain I can handle......I can see what she is saying but I am not sure it is reason enough not to if it is what we want :shrug:

I believe if I am calm enough and my Boyo is calm enough, and we have done all we can to prepare, my body will take over and I will deal with it because I will have to. I know it will be painful but I also know that there will be an end to it and my goodness, will it all be worth it.

I'd be keen to know what those books and CDs are girls if you wouldn't mind sharing the details? :thumbup:

I keep adding the books we are finding useful to the first page Pops. I got the Hypno book and CD included in the price of the course I'm doing but I had borrowed it from Purple Socks (thank you again!) which made me decide to go for the classes. Even without the classes its a great read.

I have a copy of Birthing The Easy Way which I am passing round so if anyone fancies reading it let me know and I'll try to get it to people in order of their due dates :)
Oh and regarding 1st time mum's not knowing how much 'pain' they can handle.....you wont be using that word for much longer once you get into the Hypnobirthing mind set - the way you post you are already moving in that direction :winkwink:

The great thing about planning a HB is that you can change your mind at any point - if you decide that the hypno techniques or maybe the G&A arent enough to get you through, then you just say so and they transfer you - simple. However you will not be able to go to the hospital, find you are handling it really well, wish you were at home and ask a MW to accompany you! So even if your not 100% it's probably better to plan for it and change your mind than not bother and always wonder if it could have been better/different :)


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