Hey you can get a virus from anything, just going on a site can give you one! Altho the people that keep saying its not from here.... it well can have been from here!! how would you know just cause you havent got one! my sister got a virus on facebook now ive used it for years and aint got one.
Facebook is a little different than a forum site. There are a lot of ads and applications on Facebook that install things on your computer. When you get a virus from a site it's because you've clicked on something. Once the virus is there, deleting an account will not get rid of it as it is already installed on your hard drive. Like SC said, you need to install an anti-virus (yes, Norton is s***) and run a scan on your computer to get rid of it. Sometimes, with certain viruses, you need to wipe your hard drive completely, but try a good anti-virus first. Good luck!