hormone crash after ERPC

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The miscarriage testing does reveal the gender as well but for the whole time I was pregnant we been so sure we were having a boy, that we couldnt deal with changing his image now if we were wrong. but researching the defect, I found that this particular one effects far more males than females so I think we were right. It is interesting how different Medical care varies from here to the UK... Sometimes when Im reading posts on here the dr visits and policies sound so very different. Im sure either way we are all getting great care. And I don't know about your insurance in the UK but its awful here!
Sorry your dad is ill hopie. When it rains it pours - we found out last week my FIL has terminal cancer. :-( 2015 has been a nightmare year and as far as I'm concerned it can FOAD, and it is only February. Blech.

Bernie, we also felt strongly our baby was a boy and the condition he died of is also more common to boys, but we will find out for sure in a couple of weeks.

My counselling appointment went pretty well. I too will be going every two weeks. We talked about how terrified I'll be if/when I get pregnant again, and she said when it happens that's something we can work on together...of course if it doesn't happen I'm going to be so upset, but I guess we could work on that together too.

I'm taking my prenatals and eating well too. I just want my body as healthy as possible. Hope I stop bleeding soon...

Hope everyone is doing well. Thanks as always for listening. :)
I'm sorry about your dads hopie and fit_mama. It sure does pour, we also found out last week that my dad was diagnosed with early stage pancreatic cancer. We're very lucky it was caught early though. So far 2015 is no good for any of us but the only way is up, right? Winter always turns to spring so I'm keeping positive and keeping all of you lovely, strong ladies in my thoughts and prayers. We'll get through this.

I wish we had that test at 10w here in UK! You can have it done privately but it's very expensive. We don't have insurance over here hopie as we have the nhs, which while overstretched and overworked it's a wonderful thing.
Hope you all have a great Thursday xx
Thanks for your kind words jaspie. :) Sorry as well about your dad's diagnosis but glad they caught it early. I hope the rest of 2015 is kinder to all of us because we've been through enough!

We have the 10 week test here but our provincial health care won't pay for it and I don't think my and DH's insurance through work will either. It costs $795 but next time I'm definitely getting it done anyway.

I still can't bring myself to completely delete my ticker so every time I preview a post I see how my baby would be developing if he were still alive and well. I'd be in my 17th week now and he'd be the size of an onion. I miss showing these updates to DH each week - he'd grab whatever veggie Baby was the size of from the kitchen, hold it up to my belly and pretend it was swimming around. :-/
Oh my gosh, Jaspie- I am so sorry about the news you received about your father. But yes- that is such a great thing they caught it early. That is the key. My dad's kidney cancer was caught very early 10 years ago and that is the key to survival. Along with the good treatment your dad will receive to put this into remission and a full cure. I am keeping your dad in my prayers.
FitMama- I am so sorry about your FIL's diagnosis. I will keep him in my prayers as well. I hope your DH is doing as okay as he can be right now?
That is so beyond sweet he used to take out whatever fruit or veggie each week. I would always say to my fiance- why am I not showing at all yet? He would remind me the baby was just the size of a pea, or a raspberry or olive. I even looked up baby ultrasound at 9.5 weeks, because I was too upset/scared to look that day and well, I guess I got curious as to what the baby should look like.

Anyway, I know these thoughts of mine are normal (though frustrating and completely useless!!) I figure my thoughts back to the pregnancy will fade in time.
Fit- I am so glad your session was helpful too! Seems the 3 of us will keep going every 2 weeks now! You are doing great-- being soo healthy, working out, eating well.
Both of you will get a BFP this year.. I just know it.

2015 really has been whoa-- I am at a loss of words. Really when it rains it pours. We have been through enough. I feel like I'm in the movie Groundhog Day.. Same thing over and over. Zero degrees every morning here all month, can't walk without ice everywhere. Good grief if warmer temps and sunshine don't happen soon I'm going to lose it! Springtime will bring new, good things! Everyone keep hoping, praying and sending wishes out for that. We all need to have good come our way now soon!

I'll be out of the city at my parent's..but will check on late Friday night. Want to hear how everyone is doing. My counselor said to always think of the counter -- to bad, there is good and good does come. I had my mind stuck too much on all the bad.

Take good care~~
Evening ladies, im so sorry to hear about all the poorly parents/ in laws, so rubbish at an already rubbish time.

Hopie, maybe some time out from work has come at a good time in a way although im sure it doesnt feel like it. I am sending sunny vibes to the big apple. The past few days are much milder here, no deicer required and its fab.
Jaspie I hope dad is doing ok, has his oncologist said when treatment is likely to start?
Fitmama as jaspie already said we have the NHS here which means we pay taxes but not healthcare, i have the joy of working for the NHS so know how overstretched it is already and something somewhere has to give sooner or later. My friend just paid for a test on her unborn baby in America after a recent scan showed high risk of Downs but all is well.

As for me today has been another good day apart from someone at work who I dont see very often saying isnt it time you had another baby and my friend constantly comparing her knew preg symptoms with mine despite knowing the situation!! 😠
Im still bleeding so cant wait for that to finally stop, feels like its gone on forever and really want to get back to normal now. Had some discomfort on my left side earlier which felt like ovulation pain but obviously isnt. Im working all weekend so DH and I are going to have a takeaway and movie night tonight. Hope you all have a lovely evening. Safe journey to your parents' Hopie xx
I'm so sorry about all of your parents, It really sucks! Unfortunately I know how that feels all too well :( My Dad passed in April of stage 4 liver, kidney and lung cancer that he caught way too late and in November my Mom found out that her melanoma came back and has taken root on her liver (luckily she caught it earlier because of her annual scans) She's doing well with treatment but seriously it is impossible to not worry about your parents when this stuff is going on. I honestly don't know Id get through all the bad if I didn't have faith in God! There is always something good that he brings out of these bad situations in life. Sending my prayers to each of you ladies and your families. :)
Sorry about your dad Bernie and sending good wishes to your mum. Xx
Morning ladies.... exactly 14 days after ERPC and im sure i have ovulation type pain from BOTH sides! 😕 there is still a brown tinge to discharge but it seems clear and stretchy this morning too, surely I cant be ovulating yet?? Think im going to grab a hpt today to check if its -ve now. Of this is my body playing tricks then its super cruel!!
Happy Friday xx
Happy Friday everyone! Hope your test is negative Blu! Mine very nearly was 2 days ago so I'm hopeful that when I test after the weekend that it will be negative at last. Hope this is your ovulation!
That sucks that the person at work and your friend are being so insensitive :( not on! When people at work start talking about babies and when to have them etc I've just slipped out of the conversation and gone back to work.
Dad's treatment started on Tuesday.
Sorry about your parents hopie, praying for your mum xx
Blu- I had the exact same thing 14 days after my D&C and I kind of think its was my body being tricky, because I had the ovulation pain on both sides(which never happens) as well as an extreme amount of EWCM and then a couple days later the HPT was finally (-).... you may very well be ovulating because some people do :) But for me I dont think it was actual ovulation, We were BDing plenty and I still got AF at exactly CD28. Hopefully you O'd :)
Thanks Bernie, totally prepared to see AF, still no naughtiness going on here yet as bleeding not fully settled and have been paranoid about infection, its been a while now and cant wait to get the groove back on haha. Didnt have chance to pick up a hpt today as its been a bit crazy but ill grab one tomorrow. Hope AF shows in the next few weeks now.
Anyone planned anything nice for the weekend? im working all weekend which should keep me occupied xx
Hi ladies-
Bernie- I am so sorry about the loss of your dad.
It is so good they caught your mom's illness early. I will keep your mom in my prayers. You have such strong faith.. I admire that...and your strength! I admit my faith has been wavering lately.
I got some hope/faith back though yesterday. Wednesday night my dad was in terrible shape. I prayed so hard, said a rosary, begged for a sign all my prayers over the weeks were being heard- some miracle he would improve by morning. And thank God he did!! So I am feeling more hopeful now.. and just hope this good turn continues.

Jaspie- good your dad has started treatment straight away.
Glad you had a good Friday at work! Thank you for the kind wishes. :)

Blu- sounds like ovulation to me! 14 days..could very well be it.
Hopefully this weekend the bleeding stops for good.
Trust your body will return to normal cycle just as it should and all will be well. I think after my first m/c, it took 28-30 days for AF and I am just sort of expecting that this time too. Though with so much going on, I have given no thought to counting the days I will be at 30 past d&c, or symptoms of O or anything. Last AF was what -- November 15th.. I even totally forget what period cramps feel like! It is all so strange when i think about it. As for TTC, i still can't think about it. My poor fiance- it is a good thing he is very understanding! I have zero..and I mean zero desire. I sure hope this passes in time!

I am sorry that friend of your's compares pregnancy symptoms. I can't for the life of me understand how someone who knows what happened could do that. Like Jaspie said, best to walk away, ignore her comments the best you can and just do your work. Some people are just clueless.
I have a friend who always says the wrong thing. I've put her on ignore for a few weeks!

Yes, good being out of that toxic, stressful job. Need a good mental break but also miss a routine, and of course making $$.
All in time though.

Hope you all have some fun weekend plans! Still freezing cold here..thanks for sending sunny vibes to NYC!!
Morning ladies, hope everyone is well?
Jaspie im so pleased that your dad has already started treatment, fingers crossed it kicks cancers butt!!
Hopie im glad to hear your dad is a little better. It really has been a testing few weeks for everyone hasnt it. Im sure your mojo will be back soon, im a little scared of DTD post D&C if im honest and also scared of either getting preg or not getting preg! I know that makes zero sense at all.
Proper bleeding still seems at bay today but still have the stretchy mucous which is almost an orangey pink colour, i has the same colour stuff a few days post procedure. Hopefully it will all stop soon but I still have the left sided discomfort so think my body must be trying to get back to normal.
Its wet and cool here today so im just tucking into aome hot porridge at work before i make a start. Hope you all have a lovely day and sending well wishes to your poorly parents and baby dust/ sexy dust to you hehe 😆
Thank you Blu! Glad your symptoms have subsided a bit.
No- totally makes sense. Scared to actually get pg again and scared not to!
I have let my fears get wayy too big. Have to work on that.

Got back to the city for the day and fiance and I walked all around in the cold for 8 hours. :) It was great. Got my mind off of things back home and everything really. In furniture store there was this little baby who kept looking up at me with his big, blue eyes and smiling. When I looked away he whimpered and then I looked back at him and he gave a huge smile.
I didn't get sad. I just thought it was the cutest thing. Made me long for a baby of my own even more. :( Fiance said 'it's a sign. make that appt with your doctor already, please!!" (He knows I always like to look at certain things happening as silly signs)
I have put my f/u appointment off now for 2 weeks. I know I need to make it and discuss the baby's test results and best options since I'm advanced maternal age.

Thank you for the well wishes. My mom said my dad went for his first walk today outside today-- only a few minutes-- but after 4 weeks he got up and out!

On another bright note -- February is over.. done... in UK now it is at least.. a few more hours here and then bring on March, ladies!! Good riddance to this wretched month it was for all of us!
Prayers, baby dust (and yes- sure could use that 'sexy dust' Blu..ha!) to all for a happy March!
Wooooo hoooooo its march!!!!!! 😃
Hopie I really hope you manage to get on the baby wagon soon as I just know you will be the best mommy. I think your OH is correct.... it was a sign.
Im on day 2 with no bleeding and ewcm seems to have stopped. Not sure if I actually ovulated or not but if I did then hopefully AF will arrive in the next 2 weeks and were going to try again after that. There is no follow up here and they dont do any testing on baby so I was just advised to wait for my period then go for it. I have a funny feeling next time will be just fine for us all.
Im glad dad had a little walk, it may have been short but as you say its better than none at all.
You ladies are the best! Its lovely to have people who understand what were all feeling and thinking x
Woohoo March! Goodbye winter! Hello spring! I've had a great weekend with friends staying at their house in Bristol with lots of good food and drink.

Had some watery cm and some ewcm yesterday so maybe i could be ovulating soon. Hoping so but also scared as well as excited at the possibility of a bfp.
I'm also scared of dtd too Blu! I think it'll be ok though and I will report back ;)
Hope all of our bodies regulate soon. Hope everyone has had a good weekend xx
Glad you had a lovely time jaspie, a catch up with friends is always a sure fire way to a fun weekend.
Fingers crossed that were both ovulating. Its been so long since we DTD and in keen to try now ive stopped bleeding but wondering if i should wait a few days to ensure im not fertile. I really want to be pregnant again but wonder if ill blame myself for not waiting if i caught straight away then had another loss! This baby making malarky sure is stressful 😯
The pain in my left side has hit a peak today and is stronger than ever x
Happy March!!! Though we are having another snow storm here in NYC right now. I am stuck in the never-ending winter!

Jaspie- so great you had a wknd away with friends. That is the best. I haven't had one of those in ages. Happy for you!
Blu- I hear you with still wanting to wait a few more days. Since hard to tell when we are fertile the first month after procedure.
I love what you said-- gives me hope..Thanks!! I know you are the best mom and you will be to another son or daughter in the near future! That's why i can't wait for all of you -- Jaspie, Bernie, Fit..all of you to report your bfp's one day because you are the sweetest people and are going to make the best moms. Someday soon!!

So AF has arrived. 26 days. Same time it usually takes. Very light with slight cramps. I could deal it were always like this! I'm moody as heck though and all I will eat is chocolate..cookies...worst food cravings ever. I never had them during pregnancy (actually was too sick to really eat), but i sure have crazy cravings now!

Healthy eating is supposed to start in March.. Oops. Well it doesn't count, it is snowing today.

Thanks again for the kind words and encouragements. You ladies really got me through February and I will always be grateful for finding you on here!
Morning ladies 😊
Snow is rubbish Hopie, its forecast here in the UK too but weve had a pretty mild winter this year.
Hope youre seeing AF as a positive sign that your body is recovering and it hasnt made you feel too down, enjoy your choccy, im always the same when im due on.
We had a chilled evening with a chinese and glass of vino which just may have led to a little naughtiness 😉 im happy to report that everything was fine. My nipples are sore this morning which i ususlly get a few days post ovulation so expect AF the weekend after next.
I am officially back on the healthy eating wagon today, this week hasnt been great. Im going to do the food shop after work and stock up.
Hope you all have a fab monday xx
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