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How far will your 2 year old walk?

lil' mole

Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2008
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Just curious to see what other kids are like about walking. Dd2 was 2 in August. She is capable of walking about 2 miles but only if it’s a puddle jumping, trail following kind of walk. The 20 min walk to school on pavements with dd1 is a complete no go and is the only time she’s in a pushchair these days. I know she is fine with the distance but keeping her moving in the right direction and out of the road is.......challenging!

So how far can your 2 year old walk and what sort of walks will they do?
She was two in November and has got much better recently, I started trying to walk to school over the summer (10 min) and she had to stop and pick every daisy. She is not easy to distract so I put her back in the pram, so she hasn't had much chance to build up stamina. She will walk holding hands nicely now but can't walk more than about 5 minutes without being carried. I also have two boys and she doesn't walk nearly as far or as nicely as they did at that age (which doesn't surprise me as they are full of beans!!).

ETA I rarely do the school run without a pram, even if I push it and she walks along side
My two year old will walk to his nursery a mile away, a good two mile woods or puddle walk or round town but doesn't walk nicely at all. He refuses to hold hands and has to have a wrist strap, the number times he's tried to run in front of cars is terrifying. we also have to sto to look at every flower/blade of grass etc.
my son was 2 in August and is pretty much the same as your little one. Is capable of walking a good distance if at an adventure area (albeit knows his limits with his asthma) but the nursery run walk he is a nightmare and wants to walk the other direction. I plan to try putting him in the pram to take my daughter to nursery and walk him back every day after the holiday and then soon get him to walk with her home. I don't remember my daughter being such a nightmare but she probably was
Sounds like she is right on track! I think I’ll try getting her to walk home after the school run when we can take our time. I think maybe I need to convince her back into the carrier because I find walking with her and an empty pushchair is almost impossible. She spends the whole time trying to climb in and out or legging it in the opposite direction so I have to keep abandoning the pushchair.

I’m really struggling to remember what dd1 was like at this age, I was very distracted with dd2 who was poorly. She must have been better at walking in a set direction as I never had a double buggy or anything, not even rains, and dd2 was a dinky baby when dd1 was 2, but then I didn’t have school run or anything like that to do
My son is almost two and he will walk for hours, but he tends to dawdle so much and get distracted so it takes us forever to get anywhere!
It has been a while since I had a two year old, but I think Sophie would walk for about 1-1.5km (sorry I don't have a clue in miles).

Thomas could walk about 2km or so but he was always distracted by everything.

Emma is 17 months and is a total crazy wild child with a huge sense of adventure, I haven't taken her for an actual proper walk anywhere yet. Just little walks up the end of the block and back. She just about runs the whole way and tries to climb trees and chase dogs.
My two year old can walk indefinitly. She frequently did 5 km hikes in the summer at 18 months old, she would get distracted by flowers and getting sticks for the dog or wanting to swim in a creek, but I dont mind because we're not in a hurry. When we walk in town on pavent she don't get too distracted, she always runs so she keeps up with my normal walking pace and just keeps running along next to me or often in front of me.
When my son was 2, all he wanted to do was walk. He made his daddy take him on walks around the neighbourhood in freezing weather. He walked and walked without complaint even when his shoes hurt. Yet my daughter who is 3 complains walking from the car to a store entrance. :haha: I tried having her walk to pick up her brother but 2 minutes in I had to carry her.
My almost 3 year old walks everywhere but we don't walk super long distances. The longest walk she does regularly is to the mall which is a 20-30 minute walk. She can trail behind a little and isn't super fast but she does okay.
When my DS was 2 he was daily walking 2 km at one time and occasionally 3, running and taking an interest in all the different things he could see.he still walks well now at 4 but complains a lot more!

DD will be 2 in April and she can now walk the 2km daily but dawdles a lot more than DS did!
My dd turned 2 in October. We haven’t actually used a pram since she was about 15 months, we used her trike from 15 months until about 19-20 months, now we only use it very occasionally (mainly if we are going round shops so she doesn’t run away)

We go a big dog walk most days and at least 3 small dog walks a day (the equivalent of two blocks and up through a park) plus she can comfortably walk through the town centre for hours.

She is really independent and hates being strapped in to anything or wearing reins so we compromise that she must hold hands near busy roads or in crowds but at other times she can go slightly ahead. That usually works quite well, and she knows where she needs to hold on in the places we go commonly.

Ditching the pram/trike helped us loads with nighttime!
My ds3 is 2 years and 8 months and will walk anywhere this days with differing amounts of distraction. My ds2 who is 4 tomorrow is the one I struggle with, he used to be great but now the novelty has worn off!

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