How I got my BFP two times in a row, and how YOU CAN, TOO!


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Mar 22, 2011
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Two times in a row, using these same tactics, I became pregnant the first month. I could write a book and sell it but I won't. ;) I'll share it with you darlings here!

What I did is a little unconventional, but it WORKS. And if it gets the end result of that beautiful second line on a HPT, aren't you willing to try anything? I know I was.

I'll start out with a long-story-made-short back story. My fiance and I have been together four years, and tried NTNP for almost three years. We really wanted to be parents, but I had some medical issues I was going through (thyroid cancer, severe anxiety attacks...) so we figured that at that point in our lives it was a lost cause.
My poor fiance also had cancer as a pre-pubescent child, and had a LOT of radiation and other nasty drugs and treatments right near his groin area, and so we also knew from this (and from a semen analysis he had about a decade ago) that we were dealing with low count and low motility.
However, a few repeated semen analyses a year ago showed us that sadly, he was azoospermatic, meaning no sperm at all. We don't know why all his little guys disappeared, but it was a fact we had to deal with.
So we use donor sperm from a local known donor. If you ever find yourself in this situation, look online...hope is not lost, and you DON'T need to pay sperm banks and IVF clinics countless thousands of dollars EACH MONTH.

After my thyroid issues, my cycle got completely bunked. So I DID use the help of the fertility drug Clomid, at 50mg, days 2-6. For anyone who doesn't know, Clomid is a relatively safe drug with a few known side effects that, for most women, are quite worth the benefits. Clomid doesn't make you get drug can do that. It simply encourages you to ovulate in a proper manner, the same as someone who has a completely normal, clockwork cycle.


As always, during and after ovulation, NEVER drink alcohol or wine. It's not worth the risks.
And here is exactly how I got pregnant both times:

Of course, I charted my ovulation. And the three days leading up to ovulation (not the day OF ovulation), I did the following once per day. Really, once is all you need. However, if you are using your husband's sperm and you are both comfortable with this, there is no reason why you can't do it twice per day.

You may have heard about softcups. You may have been put off by the idea of them. But stop! They are an amazing tool to use, with potentially amazing results.

For us, my donor would ejaculate into an oral syringe. This step is not necessary if you are using your husband, of course.
Open up your Instead softcup. You can buy these at most pharmacies, and some supermarkets. They come in a box of 14, and cost around $8-9 in the US. (I'm not 100% sure of conversion rates, but that probably means about £4-7.)
If you did use a syringe, go ahead and SLOWLY push the plunger, putting the sperm into the inside of the softcup. If you were helping your husband, hold it up and have him ejaculate into the softcup.

Now here is where you will want to have an oral syringe anyway.
Go to your local supermarket and purchase a small carton of REAL liquid egg whites. NOT egg substitute or liquid eggs. JUST the egg whites themselves. Some people choose to take a whole egg and separate it themselves, but I prefer this method. Why? The only risk of infection comes from getting egg YOLK inside of you. This isn't a risk I wish to take, personally. With liquid egg whites, the egg was separated professionally with sterile equipment used only for separating eggs, and so your risk of contiamination goes way, way down.
You will want to pour out a small amount (maybe a tablespoon or so) of the liquid egg whites into a small container, then cover it with a lid or plastic wrap. You don't want a chance of dust getting into it.
Allow the egg whites to sit for around an hour before you have your man ejaculate. If you are very brave, and in a hurry, you may warm them in the microwave..but only for 2-3 seconds, and use a couple tablespoons. If you do use the microwave, you need to be extremely do NOT want them to begin to cook, you simply want to warm them. If they cook even the slightest bit, toss this, get a new container, and try again with fresh egg whites. What you are looking for is temperature. Not too cool, and not too warm. Either can damage sperm. If you are overly cautious, use a candy thermometer and check that it's around 70-80 degrees F or thereabouts.
Remember to do this before if you are going to let them stand to warm. If you will be trusting your microwave, you may do it immediately after.

Now is where the fun begins.
If you used a syringe, you will notice there is still a bit of semen left behind in the tip of the syringe. This is fine! If you are using a fresh oral syringe just for the egg whites, this is fine, too.
Draw up about 1mL of egg white into the syringe. Give a quick tap with the tip pointed upwards to get rid of any air bubbles.
Now depress the plunger on the syringe slowly into the cup already containing semen. Don't worry...they create an amazing environment for sperm, as the egg whites have the same or similar pH balance and properties as non-acidic, fertile cervical mucus.

Here is where the tricky part comes in. Now you need to get the cup inside you.
I suggest that you play with an empty one first. Use a bit of lube if need be. Don't use lube besides preseed, however, if you will actually be doing your insemination the same day. Regular lube creates a very hostile environment for sperm, and will most likely kill all or most of them.
The best way to get the cup inside is to sit with your legs part on the toilet, and hold the cup in your thumb and middle finger, with the rim horizonally. Remember, the name of the game is to practice doing it without spilling, so pretend there is something want to keep it "upright" the whole time. Now, gently squeeze the sides of the rim, so that they're almost touching. Keeping it horizontal, begin to slide it inside of you. It usually helps if you scoot your bottom forward a little at an angle. Once you try this you will understand exactly what I mean. Once it is somewhat inside, use your index finger and give it a push. You want it as far back as it can go. Trust me, you can't push it TOO far. The front of the cup will "lock" in position behind your pubic bone. If it's in properly, you should not feel it.
If you need some help, try visiting

Once you have a softcup inside you with semen and egg whites, I strongly suggest reaching orgasm. You can do this with your fingers, with a clitoral vibrator, or have your partner assist you. However, DO NOT have intercourse once the cup is inside. You don't want to risk losing any sperm.
If you are doing this yourself, try doing it sitting up, leaning forward, or in a similar position. The point of an orgasm is that it makes your cervix pulsate, "sucking up" the sperm. When you do so seated, you are positioning your cervix directly in the pool of semen.

When you are all done, do not remove the softcup. Leave it in for up to 12 hours. Personally, I would usually do this at night, and then sleep with the softcup in.
When you're ready, remove, and repeat this process twice.

But you're not finished!
Before, during, and up to five days after ovulation, I suggest you take guaifenesin a few to several times per day. You are most likely looking at about eight to ten days of taking it. (Three to five days before and five days after ovulation.)
Guaifenesin is the active ingredient in mucinex, robitussin, and other cough medicines. Its purpose is to thin out mucus, including your cervical mucus, making it easy for sperm to swim.
If you have a Dollar Tree near you, take a look in their medicine aisle. They have a tablet-form mucus relief with guaifenesin as the only active ingredient. This is perfect, exactly what you want, and very inexpensive! Save some cash so you can buy yourself some cute maternity clothes. :)

Next, I suggest getting some sunflower kernels. These are shelled sunflower seeds, so that, unless you enjoy it, you don't have to chew and spit the shells. Eat about two servings per day, also starting the day of or after ovulation for about five days out. There is an ingredient in the kernals that assists in implantation.

Same goes for what you have most likely already heard: pineapple. I usually eat about 2-4 servings per day. This is for the same reason as the sunflower kernels.

So, why does all of this work better than just "doing the deed," laying down half an hour, and calling it a day?
The softcup holds the semen inside you, exactly where it is supposed to be: directly next to your cervix. When you remove the cup, you will notice there is less fluid inside than when you put it in, and this is the desired result. Most of the strong sperm will have found their way inside your cervix, through your uterus, and into the fallopian tubes where they can wait for the egg's arrival.
Also as a side note, if you desire a girl, this raises your chances! Why? Because female sperm are scientifically proven to swim slower than male sperm. When they're all inside and waiting for the egg, it gives the females a chance to catch up with the males. At this point, a lot of the males will be exhausted, whereas it is supposed that the females have more of a "slow but steady wins the race" approach, and will not have exhausted themselves before their big moment. This part, of course, is not 100% proven, more theorized, and so please don't blame me if you conceive a happy you conceived!!

Of course, I'm not a doctor, and cannot guarantee that you absolutely will conceive. However, this DOES raise the chances of conception occuring.

In case you saw my signature and raised an eyebrow at my method, my first pregnancy sadly ended in miscarriage, but it had absolutely nothing to do with the way she was conceived, nor with either myself or the sperm donor. Turner Syndrome occurs during the first split of chromosomes, if a female X chromosome is missed. I promise you that it doesn't have a thing to do with how she was conceived. Sadly, the risk for miscarriage is always there, but most pregnancies that you confirm with a doctor, and where a heartbeat is seen at around 6 weeks, your risk for miscarriage drops significantly.

I tried for four months to conceive my first pregnancy. The first month, it was with inserted sperm and no assistance. Second month I started clomid, but did the same. Third month, I used softcups. And the fourth month, I said, this is it...I'm done waiting, and did exactly as I wrote.
On my first cycle after my miscarriage, I did exactly the same again...and I am now waiting on my first pregnancy appointment.

I wish you all the absolute best in conceiving, in your pregnancies, and in life. :)
o wow this is

thank you for that informative post!
yes very interesting thank you i may be trying this method ill let you know how it turns out
Thanks for this!

I've just started using softcups this cycle. I'm on CD16, so far we have BDed CD 11 and 14. For the past eight cycles we have been having sex every other day and then two days before, 1 day before and the day of ovulation. So this month we are trying every three days and then tomorrow I should get my first peak so we'll BD tomorrow, Monday (day of ovulation) and the day afterwards!

Do you think the sperm comes out when you pull the softcup out? I have noticed it seems to have stayed in for over 24 hours, which it doesn't usually!!! (Sorry, way tmi lol)!

Thanks for sharing. your method is actually very similar to the TTC a boy method on the ingender site , the issue I had with that method is the instead cups are too big for me and everything would spill out as I was inserting it, also I really stressed about placing cold EW over the semen because I know if they get cold ( under body temp) they all start dying. so we ended up conceiving placing the EW at my cervix and BDing then putting in the instead cup. we lost it a week later though but were hopeful to conceive again soon.
I have an interesting question: my DH is allergic to eggs!! This scares me too much to try this method. My DHs allergy just gives him a tummy ache when he eats eggs and he often eats them anyway in unavoidable foods- like baked goods.

Guessing egg whites would kill my DHs sperm?
Didn't know about the sunflower seeds or the pineapple after ovulation to help with implantation. Thanks for that!
agree, Whimesy! Both are new info to me. Better get some for after O!! :)
Uk ladies need to bare in mind that pasterised egg whites are pretty hard to get hold of here where as they are in most shops in America, I know because I tried using them as a substitute due to lack of cm and couldnt find them anywhere.
Was tempted to use sepersted egg whites but its reasly not advisable
This is a great post! Thank you for it. I will have to look into the sunflower seeds and pineapple also. I know sunflower seeds are good for fertility though :)
ahhhh shame, we cant get the eggwhites in the UK that you mentioned lol x
This is a great post! Thank you for it. I will have to look into the sunflower seeds and pineapple also. I know sunflower seeds are good for fertility though :)

I just realised that explains why MIL always used to keep buying me sunflower seeds saying how I should munch on them as they are good for me, she spent years palming them off on me every chance.
I just always thought she was a little odd and took them out of politness, sneaky mare was trying to get me pregnant (never told anyone we where ttc) :)
This is a great post! Thank you for it. I will have to look into the sunflower seeds and pineapple also. I know sunflower seeds are good for fertility though :)

I just realised that explains why MIL always used to keep buying me sunflower seeds saying how I should munch on them as they are good for me, she spent years palming them off on me every chance.
I just always thought she was a little odd and took them out of politness, sneaky mare was trying to get me pregnant (never told anyone we where ttc) :)

ROFL!!! She was trying to get a grandchild and didn't care if you wanted one or not!! :haha:
Thank you for the very informative post! :thumbup: And congratulations on your :bfp:!
Thank you very much for all the info!! It really helps hearing different ways that worked for people.
Will be giving this a try if this cycle does not work out.
I'm so happy for you that you've gotten your BFP! (Sorry, I know it's strange since I don't know you, but I've read your story).

Thanks for the tips! If I O this cycle and the PreSeed doesn't do the trick, maybe I'll try egg whites the next cycle. I'll also need to stock up on sunflower seeds - I never heard of that before. I was going to try pineapple this cycle too.
EDIT: Sorry - double post. My computer is crap!
My DH would never ejaculate into a cup, but I wonder whether the same process can be used effectively - add egg white first, lube up externally with preseed, then BD, then add cup, then female orgasm.

Also, I didn't quite follow why you suggest leaning forward or sitting up for the orgasm. I always prefer on my back. Do you think it matters?

I like the careful analysis you have done in order to make your ttc successful.
Miaowzen (what an awesome name!!) - the reason is that it dips your cervix directly in the pool of semen. If not using a softcup, it doesn't make a difference. When laying down, your cervix is apt to be positioned just above the pool of semen, with all the little guys possibly staying around and behind the cervix, as opposed to on and into the cervix.
However, even back in the times when it was seemingly illegal for any other position besides missionary, women still got pregnant. This just raises the chances a bit.
Awesome information! I still prefer the old fashioned way. Glad it does work though. Gosh as much as I'd like to try this I just can't. Damn......

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