I woke up this morning with an overwhelming urge to test after dreaming that I got a positive HPT and then retesting and finding strange squiggly lines on another. I used a FRER I'd been saving in my cabinet for a few months now... BFN. Not even the faintest of faint lines. Not even an evaporation line later. Part of me desperately wants to believe that it'll become positive in a few days (it could be anywhere from 8-11dpo right now, which I do realize is super early for a +), especially because for a week now I've felt like I just *knew* this was "the" month, but at the same time, I don't know how to cope if I have to see another negative... and I know that is the much more likely outcome. I broke down in tears after seeing that one stark line (not least because I feel like I wasted an expensive FRER instead of my usual $ Tree cheapies).
How do you deal with BFNs? I want to believe there's a way to balance hope with realism, but it seems like the former makes negative results that much more difficult to handle and the latter just makes me depressed.
How do you deal with BFNs? I want to believe there's a way to balance hope with realism, but it seems like the former makes negative results that much more difficult to handle and the latter just makes me depressed.