How are you feeling?


Mum of 2 - PG with No.3
Sep 1, 2006
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Hi girls......

How are you feeling at the mo? My first Trimester was not that good, I started off with NO symptoms barr sore BBs and tiredness, but then they hit me a bit later at around 6 weeks (I think it was) with avengeance :shock:

I had really bad sickness and just felt dog rough........ :cry:

So how you feeling, have you got any symtoms yet? xx
Hey Tam,

Im 9 weeks and have got the morning sickies. My one question is "how the hell does my body know that its morning???". Ive got to the stage now that i dont even move in my bed, just open my eyes as the alarm clock goes off and that nausea feeling sets in!!!! But if i fall asleep during the day (i have tiredness too btw) i dont feel ill at all.

With each of my pregnancies I have suffered morning sickness. When i had my daughter i had the sickness throughout the pregnancy - i had my head down the "porcalin (sp) bowl on the morning of going into labour!!!!!

Am yet to go to the Doctors to arrange for my Care. Have made an appointment for next Tuesday............ let the proding, poking, weeing in bottles, jabs in the arms commence......... mwahahahaha

Awwwwww the morning sickness is just horrible innit.........even if you are not actually heading down the loo, the nausea is so rough :sick:
So do you have yours just in the mornings or does it last thru out the day? Mine is thru out the day and I am in my second Trimester now (15+4) but I have to stay in bed and have my anti sickness tablets half an hour before I get up otherwise I will have a really bad day, but doing that seems to allow me to settle and take the following tablets with no probs at all :happydance:

The time I feel my best is when I am asleep.....thats no good is it? :?

I didn't have sickness as such with my last pregnancy, I just had the odd bought of nausea and one visit to the porcelain it was very easy I must say :) but not this time, so I am PRAYING for am easier birth as a compensation!!! :wink:

Good Luck for Tuesday, make sure you let us know how you get on hun!

Hope you feel better soon :hugs: xx
well I took a mumomega supplement today which is fish oil,my god was not nice coming up.......tuna :shock: so think i either had reaction to that or was m/s returned although i have noticed when weather is hot I get sick so dont know if a temperature thing or not?

Feel like uterus has shifted into my tummy now cant lean forward easy and I am in the maternity clothes already. Roll on 6 months.........
im 9 weeks but i have not gotten sick and my breasts are not sore at all..
so all i have is a bit of sleepiness, and a bit nausea, and huge cravings and huge urges to pee.....
thats when all myn started be careful,lol
bexxie said:
well I took a mumomega supplement today which is fish oil,my god was not nice coming up.......tuna :shock: so think i either had reaction to that or was m/s returned although i have noticed when weather is hot I get sick so dont know if a temperature thing or not?

Feel like uterus has shifted into my tummy now cant lean forward easy and I am in the maternity clothes already. Roll on 6 months.........

Awwwwww horrible being ill innit?! I too am worse in hot weather, even now!

Hope you feel better soon xx
new baby 4 me said:
im 9 weeks but i have not gotten sick and my breasts are not sore at all..
so all i have is a bit of sleepiness, and a bit nausea, and huge cravings and huge urges to pee.....
lol... sound like you're having a ball!
ha haa am feeling fab now,hoping i can relax about bubba now god i cried so much at scan,such a beautiful sight. My DD is so excited keep praying for babe..........

Feel like i can run marathon only thing i got is boils all over my body,lovely!!!!

Nevermind all worth it,now just the giving birth,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>runninggggggggggggg
:lol: You'll be fine hun, glad you are feeling so good and the scan went well!! xx

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