How do you cope with other women's pregnancies?

Thanks, Ruth. I know exactly how you feel. I really try hard not to show it on the outside and I feel like this site is the only way I can vent and get my true feelings out, because I know you all understand. I actually painted this weekend and that took my mind off of things. Thanks for your positive thoughts! Baby dust to you!
Luvmydoggies, hopefully I am doing this quote thing right. I TOTALLY know how you feel. My SIL (one of DH's sisters) said to me when she found out we were TTC, "well we know he isn't the problem", just because DH has an 11 year old from a previous marriage. I think that was one of the most hurtful comments ever said to me. To make it even worse, my MIL is FB friends with DH's ex. They still keep in touch. It makes me feel like I don't rate because I haven't bore her a grandchild. Whenever I go to DH's family gatherings I feel so left out because he has a kid, one of his sisters has 4 kids (she actually had fertility issues) and another sister (the one that made the stupid comment) has 2 kids. DH understands how I feel, which is good. The only one I confide in is his sister that had the fertility issues. At least she gets it. Actually both sisters were on clomid. Not to mention, MIL has 5 kids! I was married before but didn't have children with my ex because he turned out to be abusive. Unfortunately, I didn't meet the love of my life when I was 20. I don't think anyone truly understands our situation unless they have been in it. Oh, and since you are a dog lover, the unthoughtful SIL had the nerve to say to me, "I'm curious to see how your relationship with your dogs changes when you have children". So sue me for being a good and caring dog mom. As far as I'm concerned, they are my children and that won't change if and when I have a baby. Sorry to go on and rant. I totally don't blame you for not wanting to go the cousin's baby showers. I would feel the same way. Why put yourself through that torture because you know it'll upset you. And your MIL's comment about how expensive IVF is. Has she never over the course of her lifetime spent $10K on her kids? Seriously, I keep mentally preparing myself for IVF and comparing the cost to a car or 2 really nice vacations. So we sacrifice some things because we want a child at no cost. Maybe I'll just drive my car around until it dies. Its worth it to have a baby. Some people just don't get it. I'm sorry I'm all fired up. I'm just fed up with people who don't think before they speak.

Hi Missyt, sorry it took me a few days to get back to you.
Your in-laws sound like mine! I can't believe your dh's sister said that to you. That was so cruel and insensitive and so not helpful. Your mil being fb friends with your dh's ex- another total low blow to you. I would feel very hurt and betrayed. You are his wife now and the love and respect should be given to you! I'm glad that your dh understands how you feel. I also feel left out at family gatherings. Dh's cousins always hand off their babies to me. I love holding them, I just wish I was a mommie too. As far as meeting my husband, it wasn't until I was 30 and before then, I just wasted my time on guys that I thought would commit but in the end they didn't and only left me with a broken heart. How can your sil say that about your dogs? My dogs are my babies and my saving grace when I feel really down. I actually prefer my dogs to people (the mean and insensitive ones). Please don't say sorry for ranting, I love what you wrote and don't feel so alone. I completely agree about the financing of IVF...I could never put a price on having a baby. Whatever I have to do, I will. I'm also fed up with people and their stupid comments. Wishing you tons of babydust and hoping we get our bfp's very soon!!!!!:hugs::hugs:
Hi Velo,
I don't think I have done anything different for the ewcm, just luck, I think.
I'm also trying to make sure I pay attention when I wipe :blush: (sorry tmi)

I'm so glad that FF marked the same days that you thought you ov'd, that's great news! :thumbup: I will be starting with the bbt, next month.

I had a cup of coffee this morning. Should not have, couldn't keep it down. Since, I was sick I was only drinking tea.

I'm so happy to hear that you found a hospital for your dh to do the s/a. Did you talk to him yet? What did he decide? School or the long drive?

That is so awesome that your library delivers books to your door! I really wish they did that here. I would be in heaven. The books that I got, I bought through amazon. Thanks for the selections and the link.

This really could be our month! I would be over joyed! We would have Jan.2010 babies!!! Woo hoo! :baby::baby::baby::baby:

On the last note, sadly we don't have any money saved, if we had to do IVF, so I'm still praying it can happen naturally. If nothing happens by June, will have to go back to the doc to see what to do next.
Sending you lot's of hugs:hugs: and tons of baby dust.:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:

Hi luvmydoggies,
Well dh decided not this week, and no missing any school. So I have an appointment for him for 2 weeks from this Friday at a medium-drive location. However this location apparently is drop-off only and has no facilities for collection, and it is too far away from us to do at home (must be dropped off within 30 minutes). So I was scouting out locations for masturbation using google street view! Too funny. I wanted to see if the nearest gas station had a private bathroom I could see from the outside (it did).

Has your dh seen a urologist to see if there are any correctable problems causing the soldier issues (varioceles or some blockages etc.)? Do you know if IUI would be an option? I know that can often help with male factor infertility since they wash the sperm first, thereby weeding out the good :sperm: from the bad :sperm:. Here's a site (possibly near you?) that describes how they wash:
Certainly cheaper than IVF :)

From what I've read (and I'm sure you've already researched this all thoroughly) other things that can affect :sperm: quality include alcohol, smoking, smoking weed, and heating up the testicles. But sometimes the source of the heat is not obvious and can include wearing briefs, having baths instead of showers (if the temp is too warm), excessive exercise esp bicycle riding. Acupuncture can also help men with sperm quality.

A friend mentioned her husband was told they would need to use IVF with ICSI because of his :sperm: issues, and after 3 months of high dose zinc and vitamin C? E? they conceived naturally. So be encouraged about the vitamins.

I believe FF told me my due date would be Dec 31, what a way to ring in the new year! Hope we both can get a new years present!

:dust: :dust:

Hi Velo,
I'm so happy to hear that you have an appt. for your dh. That is great news! You made me laugh about your google-ing a place for your dh to give his sample. I say, if they have a bathroom, tell him to go for it!!!

We actually saw an re last year around this time, that is when it was discovered that dh had great count/quanity but really low motility and morphology. We were told by the re that our only chance of ever having a baby was through IVF. He also told us to have dh checked for a varicocele.

So we went to two urologists but not specific to fertility. Last year, he saw the first uro and he was super old and very forgetful. The first visit, he wanted to ck dh's prostate (which, was fine) and he ordered an ultrasound. A week later when we returned, the doc came in and started to repeat what he said at our first visit. He even wanted to ck dh's prostate, AGAIN! I said dr. we are here for the ultrasound report, remember? He said "oh, let me go try to find it." "oh boy" then while we were waiting, someone in the next room was farting without control:blush: dh just looked at me, like get me out of here!!! Doc came back in the room with the results and told us no varicocele or blockages had been found. Right after the appt. we went and had breakfast and on our way home we were rear ended in a car accident, which destroyed my lower back. It is just now feeling better and it has been a full year with doc visits, physical therapy...on and on. So needless to say it put a big dent into TTC.

Last month, we went to a new urologist who also ordered an ultrasound and a new s/a. The ultrasound came back again with no varicocele or blockages. The s/a, the uro was not happy with it and referred us to go see an re again. When I got home and compared the two s/a's, I found great improvement in the numbers. Still not considered "normal" but better. Dh had started a vitamin regime two weeks prior to this most recent s/a. Maybe I am naive, but I still think it is possible to conceive naturally but if it doesn't happen, I'm open to treatments.

Dh has stopped drinking (maybe a few here and there), doesn't smoke cigs or weed, no hot baths or hot tubs, switched to boxers, doesn't ride a bike. he could stand to lose weight though :wacko:. He is overweight at the moment. We are going to start working out together. Dh is also open for us to do acupuncture.

Thank you for helping me so much! I will check out that site you sent me.
Babies for new years eve...would be the best ever!!!! What a way to start 2012.:hugs::hugs::hugs:

My cbfm still says high fertility but that can't are we considered in the two week wait???

How are you?
Luvmydoggies, I'm so glad you understand and can relate. I wish we were neighbors so we could chat and I wouldn't have to look at all the bumps and babies in my neighborhood. Also wish there was someone like you in my family. LOL. About the doggies, when I walk in my door after a bad day and see my little pugs, I can't help but smile. They are so happy to see me and give me kisses and follow me around like I'm the Pied Piper. I also prefer dogs to most people too. Hey, if you ever need to vent, I'm there because I'm sure I know what you are going through!
Luvmydoggies, I'm so glad you understand and can relate. I wish we were neighbors so we could chat and I wouldn't have to look at all the bumps and babies in my neighborhood. Also wish there was someone like you in my family. LOL. About the doggies, when I walk in my door after a bad day and see my little pugs, I can't help but smile. They are so happy to see me and give me kisses and follow me around like I'm the Pied Piper. I also prefer dogs to most people too. Hey, if you ever need to vent, I'm there because I'm sure I know what you are going through!

You are so sweet! I wish we were neighbors too! What you wrote brought tears to my eyes :cry: because I don't have anyone here that understands, so thank you so much!:flower: I also wish there was someone like you in my family. I don't have any brothers or sisters. I know, when I'm gone and I come home, my dogs are wagging their cute little tails and are so happy to see me! I'm so glad that we are friends.
I should feel fortunate that I do have brothers and a sister. One of my brothers has 3 kids. I am very close to his oldest, my neice. We have a very special connection. We looks so much alike that people think she is my daughter. Its so hard because I want to give them cousins so bad. But I don't live close to my family so that is a bummer. We live in MD and we want to move once my stepson is a little older. Where is SoCal do you live? I love it there. I have a lot of family in San Diego and El Cajon and my godparents/aunt & uncle live in Brea.
I should feel fortunate that I do have brothers and a sister. One of my brothers has 3 kids. I am very close to his oldest, my neice. We have a very special connection. We looks so much alike that people think she is my daughter. Its so hard because I want to give them cousins so bad. But I don't live close to my family so that is a bummer. We live in MD and we want to move once my stepson is a little older. Where is SoCal do you live? I love it there. I have a lot of family in San Diego and El Cajon and my godparents/aunt & uncle live in Brea.

Hi Missyt,
I know what you mean about wanting to give your brothers children cousins. I also don't live near my family. Since I don't have any brothers or sisters, I am very close to my cousins. My cousin (who is a year younger then me) has two adorable little boys, one is 4 and the other one is 2. My cousin has them call me auntie which, I love. I consider them my nephews. I'm always sending outfits and little gifts to them. When I go into the kids section, I will walk through the baby section and imagine myself buying clothes there one day. It would be great when I visit one day, to be able to bring a child of my own. I was raised in Los Angeles. Now I live in between Simi Valley/Thousand Oaks it is in Ventura County. I love the San Diego Area, it is so beautiful. Were you born in MD? Where would you like to move? Would it be closer to your family?
Luvvie, I know what you mean. I buy clothes for my neices and nephew all the time. I can't wait to have my own family. I grew up in MA. I want to move back to GA because my brother and his family live there and my parents plan on moving into their house there permanently in a year or so. I used to live in Hawaii too and I loved it. The same thing happened to me as you though. I feel like I wasted my 20's on guys who wouldn't commit. I met my ex husband when I was 29 and got married fairly quickly. He turned out to be abusive, beat my dogs, verbally abusive, etc. so I never had kids with him and I finally had the courage to leave him.
Luvvie, I know what you mean. I buy clothes for my neices and nephew all the time. I can't wait to have my own family. I grew up in MA. I want to move back to GA because my brother and his family live there and my parents plan on moving into their house there permanently in a year or so. I used to live in Hawaii too and I loved it. The same thing happened to me as you though. I feel like I wasted my 20's on guys who wouldn't commit. I met my ex husband when I was 29 and got married fairly quickly. He turned out to be abusive, beat my dogs, verbally abusive, etc. so I never had kids with him and I finally had the courage to leave him.

Missyt, I'm so sorry you had to experience an abusive husband. That must have been awful for you. We are so similar, I had an abusive boyfriend when I was 23...he was 27. He was seriously crazy. He kidnapped me once because I wanted to break up with him. He wanted to "talk sense into me" he said at the time. He was overly controlling and extremely jealous. He also pushed me around a lot and held me by my neck against a closet door. I truly was afraid for my life. He told me if I ever left him, He would do something to me that I would never forget. I finally got the courage one night and broke up with him. He showed up at my house the next night banging on the security door to my apartment demanding that I come to the door...I almost did but then I called 911. Thank god the police came right away. He wanted everything he ever gave me...which wasn't much:wacko:. I collected it all put in a bag and the police handed it to him. They called him a disgruntled ex boyfriend. He called me for the next year and a half...prank calls, songs, drove by and parked in front of my apartment I eventually moved away. It was a really scary time in my life.. I can only imagine the horror you went through being married to someone like that. I'm so glad we are friends. I know in my heart that we will be mommies of our own one day, very soon.:hugs::hugs:
Hi Velo,
I'm so happy to hear that you have an appt. for your dh. That is great news! You made me laugh about your google-ing a place for your dh to give his sample. I say, if they have a bathroom, tell him to go for it!!!

We actually saw an re last year around this time, that is when it was discovered that dh had great count/quanity but really low motility and morphology. We were told by the re that our only chance of ever having a baby was through IVF. He also told us to have dh checked for a varicocele.

So we went to two urologists but not specific to fertility. Last year, he saw the first uro and he was super old and very forgetful. The first visit, he wanted to ck dh's prostate (which, was fine) and he ordered an ultrasound. A week later when we returned, the doc came in and started to repeat what he said at our first visit. He even wanted to ck dh's prostate, AGAIN! I said dr. we are here for the ultrasound report, remember? He said "oh, let me go try to find it." "oh boy" then while we were waiting, someone in the next room was farting without control:blush: dh just looked at me, like get me out of here!!! Doc came back in the room with the results and told us no varicocele or blockages had been found. Right after the appt. we went and had breakfast and on our way home we were rear ended in a car accident, which destroyed my lower back. It is just now feeling better and it has been a full year with doc visits, physical therapy...on and on. So needless to say it put a big dent into TTC.

Last month, we went to a new urologist who also ordered an ultrasound and a new s/a. The ultrasound came back again with no varicocele or blockages. The s/a, the uro was not happy with it and referred us to go see an re again. When I got home and compared the two s/a's, I found great improvement in the numbers. Still not considered "normal" but better. Dh had started a vitamin regime two weeks prior to this most recent s/a. Maybe I am naive, but I still think it is possible to conceive naturally but if it doesn't happen, I'm open to treatments.

Dh has stopped drinking (maybe a few here and there), doesn't smoke cigs or weed, no hot baths or hot tubs, switched to boxers, doesn't ride a bike. he could stand to lose weight though :wacko:. He is overweight at the moment. We are going to start working out together. Dh is also open for us to do acupuncture.

Thank you for helping me so much! I will check out that site you sent me.
Babies for new years eve...would be the best ever!!!! What a way to start 2012.:hugs::hugs::hugs:

My cbfm still says high fertility but that can't are we considered in the two week wait???

How are you?

Hi luv-how is it going? How are you managing with the TWW? I am a bit down, as I had a TCM appt today and its 11 dpo and I asked him (as he says he can tell by the pulse) whether he thought I was pg and he said no. Though I still continue hope for this cycle! And getting impatient for further progress.

It sounds really frustrating the docs you have visited have not been able to be that helpful. I think a lot of times too they just want to suggest the big guns rather than find and solve the root of the problem! Hoping the zinc will work wonders! When will you get another SA to check?

It would be awesome if we can conceive naturally! FX for both of us. But yes I too am open to treatments. I just want them to be the cheapest and least invasive ones necessary!

Oh now I remember the other heat source to avoid - laptops on the lap. Ah wouldn't it be nice if the solution was simple? Much more complicated when its not obvious.

Does the uro have any recommended next steps or at this point is it just take vitamins, wait and see, and then move on to some sort of assisted method? (hoping that you get a natural :bfp: first!)
Hi Velo,
I'm so happy to hear that you have an appt. for your dh. That is great news! You made me laugh about your google-ing a place for your dh to give his sample. I say, if they have a bathroom, tell him to go for it!!!

We actually saw an re last year around this time, that is when it was discovered that dh had great count/quanity but really low motility and morphology. We were told by the re that our only chance of ever having a baby was through IVF. He also told us to have dh checked for a varicocele.

So we went to two urologists but not specific to fertility. Last year, he saw the first uro and he was super old and very forgetful. The first visit, he wanted to ck dh's prostate (which, was fine) and he ordered an ultrasound. A week later when we returned, the doc came in and started to repeat what he said at our first visit. He even wanted to ck dh's prostate, AGAIN! I said dr. we are here for the ultrasound report, remember? He said "oh, let me go try to find it." "oh boy" then while we were waiting, someone in the next room was farting without control:blush: dh just looked at me, like get me out of here!!! Doc came back in the room with the results and told us no varicocele or blockages had been found. Right after the appt. we went and had breakfast and on our way home we were rear ended in a car accident, which destroyed my lower back. It is just now feeling better and it has been a full year with doc visits, physical therapy...on and on. So needless to say it put a big dent into TTC.

Last month, we went to a new urologist who also ordered an ultrasound and a new s/a. The ultrasound came back again with no varicocele or blockages. The s/a, the uro was not happy with it and referred us to go see an re again. When I got home and compared the two s/a's, I found great improvement in the numbers. Still not considered "normal" but better. Dh had started a vitamin regime two weeks prior to this most recent s/a. Maybe I am naive, but I still think it is possible to conceive naturally but if it doesn't happen, I'm open to treatments.

Dh has stopped drinking (maybe a few here and there), doesn't smoke cigs or weed, no hot baths or hot tubs, switched to boxers, doesn't ride a bike. he could stand to lose weight though :wacko:. He is overweight at the moment. We are going to start working out together. Dh is also open for us to do acupuncture.

Thank you for helping me so much! I will check out that site you sent me.
Babies for new years eve...would be the best ever!!!! What a way to start 2012.:hugs::hugs::hugs:

My cbfm still says high fertility but that can't are we considered in the two week wait???

How are you?

Hi luv-how is it going? How are you managing with the TWW? I am a bit down, as I had a TCM appt today and its 11 dpo and I asked him (as he says he can tell by the pulse) whether he thought I was pg and he said no. Though I still continue hope for this cycle! And getting impatient for further progress.

It sounds really frustrating the docs you have visited have not been able to be that helpful. I think a lot of times too they just want to suggest the big guns rather than find and solve the root of the problem! Hoping the zinc will work wonders! When will you get another SA to check?

It would be awesome if we can conceive naturally! FX for both of us. But yes I too am open to treatments. I just want them to be the cheapest and least invasive ones necessary!

Oh now I remember the other heat source to avoid - laptops on the lap. Ah wouldn't it be nice if the solution was simple? Much more complicated when its not obvious.

Does the uro have any recommended next steps or at this point is it just take vitamins, wait and see, and then move on to some sort of assisted method? (hoping that you get a natural :bfp: first!)

I am so sorry that you are down. Just know that I'm here for you. You are such a sweet friend and I'm so glad that I met you. I'm managing the two week wait ok. Two days ago we found out that a co-worker that my dh worked with a few years ago had a sudden heart attack- he was only 51. We were really devastated by the news. We drove up to Santa Maria yesterday which is a 2 hour drive for us so we could pay our respects to him and his family. It was so sad. Gone too young and too soon. I should be getting af in 2 days.
The uro did not have an action plan at all. I'm the one that did the research on the vits. He basically is just passing us off to a RE but the one he rec. does not have a good track record and has lousy bed-side manner. I did a lot of research and if I need to go for treatment, I want to go to Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles, which is about hour away, depending on traffic. Hope is doesn't get to that point. If we don't get our bfp's this month, I know we will get them very soon. Thanks for the advice about the lap top..I get mad when dh puts in on his lap, so I yell at him to put it on the coffee table. :)

I was going to ask you if you speak French, because doesn't Velo mean bicycle? I starting taking French last year at a community college.
I am so sorry that you are down. Just know that I'm here for you. You are such a sweet friend and I'm so glad that I met you. I'm managing the two week wait ok. Two days ago we found out that a co-worker that my dh worked with a few years ago had a sudden heart attack- he was only 51. We were really devastated by the news. We drove up to Santa Maria yesterday which is a 2 hour drive for us so we could pay our respects to him and his family. It was so sad. Gone too young and too soon. I should be getting af in 2 days.
The uro did not have an action plan at all. I'm the one that did the research on the vits. He basically is just passing us off to a RE but the one he rec. does not have a good track record and has lousy bed-side manner. I did a lot of research and if I need to go for treatment, I want to go to Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles, which is about hour away, depending on traffic. Hope is doesn't get to that point. If we don't get our bfp's this month, I know we will get them very soon. Thanks for the advice about the lap top..I get mad when dh puts in on his lap, so I yell at him to put it on the coffee table. :)

I was going to ask you if you speak French, because doesn't Velo mean bicycle? I starting taking French last year at a community college.

So sorry to hear about your dh's coworker. Its a reminder I guess how we need to make the most of every moment, we don't know when our time will be up.

I am reading The Infertility Cure by Randine Lewis right now, and these are the vitamins she suggests for healthy sperm: (she also has suggetsions specific to acupuncture and Chinese herbs):
- Vitamin C: 2000 mg per day (in divided doses)
- Vitamin E: 800 IU per day
- Beta carotene: 100,000 IU per day
- Selenium 200 mcg per day
- Zinc 60 mg per day (necessary for sperm production and testosterone metabolism)
- Vitamin B12: 1000 mg per day (involved in the replication of cells)
- L-arginine: 2 to 4 g per day (helps promote cellular replication)
- L-carnitine: 1000 to 1200 mg per day (assists sperm motility)

Yes velo is French for bicycle. I don't speak much French, but I'm a big fan of my bicycle :)

AF is due for me in about 2 days too. I'm fairly certain it will arrive this time, but still holding out hope for next month! What about you - do you have any symptoms/feelings?
I am so sorry that you are down. Just know that I'm here for you. You are such a sweet friend and I'm so glad that I met you. I'm managing the two week wait ok. Two days ago we found out that a co-worker that my dh worked with a few years ago had a sudden heart attack- he was only 51. We were really devastated by the news. We drove up to Santa Maria yesterday which is a 2 hour drive for us so we could pay our respects to him and his family. It was so sad. Gone too young and too soon. I should be getting af in 2 days.
The uro did not have an action plan at all. I'm the one that did the research on the vits. He basically is just passing us off to a RE but the one he rec. does not have a good track record and has lousy bed-side manner. I did a lot of research and if I need to go for treatment, I want to go to Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles, which is about hour away, depending on traffic. Hope is doesn't get to that point. If we don't get our bfp's this month, I know we will get them very soon. Thanks for the advice about the lap top..I get mad when dh puts in on his lap, so I yell at him to put it on the coffee table. :)

I was going to ask you if you speak French, because doesn't Velo mean bicycle? I starting taking French last year at a community college.

So sorry to hear about your dh's coworker. Its a reminder I guess how we need to make the most of every moment, we don't know when our time will be up.

I am reading The Infertility Cure by Randine Lewis right now, and these are the vitamins she suggests for healthy sperm: (she also has suggetsions specific to acupuncture and Chinese herbs):
- Vitamin C: 2000 mg per day (in divided doses)
- Vitamin E: 800 IU per day
- Beta carotene: 100,000 IU per day
- Selenium 200 mcg per day
- Zinc 60 mg per day (necessary for sperm production and testosterone metabolism)
- Vitamin B12: 1000 mg per day (involved in the replication of cells)
- L-arginine: 2 to 4 g per day (helps promote cellular replication)
- L-carnitine: 1000 to 1200 mg per day (assists sperm motility)

Yes velo is French for bicycle. I don't speak much French, but I'm a big fan of my bicycle :)

AF is due for me in about 2 days too. I'm fairly certain it will arrive this time, but still holding out hope for next month! What about you - do you have any symptoms/feelings?

Hi Velo,
How are you? I'm not doing so great. I really thought that this could be my month. I normally have pms/other symptoms before af but not this month. I have been poas like a mad women...I even convinced myself that I had a positive....and got my hopes up, dh's hopes up. turns out it was just the evap line on a internet cheapie. ( I even ran to the store and got the expensive digital, just so it could tell me 'not pregnant') :cry: I started spotting today, so af will prob be here by tomorrow. I feel like a failure somehow, that I can't pg. It feels like it will never happen, like it only happens to other people. I'm sorry to be such a downer. Thanks for the list of vits..dh is on all of them except for beta carotene and the b12, I will get those to add into the mix. :) How was your weekend? How are you feeling?

Hi Velo,
How are you? I'm not doing so great. I really thought that this could be my month. I normally have pms/other symptoms before af but not this month. I have been poas like a mad women...I even convinced myself that I had a positive....and got my hopes up, dh's hopes up. turns out it was just the evap line on a internet cheapie. ( I even ran to the store and got the expensive digital, just so it could tell me 'not pregnant') :cry: I started spotting today, so af will prob be here by tomorrow. I feel like a failure somehow, that I can't pg. It feels like it will never happen, like it only happens to other people. I'm sorry to be such a downer. Thanks for the list of vits..dh is on all of them except for beta carotene and the b12, I will get those to add into the mix. :) How was your weekend? How are you feeling?

Sorry to hear that it wasn't your month this month. :hugs: AF is due for me on Wednesday and today I have terrible cramps so I can safely assume that it's not my month either. This weekend my friend invited me to see her sons play in their band (which was brilliant by the way) but I had to deal with listening to this other woman banging on about her new granddaughter and then how her 38 year daughter is due later on in the year and how she fell straight way and she doesn't even really want to pregnant blah blah blah so at one point it was all baby talk. I plastered a blank expression my face and in the end I just tuned out completely. They must have thought that I was really off but I just couldn't take it. These conversations always catch you when you're at your weakest and most fragile. But in all of it, that's life and we have to learn to deal with it.

I am so glad we have each other to help us through these low moments. :hugs:

Hi Velo,
How are you? I'm not doing so great. I really thought that this could be my month. I normally have pms/other symptoms before af but not this month. I have been poas like a mad women...I even convinced myself that I had a positive....and got my hopes up, dh's hopes up. turns out it was just the evap line on a internet cheapie. ( I even ran to the store and got the expensive digital, just so it could tell me 'not pregnant') :cry: I started spotting today, so af will prob be here by tomorrow. I feel like a failure somehow, that I can't pg. It feels like it will never happen, like it only happens to other people. I'm sorry to be such a downer. Thanks for the list of vits..dh is on all of them except for beta carotene and the b12, I will get those to add into the mix. :) How was your weekend? How are you feeling?

Sorry to hear that it wasn't your month this month. :hugs: AF is due for me on Wednesday and today I have terrible cramps so I can safely assume that it's not my month either. This weekend my friend invited me to see her sons play in their band (which was brilliant by the way) but I had to deal with listening to this other woman banging on about her new granddaughter and then how her 38 year daughter is due later on in the year and how she fell straight way and she doesn't even really want to pregnant blah blah blah so at one point it was all baby talk. I plastered a blank expression my face and in the end I just tuned out completely. They must have thought that I was really off but I just couldn't take it. These conversations always catch you when you're at your weakest and most fragile. But in all of it, that's life and we have to learn to deal with it.

I am so glad we have each other to help us through these low moments. :hugs:

Thank you so much Ruth.:flower: I know what you mean about the conversations catching you at the weakest moments. How do some women fall pregnant right away, that don't really want to be? I just don't get it. Here we are, wanting a baby and to be a mommy so badly. I'm sorry you had to listen to all the baby talk. I think, I would have run away and starting crying in the bathroom. It's just the way I feel at the moment. I am so glad we have each other too!:hugs: Your af has not shown up yet, so there is still a chance.:baby:
Hi Velo,
How are you? I'm not doing so great. I really thought that this could be my month. I normally have pms/other symptoms before af but not this month. I have been poas like a mad women...I even convinced myself that I had a positive....and got my hopes up, dh's hopes up. turns out it was just the evap line on a internet cheapie. ( I even ran to the store and got the expensive digital, just so it could tell me 'not pregnant') :cry: I started spotting today, so af will prob be here by tomorrow. I feel like a failure somehow, that I can't pg. It feels like it will never happen, like it only happens to other people. I'm sorry to be such a downer. Thanks for the list of vits..dh is on all of them except for beta carotene and the b12, I will get those to add into the mix. :) How was your weekend? How are you feeling?

Sorry I realize I had not replied to this! I'm doing okay. I'm trying to be more zen of it will happen when it happens. (easier said than done) I'm really sorry it was not your month. Evap lines sound realllly cruel. I'm starting off this month assuming this is NOT going to be the month. Mostly because DH just had his SA done and there looks to be some lingering effects (clumping) from an infection he had, so I assume it may be 2-3 months to return to normal. That and I think I may have ovulated on day 9 (!!) when the last two months were day 16 and 14. I wasn't even thinking of trying OPK yet and we had to abstain before DH's test and then after his test we didn't have a full day of recharge in there. If I haven't ov'ed yet then my chart/hormones are really wonky!!

I feel the whole failure thing too. I bounce between feeling really down about it, and thinking that these things happen for a reason and I am having the opportunity to really focus on improving my own health. But then unhealthy people get pregnant without trying and you wonder about the fairness of the universe!

FX this will be your month!

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