Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

[email protected] This email address works for D of health I copied and pasted the bit about contacting the Catherine lady and asked them to pass it to the relevant department???? we will see
I am starting a new 'section' in the 'Useful links' on the OP called:

Having difficulty getting your care providers to support your home birth?

I'll add useful info and links along the way there so we can help others :)
I am starting a new 'section' in the 'Useful links' on the OP called:

Having difficulty getting your care providers to support your home birth?

I'll add useful info and links along the way there so we can help others :)

What a good idea!! ;)

ER - I'm living the fighting spirit girl, you can do this and we're all behind you 100% of the way :)
And......as I said before, my BMI was 34 on booking in (dread to think what it is now!!) and I am 25 and this is my first baby. So we are very similar in that respect honey xx
so glad your still pushing for your homebirth Eternal.......x

Thank you Rach :hugs: I will get there...

I am just so glad to have found this thread. The support on here is fab, and Bournefree has gone out of her way to help me with this. If she had a donate now section at the bottom of her post I would have clicked it :haha:

Thank you sweetheart, I absolutly know that you will get there!!!
No need to donate!! :haha: you make me laugh!!
I'm happy to help all our ladies, who want a HB, get it - It is an amazing experiance, and I couldn't imagine labouring and birthing in hospital!! I'm the biggest avocate for Homebirths. I do tell anyone that will listen, how brilliant it is!
Do remember, if you are finding it too stressful, then you can walk away from "fighting the system" and STILL have your HB.
Hi all :)

Just wanted to say that im following this thread & catching up daily - ive not yet told my MW's that im strongly thinking about homebirth so as yet ive not really come up against any problems re HB in particular (ive got the whole VBAC thing to contend with) However, I want to say a huge thank you to all you girls who are posting all this fantastic information & links etc, I have a feeling I may be needing alot of support & help in the coming weeks x
Speaking of jobs, what does everyone do on this thread. I know what MM does, Manda and cupcake..but what about everyone else. Anyone planning on being a SAHM afterwards or going back to work straight after? x x

I was a legal secretary but was made redundant when on maternity leave with Maley. Plan to go back to work as soon as possible after this baby as we are not coping financially at all. OH will be a SAHD as he is struggling to find work as a painter and decorator and even if he worked 7 days a week it still wouldnt be enough as we privately rent (I was on 32k a year as a legal secretary). I dont want to leave this baby and feel guilty that Maley has had me for so long as a SAHM and this baby wont but at least i will get holidays and have money for us to do nice things together at weekends. And they will be with their dad not strangers.

Bloomin hell Rach you were on more as a legal sec than I was as a lawyer...Im moving back to London! I know what you mean about struggling, we only have my OH salary and I was made redundant while on maternity leave as well.

Not sure what Ill do after bubs is born. Isnt it funny how many woman who have had babies want to go into midwifery/doula training! We must love it!
ER I have been off the site for a couple of days as LO and I have had a bug but have just read through the last few pages of posts and it just makes me so angry!

I really hate the fact you have been put in the position where you have to fight for a home birth when there is clearly no medical reason that you cant safely have one!

I have my fingers crossed for you that this all gets sorted out without too much stress, and although I doubt I can add much more than the wonderful ladies have posted I just wanted to say that I am thinking of you and will keep looking for that jubilant post where it is all sorted out!
Morning Ladies :hugs:

Well, we are booked on our Hypnobirthing classes for March :thumbup: The lady is lovely but she is so busy she is not holding another class between then and when Squiddy is born so after talking to her in depth, we feel happy that we will be at a good enough point to go along to the classes. She has also said that after the course ends, she will stay in touch with us for support which is a lovely idea. We also asked her, should we decide we wanted her to, would she attend the birth as a support for both of us and she would be delighted to. We haven't set on that yet but we thought best to ask her early on so we knew either way.

Our first class is the same day as our MW appointment so I guess we will at least know by then what sort of support we are going to get from the NHS on our home birth plan. As you said in your message yesterday Lisa, our choices really are home or hospital as there is no MW Led Unit attached to FP which is a bit of a shame as it could have been a nice compromise but you know, so be it.

I feel fantastic, I am fit, healthy and really realxed about the whole pregnancy, and in fairness, birth thing so I am hoping with everything that I have that this works out for us as the more we think about it, the more I HATE the idea of being in hospital and the possibility of my Boyo having to go home and leave us.

Anyway, I'll shhh now and best be off to get ready for our day out, I have been treated this morning and it is continuing through the day so I shall be back later! Hope you all have lovely days :hugs:

Oooooh Pops, are you off out anywhere nice??
It's certainly a lovely day for a trip out (well, it is in Suffolk anyhoo!!)
Hubby is off today, and is taking on his role of 'chief birth pool operator' very seriously lol!! He's going to go and get it out and inflate etc. as a trial run!!

On a seperate note - I'm not panicking, and I know to ring MW if I'm concerned, but I've noticed a change in lo's movement pattern. I assume this is normal (bubs is in a great position and had started to engage) so guess movement us a little restricted?? (I also have an anterior placenta, so often 'see movement' when I can't feel it!!
Just wanted to double check (and just as I typed that, I got a bum wriggle - yay!!)

I am so excited about labour I could burst!! (Oh - bad choice of words maybe??!! lol)
If you notice a massive difference in movement pattern it's worth mentioning but at this point I'd say it's highly likely to be the calm before the storm! :lol:

Every time you or Celesse post I wonder if it's the 'I'm in labour!' post!! Make sure you update this thread wont you so we dont miss it!! :happydance:
Hey all.I am here looking for advice.I have had 4 births in hospital.2 were assisted (kiwi cup) and 3 were back to back labours.

A home birth is coming to my mind alot as I have been let down in the past with childcare and for this baby I can not find any one to have the kids if I go in to labour.Family are a 4 hour drive away and I tend to give birth in 3 to 4 hours.So a homebirth seems an option.My OH isn't so sure though but what other option apart from giving birth alone?

I am worried because my labours are agony because of the back to back.I have always had gas n air and meptid so I know I can do it with out pain relief as such but my last baby I had an epidural although she was born 15 mins after it kicked in lol.

Mervs mum has inspired me with the hypnobirthing and yes I think it's something I'd like to do but can't afford the courses.I know I get the 190 HIP grant but i need that for my pram.So I may get books and cd's.

Basically I am asking if any of you had hospital births assisted or with epidural and went on to have a successful home birth?Also what happens if you get complications? Will I have to go to hospital and then I will be alone.

Sorry for all questions but I am scared stiff about this birth as it is let alone do it at home x
If you notice a massive difference in movement pattern it's worth mentioning but at this point I'd say it's highly likely to be the calm before the storm! :lol:

Every time you or Celesse post I wonder if it's the 'I'm in labour!' post!! Make sure you update this thread wont you so we dont miss it!! :happydance:

I was thinking that about the 'calm before the storm' hehe!!
Of course I'll update here - I tend to be on this thread more than anything else, as I love the positive feeling it gives me and how we all feel like one big happy group of friends!!

I am seeing my MW Tuesday and I have decided to go for the Group B Strep test. I feel so positive about labour, that I don't want any last minute 'niggles' IYKMIM?? It's only due to my sister having it with my niece, that I've even thought about it, but I am such a worry wort, that I need to know.
However.....IF it comes back positive, I shall not give upon my homebirth. I have an allergy to penicillin, so would need an 'alternative' anti-b anyway (I assume they IV a penicillin based anti-b usually??
Whatever happens, I've read up on plenty of very successful homebirths with GBS positive mums, and providing I can still provide a safe labour for lo, I will look to being at home!!

Come on baby.....I wanna get in the pool!! Haha xx
Hey all.I am here looking for advice.I have had 4 births in hospital.2 were assisted (kiwi cup) and 3 were back to back labours.

A home birth is coming to my mind alot as I have been let down in the past with childcare and for this baby I can not find any one to have the kids if I go in to labour.Family are a 4 hour drive away and I tend to give birth in 3 to 4 hours.So a homebirth seems an option.My OH isn't so sure though but what other option apart from giving birth alone?

I am worried because my labours are agony because of the back to back.I have always had gas n air and meptid so I know I can do it with out pain relief as such but my last baby I had an epidural although she was born 15 mins after it kicked in lol.

Mervs mum has inspired me with the hypnobirthing and yes I think it's something I'd like to do but can't afford the courses.I know I get the 190 HIP grant but i need that for my pram.So I may get books and cd's.

Basically I am asking if any of you had hospital births assisted or with epidural and went on to have a successful home birth?Also what happens if you get complications? Will I have to go to hospital and then I will be alone.

Sorry for all questions but I am scared stiff about this birth as it is let alone do it at home x

This is my first baby and therefore first birth, but I do feel that if you are thinking about having a homebirth, then you need to relax and be calm.
There are lots of different reasons to choose a homebirth....some don't like hospitals, some have other children to contend with etc. but we are all wanting the same outcome - a safe, natural, calm, enjoyable birth!!
The thought of labouring at home can be very frightening at first, but then to me - so is the thought of being in hospital!!
There are many homebirth birth stories out there (see first page of this thread for links) and reading through those will I'm sure, bring comfort to you.

You have lots of time to decide, and - as per the rest of us, if you decide to try for a homebirth, but decide at the last minute you want to go in to hospital, it's your choice!!

I appreciate it must be a worry if you have four other children to think about, but maybe if you thought long and hard about it, you may have a friend that would love to be involved or help?? (You just may not realise it yet!!)

Try to stay calm, and follow the ladies on here. This is the most supportive thread I've been on and the 'positive vibes' that we manage to give each other are worth their weight in gold (trust me - I am a biiiiiiiig worrier!!)

Whatever you decide, make sure you are happy with your decision. Don't feel that you HAVE to have a homebirth, or that a homebirth is a last resort - as really and truly, I think many, many women would love to have their babies at home, but just don't manage to summon the courage to start thinking about it, or they are swept along with the tide as your PCT will often 'assume' that you must want to give birth in hospital??!! :dohh:

baby Haines thank you xxxx There may be options but i get let down a lot an hate putting people out.I have a few resources i'm going to try but I know with my last i nearly had to go alone as i was let down last minute x
Lisa, the book arrived Thank you hun! :hugs: I am going to spend the day reading it x x x
I have an allergy to penicillin, so would need an 'alternative' anti-b anyway (I assume they IV a penicillin based anti-b usually??
Whatever happens, I've read up on plenty of very successful homebirths with GBS positive mums, and providing I can still provide a safe labour for lo, I will look to being at home!!

I'm sure Cupcake is better poised to answer this. But on NICU, we prophylactically give the babies amoxicillin or benzylpenicillin (obviously, both penicillins) and gentamicin with antenatally diagnosed GBS (well babies stay with mum but come to us, as at both my hospitals the midwives refused to administer the antibiotics). I don't know if they'd give just gentamicin. And they normally want to give it to baby as well until the swabs come back negative (takes 48 hours to see if they grow anything). And in those 48 hours, they tend to take blood from the baby as well to check gentamicin toxicity levels so they can adjust the dose, if necessary (if the dose is too high in the body, it can cause hearing damage).

The homebirth website says that GBS is:
a bacteria which is present in the vagina of up to 30% of women, and which can, rarely, cause a serious infection in the baby. You may be told that your only option is to have intravenous antibiotics in labour, in hospital. But a positive GBS test alone does not put your baby in a high-risk group for infection, and the antibiotics carry risks as well as benefits. For most women, a positive GBS result is of little significance.
It then directs you to have a look here for further information.
Thanks MandaAnda :)
I did have a little read on the homebirth website and I think that gave me the boost to feel that i would be ok at home, even if it was positive.
Penicillin isn't anyphalactic (sp?!) with me, but the MW wanted it avoided at all costs, as she said allergies can be more serious during pregnancy, and that the baby may also have an allergy to it.
Are you aware whether or not I could not have the drugs, and have baby swabbed afterwards and only treat if needed??
I'm a great believer in avoiding drugs where possible and wonder whether thus may be an option??xxxx
Hey all.I am here looking for advice.I have had 4 births in hospital.2 were assisted (kiwi cup) and 3 were back to back labours.

A home birth is coming to my mind alot as I have been let down in the past with childcare and for this baby I can not find any one to have the kids if I go in to labour.Family are a 4 hour drive away and I tend to give birth in 3 to 4 hours.So a homebirth seems an option.My OH isn't so sure though but what other option apart from giving birth alone?

I am worried because my labours are agony because of the back to back.I have always had gas n air and meptid so I know I can do it with out pain relief as such but my last baby I had an epidural although she was born 15 mins after it kicked in lol.

Mervs mum has inspired me with the hypnobirthing and yes I think it's something I'd like to do but can't afford the courses.I know I get the 190 HIP grant but i need that for my pram.So I may get books and cd's.

Basically I am asking if any of you had hospital births assisted or with epidural and went on to have a successful home birth?Also what happens if you get complications? Will I have to go to hospital and then I will be alone.

Sorry for all questions but I am scared stiff about this birth as it is let alone do it at home x

This is my first baby and therefore first birth, but I do feel that if you are thinking about having a homebirth, then you need to relax and be calm.
There are lots of different reasons to choose a homebirth....some don't like hospitals, some have other children to contend with etc. but we are all wanting the same outcome - a safe, natural, calm, enjoyable birth!!
The thought of labouring at home can be very frightening at first, but then to me - so is the thought of being in hospital!!
There are many homebirth birth stories out there (see first page of this thread for links) and reading through those will I'm sure, bring comfort to you.

You have lots of time to decide, and - as per the rest of us, if you decide to try for a homebirth, but decide at the last minute you want to go in to hospital, it's your choice!!

I appreciate it must be a worry if you have four other children to think about, but maybe if you thought long and hard about it, you may have a friend that would love to be involved or help?? (You just may not realise it yet!!)

Try to stay calm, and follow the ladies on here. This is the most supportive thread I've been on and the 'positive vibes' that we manage to give each other are worth their weight in gold (trust me - I am a biiiiiiiig worrier!!)

Whatever you decide, make sure you are happy with your decision. Don't feel that you HAVE to have a homebirth, or that a homebirth is a last resort - as really and truly, I think many, many women would love to have their babies at home, but just don't manage to summon the courage to start thinking about it, or they are swept along with the tide as your PCT will often 'assume' that you must want to give birth in hospital??!! :dohh:


Well said BabyHaines!!!!

I can't add much to that Eoz - except a huge welcome!! :hugs:

I had my first baby at home, and it was a brilliant experience, couldn't recommend it enough!

Complications can happen in a homebirth - but they are far less likely to occur, esp when you are relaxed and comfortable in your own home, where intervention is minimal. If they do happen, they are first treated by your MWs who will be with you at home, and if it is something that can't be treated at home, you can always transfer. Having a HB means your MW's will be with you for the duration. They are not going to leave you for any reason, and you get either one to one care.. or even better, two to one care!

Mervsmum, cupcake, and Rachiebaby24 all have had other children in hospital, or birth centres, and are now planning a home birth. I'm sure they will help support you, as you might all have similar feelings.

I don't know whether it is easier to have a first time HB or if you feelings towards a HB after having hospital care is better - at least you know what amazing things your baby is capable of already!!! But you also might be worried about what care there is, as undoubtedly you were subject to more poking and prodding in your hospital experiences!?!

Have a great pre-St Valentines day everyone!!! My OH is "cooking" dinner tonight!!! Well, I've had a sneaky look in the fridge, and we have a one of those 3 course meals from M&S with pink fizzy!!

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