Hi All I'm back at the fertility clinic tomorrow after 4 rounds of clomid and HCG trigger jab not working, please wish me luck!!
I think the next step is going to be checking my tubes and I am asking for a lap as I want my uterus checked too in case of anything going on there that could be stopping implantation. I think then they are going to recommend IUI which I am very nervous about, do you think it would be worth my while pushing for another couple of months on clomid but without the stress of scans and jabs? I'm not ready to give up on the clomid as I believe I have had 2 chemical pregnancies on it and maybe just need something else (I'm not sure what!) to help a bean stick.
I am also very torn between not wanting to have the IUI as its quite instrusive and I find smear tests distressing enough, and giving it at least one go as it may be the treatment I need!!!
Thanks for reading and I'll let you know how I get on! Me and DH are planning on going for lunch and to the cinema afterwards so I have something nice to look forward to to get me through my appointment!! Mind you I'm still hoping a will show up tomorrow as the is due today or tomorrow but my hopes (which were never very high) are disappearing fast.
Thanks again
I think the next step is going to be checking my tubes and I am asking for a lap as I want my uterus checked too in case of anything going on there that could be stopping implantation. I think then they are going to recommend IUI which I am very nervous about, do you think it would be worth my while pushing for another couple of months on clomid but without the stress of scans and jabs? I'm not ready to give up on the clomid as I believe I have had 2 chemical pregnancies on it and maybe just need something else (I'm not sure what!) to help a bean stick.
I am also very torn between not wanting to have the IUI as its quite instrusive and I find smear tests distressing enough, and giving it at least one go as it may be the treatment I need!!!
Thanks for reading and I'll let you know how I get on! Me and DH are planning on going for lunch and to the cinema afterwards so I have something nice to look forward to to get me through my appointment!! Mind you I'm still hoping a will show up tomorrow as the is due today or tomorrow but my hopes (which were never very high) are disappearing fast.
Thanks again