hormone crash after ERPC

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Oh fit, far toooo cute! 😍 love it.
I managed a power nap this afternoon before picking up DS, im aching now and ankles seem a little swollen tonight so ill be putting my feet up and resting! Have you ladies been watching Dr Foster?x
Love it fit! :haha: Glad your midwife appointment went well! You have a busy boy!

No Blu I haven't seen it i heard it's good though. I'm lying on sofa watching bake off final. Hope your pelvis eases.

Funny all 3 of us have anterior placentas! Did either of you notice anything like taking longer to feel big movements?
I did this time. I felt DS regularly from 17 weeks. With this baby i felt wiggles at 16+5 and proper kicks around 19 weeks but very sporadic. I only felt him daily from about 21 weeks . Hes very active now and wont get off my bladder the lil monkey.
I watched the bake off too - Nadiya's wedding cake was beautiful x
Congrats Jaspie on the wonderful news of a baby boy and your excellent doctor visit!! You guys must be over the moon. I think everyone was guessing boy and you were feeling it too, right? So so awesome!!

Wow- 4 boys here!

Fit- sure sounds like your little boy is going to keep you very busy. That is so funny! So glad you had a wonderful appointment too and wow Bernie- you are now down to your weekly appointments. When is your exact due date in October?
My gosh, time has flown!

Blu- sorry you are so exhausted from lack of sleep. Me too.. Total insomnia past few nights and really does affect you the next day. You especially with being pg, a little one and working! I really hope you manage to get some good sleep. I'm sure going to try tonight. Keep waking up by 4:00am!

I've missed the board -- left my laptop in the city for 10 days and my password is stored on here. I don't want to get on this board at my parent's computer in case they see it -- I never told them about the miscarriage! Jeez, I feel like an 18 year old!
Have had super stressful week with tenant announcing she is moving out and not paying for the month. Karma is all I can say!!

Anyway, I am so thrilled for all of you and keep the happy updates coming. Congrats again Jaspie on a baby BOY!!! :)))))
Thanks Hopie! Sorry about the tenant, that sucks. Are you out of pocket now? How's everything with your parents?

Another one who keeps waking up here. I always wake up every 3 hours for the toilet and usually about 5 am I can't get back to sleep! So I've had some breakfast and am going to read for a bit them try again.

Thanks Blu, I have been feeling flutters and tickles since 16 weeks, then more definite kicks 19 weeks low down but not often. Now I feel low kicks every day when lying down in the morning and evening and lots of squirms while sitting at my desk but I wonder if I'm missing some because of the placenta. Sometimes things do feel muffled. Oh well not long until he's big enough to feel right through it! I'm feeling lucky anyway as I've read some people with anterior placentas don't feel anything for ages and ages.

Hope everyone is good! I have a 4 day weekend and am being taken away by my OH and friends for my 30th birthday but I don't know where I'm going it's a surprise! Actual birthday is Wednesday :D
Huge happy 30th birthday wishes Jaspie hope you have an amazing weekend hun, you deserve it! 😘
Baby blu loves kicking my lady bits if he gets much lower i swear he will fall out. Noticed a huge difference in my bump this week its grown alot.
Thats rubbish about your tenant Hopie, i think if be kicking her out now if shes expecting to live rent free, cheeky madame! How are your parents? Your comment made me laugh.... even DH doesnt know i use this forum 😵 hope everyone had a great weekend, its been another quick week x
Happy Friday girls!

Sorry to hear about your tenant Hopie, what a drag. Hope keeping her security deposit takes some of the sting out of it.

Jaspie have a great birthday weekend, how nice of your OH and friends to take you away like that! Can’t wait to hear about it when you’re back. :)

I think I first felt movement at about 17-18 weeks when I was using the doppler and Thomas booted it. Before that, nothing! Not even any gas bubbles that I could delude myself into thinking were baby movements, LOL. But I’m just grateful I can feel as much as I can. I feel thumps all the time but can’t really tell exactly what he’s doing in there and I know my placenta masks certain things. For instance, when we were sitting in the waiting room before the anatomy scan I was sure he was asleep but when they pulled him up on the screen he was moving all over the place and I couldn’t feel any of it – so I guess it depends on his position and what he is up to in there.

Blu that is funny about your DH not knowing about the forum. I talk about it to my DH but he has his own forum that he posts on (an outdoor forum) so I’ve been hearing him talk about it for years. I guess we’re both nerds. :haha:

We just booked our maternity photos, yay! Now we’re trying to sort out newborn photos – some places are soooo expensive so I’m trying to figure out how we can get them done without breaking the bank right as I’m going on maternity leave and taking a big pay cut.

It is Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend so we’re headed to MIL’s for turkey tomorrow. :)
Hi! Happy 30th birthday, Jaspie!!!! Hope you had a wonderful weekend away. Where were you taken?! It's my birthday too this week! Wishing you all the best of everything in what will be the most wonderful year for you!

Thanks, all.. When I have time, the tenant went nuts, I mean like crazy... It was rather unreal. I told her I needed to cash her security check because she wasn't paying October and she threatened me. DF couldn't believe it -- I put her on speaker phone. Some women are insane! Good news is she has officially moved out now. Today is our first day we feel we can relax and enjoy and are going out to the beach. :)
Thanks for asking about my parents, my dad is doing great and my mom seems well- her dr. appt. is this week and she is walking 1 mile now!

I hear you guys with the lack of sleep, though not pg.. I was getting 2-3 hours for a week each night. It is the worst, isn't it? I'm trying melatonin but that probably can't be taken when pg?

Happy Thanksgiving, Fit! Exciting you guys are getting moving on the newborn photographer. Yes, so expensive. Blu- too funny about the forum -- my fiance has his own forum he goes to also...he likes nerdy stuff. :)

Have a great start to the week mamas-to-be! :) xxxx Hope you're great Bernie!
Hey everyone, just got into bed, have awful heartburn tonight so just had a glass of cold milk, im sure that will lead to an extra toilet trip overnight!!
Fit your photoshoot sounds ace, ai really want to book a 4d scan this week to take DS to see his brother.
Hope you had a lovely weekend Jaspie?
Bernie how are things?
Hopie, have a wonderful birthday. Your tenant sounds such a muppet but Im glad your parents are good 👍
All ok here, our pregnancies seem to be flying by soooo fast, the boys will soon be here x
Glad your parents are doing well hopie! Jeez your tenant sounds like a nightmare. Good riddance!
Blu I have awful heartburn tonight too, been trying to sleep for the last hour but gave up and took some indigestion tablets just now so hopefully they kick in. Hope yours goes!
Fit hope you had a very happy thanksgiving :D and yay for booking maternity photos.
I had a wonderful weekend thanks, we were in a beautiful house in an estate in the Cotswolds Waterpark, so relaxing :D Eaten far too much it was great! I'm back in work tomorrow but then have Wednesday off for my birthday :D
Thanks for the birthday wishes ladies, hope you're all good!
Jaspie glad you had a fun weekend away and that's great that you're taking tomorrow off for your birthday.

Hopie have a great birthday week! Glad your parents are doing so well and as for your tenant...hope she doesn't let the door hit her on her ass on the way out!

Blu hope you're feeling better. That's a neat idea taking DS to see his baby brother in 4D!

Bernie hope you're well.

We had a nice Thanksgiving. MIL teared up during her toast while talking about FIL and also gave thanks for the new child joining the family, so sweet. Glad Thomas gives her something to look forward to during such a tough year.
So glad Jaspie you had such a relaxing and wonderful time away to celebrate. It sounds soo nice and peaceful! Hope you had a wonderful birthday and great you took the day off from work!
Hope the heartburn resolved, Blu & Jaspie. And hope you're both sleeping better. Now with crazy tenant out, I slept 9 hours and feel like a new person. Also found a very nice girl (hopefully!) to start as new tenant soon. :) And just thrilled it seems my parents are better. All I can really ask for for my birthday.

Fit- It sure is such a wonderful blessing for you and your family to have your baby boy on the way soon. I can't even imagine how hard it was- the first Thanksgiving without your father-in-law for your MIL, DH and all of you. This sure gives all of you the most amazing event to look forward to and your MIL must be so excited, and baby Thomas will bring such much needed joy to her in the new year. I'm glad you all did have a nice Thanksgiving.

Blu- so cool you will bring DS to the 4D scan! Will that be in a few weeks?

I'm back in the city with 2 days for myself.. Feel sorta guilty not cooking, etc. for my parents back home but need some time this birthday week to enjoy myself and then DF comes here on Friday night! At excercise class tonight the girl who had a baby in August brought him to class. My heart melted as she gave him to me to hold (without asking!).. He was the cutest, sweetest thing ever. Made me realize I better kick this fear and get at it this month finally.. Ha!!

Bernie, hope you're well. How many more weeks?!

Take care ~~
Hi ladies! so sorry I havent had much time to check in! but I hope you are all doing well and Happy Birthday Jaspie and Hopie!!! Things have been a little BUSY here! Wedding weekends have just about killed me im so exhausted! but Im getting a little break! Dr appt went well this week, but found out we will be meeting Jameson a little early... He induces all GD patients between 38-39 weeks. I will be 34 weeks tmw so we are just about a month out! Works been a little crazy, Im training my replacement which is so bitter sweet, but she will be great while Im out. Baby shower is next weekend so I cant wait to see all the wonderful things we get and I will finally feel ready and prepped!!!
Thanks for all the birthday wishes ladies :D I had a wonderful weekend and a great day off yesterday. We celebrated by buying baby J his first newborn bodysuits and sleepsuits :D too cute. Still got heartburn 😬 but I guess all the birthday cake and chocolate really isn't helping :D
Oh Bernie it won't be long for you then! When are you finishing work? So very excited for you. I bet you can't wait for your shower!
Ah Hopie so glad you're feeling ready to try again! You'll have your own little bundle soon I just know it. Enjoy your time to yourself, it doesn't seem like you have it often.
Fit it's wonderful your MIL has Thomas to bring her some sunshine, he must be a ray of light in a tough year. Glad you guys had a wonderful thanksgiving :D
Hope you're good Blu, got a date for your 4d scan yet?
Hi everyone well theres another week gone! Happy birthday Hopie, hope you enjoy some me time and glad you found a new tenant.
How cool is it choosing tiny clothes Jaspie, I just love it. Were all going to have boistrous boys haha.
Fit im sure Thomas will bring lots of comfort to your MIL and your FIL will be watching over him.
Bernie thats so exciting that you get to meet Jameson early, yay! When will you gt your date for induction?
All is well here, DH has hit his busy period at work so not seeing much of him which is a pain but we have some time off in another week which will be nice. DS bedroom furniture will be here next week so we can get his bedroom sorted then get the nursery done 👍he is definitely very active now. We still have absolutely no clue on names yet its so hard. How about you Jaspie, has baby J got a name yet?
Hope you all have a wicked weekend 😚 xx
No name yet but we have a couple we like, my favourite starts with a J too so he would still be baby J! Glad DS's room is coming together nicely :D Names are hard!
Hi! Wow Bernie- I remember a while back you guys were setting the October shower date and now it is just about here!! Is DH allowed to go? :) I havent been to a baby shower in so long.. I remember last time it was all girls. So exciting!! You must be beat, so hope you can finally get some r&r this wknd. So cool you will be meeting your baby a bit earlier!

Jaspie- so nice you guys bought baby J some outfits during your birthday week! That is the best-- going to look at the first tiny outfits. I can't wait to do that. Yes, sure the choco and cake isn't helping the burn, but that's what birthday weeks are for. I plan to eat cake and chocolate through my birthday weekend and the rest of October. :) Need to ring in this year well as it sure as heck I hope is a MUCH better year for me! Thank you for the nice wishes.

Fit - how are you doing? Maybe you and MIL can go baby clothes shopping soon together? :)

Blu- good you and hubby have some time off coming up. You sure have done a ton with the boy's rooms! You motivated me with -- I finally re-org'd all of apartment in city and now am starting to paint for the new tenant. I love this organization kick I have gotten on!
What week is 4d scan? Hope you get lots of rest this weekend!
Thank you for the birthday wishes. Just want to have fun this wknd with DF after I finish painting and hope to receive the greatest birthday gift at all -- dinner on Sunday with my mom and dad! All I can ask for really..it's a miracle!

Wonderful weekends, all. xxxx
Hey everyone how was the weekend? Well here we again nearly half way through another week! Ive just gotten into bed, feeling tired but i keep waking up in the early hours and struggling to get back to sleep again its so annoying. How are all the bumps coming along? Hopie are you TTC this month?
Baby B is very bouncy now, I had a midwife app today and hes head down 👍
I know, halfway through another week already! Everyone keeps saying I'm blooming at the moment so that's nice to hear haha!
Yay for bouncy baby Blu being head down!
All good here ta :D I get another scan today! The hospital called me and said as my 20 week scan was healthy would I like to come in to be scanned by a trainee to help them learn what they're looking for! She said it's not the kind of thing they can do on a dummy lol. They'll be watched by a professional and we'll get pics again. Yay! Be nice to see him without being nervous!!
Hope you're all well and Hopie good luck if you're ttc this month, where are you in your cycle?
It's horrible weather here today I don't want to go outside!
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