How do you feel about epidurals/natural birth?

Just to be really random - Blah are you going to tandem breastfeed? I imagine that to be so sore on the old nipples!

yes :) no idea but since my nipples are used to bf i dont think itll be as uncomfortable?

I asked that to someone on here, I think it was lightworker? She said it does hurt again like it did with the first one once you have a new baby, unfortunately!

oh well that sucks LOL oh well, small price to pay.
I didn't want an epidural, I am not too sure why though. Just didn't like the idea of it.

I did however, end up being induced at 42 weeks! Back to back labour was a nightmare and I was so grateful that I could have an epidural.
I guess I would've coped without it, but I think I would have been emotionally scarred from it all!

Next time I am hoping for things to go a little smoother than with Jake. Ended up having an emergency forceps delivery which I got really depressed about afterwards. Felt like I had completely failed.

I do think it doesn't help when some people 'parade' the fact that they had a natural birth and it was the best thing ever etc. It just made me feel so inadequate and like i'd done it all wrong. If that makes sense!!

Well I know all births are different and pain thresholds are different and all, but speaking from my own experience of back to back labour and no pain meds at all, it is excruciating pain and it did emotionally scar me, even now almost a year later I still feel angry at the midwifes for not giving me anything. I seriously almost passed out from pain it was not nice!! So at least you can know you did make the better choice, I wouldn't wish back labour pains on anyone I think thats the type of labour that just requires pain meds!

I disagree :shrug: I had a back2back labour (she was born direct OP too) and managed without a epidural and I actually enjoyed my labour. I did have diamorphine at 7cm but could have done without it I think, it didnt do much for the pain, just helped me relax inbetween contractions. idk, i think it just depends on the woman. I dont think back labour is the end of a natural birth at all.

eek we must have different pain thresholds then, or my scoliosis might have made it worse I'm not sure. The pain never stopped between contraction though that's why it was so bad. Each contraction that came I thought I was dying because I couldn't handle any more pain and it was making my sight go dark and I felt like I was going to pass out, it was really bad :nope: Never ever again will I do that without some kind of pain relief, all I wanted was pethidine I have no idea why they wouldn't give it to me :shrug:
I didn't want an epidural, I am not too sure why though. Just didn't like the idea of it.

I did however, end up being induced at 42 weeks! Back to back labour was a nightmare and I was so grateful that I could have an epidural.
I guess I would've coped without it, but I think I would have been emotionally scarred from it all!

Next time I am hoping for things to go a little smoother than with Jake. Ended up having an emergency forceps delivery which I got really depressed about afterwards. Felt like I had completely failed.

I do think it doesn't help when some people 'parade' the fact that they had a natural birth and it was the best thing ever etc. It just made me feel so inadequate and like i'd done it all wrong. If that makes sense!!

Well I know all births are different and pain thresholds are different and all, but speaking from my own experience of back to back labour and no pain meds at all, it is excruciating pain and it did emotionally scar me, even now almost a year later I still feel angry at the midwifes for not giving me anything. I seriously almost passed out from pain it was not nice!! So at least you can know you did make the better choice, I wouldn't wish back labour pains on anyone I think thats the type of labour that just requires pain meds!

I disagree :shrug: I had a back2back labour (she was born direct OP too) and managed without a epidural and I actually enjoyed my labour. I did have diamorphine at 7cm but could have done without it I think, it didnt do much for the pain, just helped me relax inbetween contractions. idk, i think it just depends on the woman. I dont think back labour is the end of a natural birth at all.

eek we must have different pain thresholds then, or my scoliosis might have made it worse I'm not sure. The pain never stopped between contraction though that's why it was so bad. Each contraction that came I thought I was dying because I couldn't handle any more pain and it was making my sight go dark and I felt like I was going to pass out, it was really bad :nope: Never ever again will I do that without some kind of pain relief, all I wanted was pethidine I have no idea why they wouldn't give it to me :shrug:

it took my MW about 45 minutes to get me some. my mum was getting a bit snippy with what was taking them so long.
I think if I had been taught some better pain management methods I would've been okay.
But panic set in and im not the most levelheaded person in most situations.

I completely lost control of myself and what was happening.
I didn't want an epidural, I am not too sure why though. Just didn't like the idea of it.

I did however, end up being induced at 42 weeks! Back to back labour was a nightmare and I was so grateful that I could have an epidural.
I guess I would've coped without it, but I think I would have been emotionally scarred from it all!

Next time I am hoping for things to go a little smoother than with Jake. Ended up having an emergency forceps delivery which I got really depressed about afterwards. Felt like I had completely failed.

I do think it doesn't help when some people 'parade' the fact that they had a natural birth and it was the best thing ever etc. It just made me feel so inadequate and like i'd done it all wrong. If that makes sense!!

Well I know all births are different and pain thresholds are different and all, but speaking from my own experience of back to back labour and no pain meds at all, it is excruciating pain and it did emotionally scar me, even now almost a year later I still feel angry at the midwifes for not giving me anything. I seriously almost passed out from pain it was not nice!! So at least you can know you did make the better choice, I wouldn't wish back labour pains on anyone I think thats the type of labour that just requires pain meds!

I disagree :shrug: I had a back2back labour (she was born direct OP too) and managed without a epidural and I actually enjoyed my labour. I did have diamorphine at 7cm but could have done without it I think, it didnt do much for the pain, just helped me relax inbetween contractions. idk, i think it just depends on the woman. I dont think back labour is the end of a natural birth at all.

eek we must have different pain thresholds then, or my scoliosis might have made it worse I'm not sure. The pain never stopped between contraction though that's why it was so bad. Each contraction that came I thought I was dying because I couldn't handle any more pain and it was making my sight go dark and I felt like I was going to pass out, it was really bad :nope: Never ever again will I do that without some kind of pain relief, all I wanted was pethidine I have no idea why they wouldn't give it to me :shrug:

it took my MW about 45 minutes to get me some. my mum was getting a bit snippy with what was taking them so long.

The excuse they kept giving me was that I'm not in labour because my contractions were irregular (symptom of back labour which they never noticed) and the midwife "couldn't find my cervix" so instead of just trying again she decided I must not be in labour despite the fact that I was crying in pain :dohh: Then when I asked again a few hours later they just ignored me all the way up until I said I need to push!
I didn't want an epidural, I am not too sure why though. Just didn't like the idea of it.

I did however, end up being induced at 42 weeks! Back to back labour was a nightmare and I was so grateful that I could have an epidural.
I guess I would've coped without it, but I think I would have been emotionally scarred from it all!

Next time I am hoping for things to go a little smoother than with Jake. Ended up having an emergency forceps delivery which I got really depressed about afterwards. Felt like I had completely failed.

I do think it doesn't help when some people 'parade' the fact that they had a natural birth and it was the best thing ever etc. It just made me feel so inadequate and like i'd done it all wrong. If that makes sense!!

Well I know all births are different and pain thresholds are different and all, but speaking from my own experience of back to back labour and no pain meds at all, it is excruciating pain and it did emotionally scar me, even now almost a year later I still feel angry at the midwifes for not giving me anything. I seriously almost passed out from pain it was not nice!! So at least you can know you did make the better choice, I wouldn't wish back labour pains on anyone I think thats the type of labour that just requires pain meds!

I disagree :shrug: I had a back2back labour (she was born direct OP too) and managed without a epidural and I actually enjoyed my labour. I did have diamorphine at 7cm but could have done without it I think, it didnt do much for the pain, just helped me relax inbetween contractions. idk, i think it just depends on the woman. I dont think back labour is the end of a natural birth at all.

eek we must have different pain thresholds then, or my scoliosis might have made it worse I'm not sure. The pain never stopped between contraction though that's why it was so bad. Each contraction that came I thought I was dying because I couldn't handle any more pain and it was making my sight go dark and I felt like I was going to pass out, it was really bad :nope: Never ever again will I do that without some kind of pain relief, all I wanted was pethidine I have no idea why they wouldn't give it to me :shrug:

it took my MW about 45 minutes to get me some. my mum was getting a bit snippy with what was taking them so long.

The excuse they kept giving me was that I'm not in labour because my contractions were irregular (symptom of back labour which they never noticed) and the midwife "couldn't find my cervix" so instead of just trying again she decided I must not be in labour despite the fact that I was crying in pain :dohh: Then when I asked again a few hours later they just ignored me all the way up until I said I need to push!

Did you complain? I hope you did. When i was about 3-4cm the monitor was saying i wasnt having contractions when trust me, i was LOL
I didn't want an epidural, I am not too sure why though. Just didn't like the idea of it.

I did however, end up being induced at 42 weeks! Back to back labour was a nightmare and I was so grateful that I could have an epidural.
I guess I would've coped without it, but I think I would have been emotionally scarred from it all!

Next time I am hoping for things to go a little smoother than with Jake. Ended up having an emergency forceps delivery which I got really depressed about afterwards. Felt like I had completely failed.

I do think it doesn't help when some people 'parade' the fact that they had a natural birth and it was the best thing ever etc. It just made me feel so inadequate and like i'd done it all wrong. If that makes sense!!

Well I know all births are different and pain thresholds are different and all, but speaking from my own experience of back to back labour and no pain meds at all, it is excruciating pain and it did emotionally scar me, even now almost a year later I still feel angry at the midwifes for not giving me anything. I seriously almost passed out from pain it was not nice!! So at least you can know you did make the better choice, I wouldn't wish back labour pains on anyone I think thats the type of labour that just requires pain meds!

I disagree :shrug: I had a back2back labour (she was born direct OP too) and managed without a epidural and I actually enjoyed my labour. I did have diamorphine at 7cm but could have done without it I think, it didnt do much for the pain, just helped me relax inbetween contractions. idk, i think it just depends on the woman. I dont think back labour is the end of a natural birth at all.

eek we must have different pain thresholds then, or my scoliosis might have made it worse I'm not sure. The pain never stopped between contraction though that's why it was so bad. Each contraction that came I thought I was dying because I couldn't handle any more pain and it was making my sight go dark and I felt like I was going to pass out, it was really bad :nope: Never ever again will I do that without some kind of pain relief, all I wanted was pethidine I have no idea why they wouldn't give it to me :shrug:

it took my MW about 45 minutes to get me some. my mum was getting a bit snippy with what was taking them so long.

The excuse they kept giving me was that I'm not in labour because my contractions were irregular (symptom of back labour which they never noticed) and the midwife "couldn't find my cervix" so instead of just trying again she decided I must not be in labour despite the fact that I was crying in pain :dohh: Then when I asked again a few hours later they just ignored me all the way up until I said I need to push!

Did you complain? I hope you did. When i was about 3-4cm the monitor was saying i wasnt having contractions when trust me, i was LOL

No I didn't, I wish I had though. To be honest they did tons of things wrong it was just plain awful. I later learned that hospital is known for being bad though, never going there again! It's Durham University Hospital, if anyone who reads this was planning to go there, don't!
You are allowed to go over, against medical advice, in the US in most cases (at least I'm pretty sure). You have to sign a form or something, saying that you are going against the opinion of your doctors in most cases. My mother went a few weeks over with my sister, but she regrets doing that now. My sister came out and was kind of dry, not like her previous babies (she had had two at that point). But she had been allowed to carry her until her body gave birth naturally.

dry :shrug: As in not covered in vernix? My daughter was a 39 weeker and had NO vernix at all. The MW was rather surprised at it actually and wondered if my dates were slightly wrong as she came out spontaneously and as a first baby, most are overdue.

Honestly, I'm not sure. She just said that Rebekah came out looking kind of listless, dry, and unlike my sister and brother whom she had previously. But that does sound about right. My mom was definitely close to two weeks overdue at that point, though.
For me the pain of labour actually added to the experience of giving birth. Not at the time lol but when he popped out and the pain suddenly subsided and there was this perfect little thing it was almost euphoric. I had gas and air for a few hours in the middle of my labour but did e beginning and end without (not for soldier standards but just because the gas made me feel sick and didn't help at all as far as I could tell)
Tommy was back to back and while the pain was horrible I was more scared of the hollow needle or feeling sleepy and dizzy than the pain lol. I think I was really lucky to have a very good labour, at least looking back, I wouldn't change much about it at all x
Hi I do not believe that epidurals are pushed on people at all. I had to beg for one when I was in labour for 36 hours and wouldnt dilate beyond 4cm. I ended up having an emergency section. The worst thing to have is diamorphine. Thankfully I refused that. Yes you do get lower back pain for a while after but that goes after a while.
i have no read all the posts. I think is completely up the woman in question. If you are in pain and need it and you are fully informed about the risks then surely that is her decision.

I was induced and used gas & air and 1 shot of pethadine at 4cm.... approx 5-6 hours before i started pushing. I really did not want an epidural. However in the end my son got stuck and i needed EMCS and so had spinal block. I guess i'm happy i coped all the way to the end without it. I never had any issues afterwards from in.

Next time when i hope to attempt a vbac i will try to avoid the epidura;l
i havent read through the thread as its huge!

my opinion is there is nothing wrong with having an epi as long as you have really though about it and considered your options.

imo mine most probably saved me from having an emcs. i was never going to have one but after being in labour so long and being in agony it was the best option for me. it also allowed me to sleep for a bit so i had more energy to push, i feel if i hadnt of slept then i wouldnt of even had the energy to have the assisted delivery (forceps) that i ended up having.

i still get alot of ahceyness in my lower back though, not sure if its because of the epi, but if i need one next time i wouldnt be so proud and wait so long to ask
So I was just in baby club and there's a thread started by someone wondering if it's normal for her to not be able to move her toes after her epidural. (
Seeing that thread is a really good argument to show not all women are being properly informed about the real risks of an epidural. Her last post even made me feel bad for her
From my c-section my lower stomach is still a funny kind of numb but they said that was normal and the feeling there may never come back
I mean, it sounds like she didn't even know that could happen and now because of not knowing the risks ahead of time she might never have feeling in that area again! Of course she may have needed the epi because of a section, but it's just a good example of people not being well informed.
Doctors seriously need to be more cautious about giving out epidurals to everyone, what about those very few women who do end up with permanent lower body paralysis, that would just be so incredibly awful to go through.
I dont think the numbness in her scar area and her epi are linked. You loose feeling in that scar area as they cut the nerves. Sometimes they gorw back and become normal soemtimes they dont

I have a inch either side of my scar that I will never feel again but it has nothing to do with the epi
not the same as a section but when my oh had a op on his foot, his scar was awful but he lost the feeling in his toe due to a nerve being cut. which he was told is common with all operations, so that could be why the person has no feeling in the scar area
I have some numbness around my scar but I didnt have an epi.
I dont think the numbness in her scar area and her epi are linked. You loose feeling in that scar area as they cut the nerves. Sometimes they gorw back and become normal soemtimes they dont

I have a inch either side of my scar that I will never feel again but it has nothing to do with the epi

I didn't know that! :thumbup:

Apart from the scar numbness though, the rest of my post is still a good point of women not being fully aware of the risks.
But surely it is your responsibility to look into pain relief and way up risks?

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