Patience Garkat!!

It will be here before you know it and you'll all be bouncing around because you got your

Chella - Welcome babe. Don't be too depressed, you'll get your

soon and we'll all look after you!
In some respects it's quite cool not actually knowing how my cycle will go this time, as I don't know when i'm likely to be in my tww! I think there is a chance I could be OV'g now, but I don't know for sure, so I will just pretend i'm not and try to forget it.!!
How's everyone else doing? Anyone sneakily pee'd on a stick and not admitted it yet????
Hayley - the line was pretty good yesterday, is it any darker today?
Mwttc - I know nothing about temping but from what I have read, if you're charting the temp drop doesn't matter unless it goes below the cover line. Now I have no clue what a cover line is, but this is what I read from some of the more educated ttc'ers!! Hopefully this will mean something to you!!!
Aimee - how are you getting on, any more symptoms yet?
Goingforit - you're quiet too, everything okay?
Topaz - hows preggo land???
Much love