How is first tri treating you?


Nora & Benny's Mommy
May 6, 2012
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First tri with my dd was a breeze (minus a sch that caused bleeding and a little tiredness). This one is throwing me for a loop. I've been exhausted since after o day and it hasn't let up. I've been sick since a week after that and it feels like it's getting worse. Everything makes me gag except between 2 and about 7 p.m. when I can't get enough to eat. I feel horrible, my back aches, and my stomach is so bloated I'm sure I will explode and I'm only going to be 6 weeks tomorrow.

How's first tri treating you? Feeling awful or feeling fine? Sick or starving or both lol? Cravings? Would love to chat and hear how everyone else is feeling.
I'm not fareing too well... been exhausted since finding out and the past week I've had awful MS as well. Feel sick before eating and then after eating.... just awful... seem to remember now that this is how I felt with my first - amazing how I'd managed to forget!! Can't remember how long it lasted last Tim but think about 10-11 weeks...not sure how I can survive another few weeks of it! Keep trying to focus on the end game....
Lol I know! How quickly we forget all the hard parts :)
So tired. I feel a little nauseous but I don't know if it's because I'm worried sick or first tri stuff. Also, I'm unusually cold. Constantly. When I got pregnant last time it was January so I didn't notice a difference, that I remember. I do remember being hot further along. But being cold? Like shivering cold when it's 80 out? Weird. :haha:
Not very well, I've had a stomach virus and now suffering from a pretty bad cold. On top of that I've had the worst morning sickness which strikes in the middle of the night. I've haven't been able to keep much and I am hoping this passes soon.
So far I'm just dealing with exhaustion and insomnia. Had a couple nauseous moments so far but nothing too bad.
My first pregnancy, I mainly had reflux and fatigue. I remember clearly because I had been SO excited for Christmas and just couldn't get the motivation to decorate all of a sudden? Lol. I thought the Sandy Hook shooting had me depressed but I found out on Christmas Eve that I was preggy. That was basically it.

This time around, I have felt it more. More nausea although I have not had reflux. I have a pretty voracious appetite and the fatigue is more overwhelming. I blame a toddler and job for that since I didn't have those with the first pregnancy :haha: The worst by far is the round ligament pain now though. I am terribly sore and that is becoming a problem quick as I'm already finding myself not wanting to walk too long. :wacko: All that aside however, I'm cheerful and feeling good so I really cannot complain too much. I feel for all those mamas puking so much. I've been really blessed never to have that.
So far, it's kicking my butt!!! I don't know how I've made it this far (but I'm glad I have). Morning sickness or rather, all day sickness is horrid and seems to never go away. Why do they call it morning sickness anyways??? I'm just permanently nauseous, it seems. Then I get super hungry, but when I eat I only get more nauseous. Feels bad man. LOL. Add in the exhaustion and lately I've been getting cramping from gassiness or constipation (sorry for tmi). I just want to curl in a ball and wake up when first tri ends. I feel so bad for complaining because I am excited and happy but it really does suck. Hahaha
I feel so sorry for myself! It's the persistence of the nausea that gets to me. And I really shouldn't complain cause I don't puke (didn't with either DS1 or DS2 and don't think I will this time either) but man the queasy, hungover feeling is getting me down.

Eating helps but all I want is carbs and then 20 mins later I am so full of gas I spend the rest of the time burping and moaning until my next snack. I find I am deep-breathing my way through most of the day like a real hypochondriac!!
Hi Ladies!

I'm 10 weeks 3 days today! Even though, I'm experiencing fatigue, I'm just so thankful to be pregnant & looking forward to the 2nd & 3rd trimesters!:cloud9:
This pregnancy has been totally different to DS. I had some heartburn with him and was a little tired and my boobs were a little tender.

This time I am completely exhausted and could nap at 3pm. My breasts are so sore at night that I could cry and I have heartburn in the afternoon. I've been nauseated at times but not too bad. I could eat all day but only spicy foods or chocolate.
This pregnancy has been totally different to DS. I had some heartburn with him and was a little tired and my boobs were a little tender.

This time I am completely exhausted and could nap at 3pm. My breasts are so sore at night that I could cry and I have heartburn in the afternoon. I've been nauseated at times but not too bad. I could eat all day but only spicy foods or chocolate.

I was the same; with DS1 I sailed through the pregnancy but with DS2 I was so tired, nauseous and then when I was bigger I was so sore. I think my body was like, This ain't our first rodeo and I am not in the mood to do this again!
This pregnancy has been totally different to DS. I had some heartburn with him and was a little tired and my boobs were a little tender.

This time I am completely exhausted and could nap at 3pm. My breasts are so sore at night that I could cry and I have heartburn in the afternoon. I've been nauseated at times but not too bad. I could eat all day but only spicy foods or chocolate.

I was the same; with DS1 I sailed through the pregnancy but with DS2 I was so tired, nauseous and then when I was bigger I was so sore. I think my body was like, This ain't our first rodeo and I am not in the mood to do this again!

I'm glad im not the only one! I think my body is dreading it so is trying to put me off :haha:
Lol I so agree. I'm so happy to be pregnant but I'm like, whoa whoa body you led me to believe that first tri wasn't that bad. I hung over the toilet last night and this morning and even after sleeping 11 hours last night I still took a two hour nap this afternoon. Thank goodness my parents don't mind me snoozing on their couch while they play with my daughter occasionly.
Glad I'm not alone lol. I am truly happy and thankful to be pregnant but I wish I could stop vomiting or enjoy food again. On the bright side I've lost 5lbs lol.
I really must have put a mind block on the first tri last time, I don't remember it being like this at all. I am SO tired - DH just cannot comprehend how it's possible to be so tired! Plus I'm starving all the time but when I eat I feel sick. Plus the heartburn/acid reflux is killing me already. And my back hurts - how is it aching already?!
The mother-guilt begins with pregnancy! You feel so awful and sick and exhausted and then guilty for feeling awful cause you are so grateful to be pregnant but man could they not invent pregnancy without the nausea?!

I also definitely blocked out a few things but I do remember last time I was like I am never doing this again! Even though I knew I would cause I knew I wanted a 3rd baby. But afterwards, whenever I remembered that very specific morning sickness feeling I would get the shivers and squirm from the memory.

May the force be with us all!
The mother-guilt begins with pregnancy! You feel so awful and sick and exhausted and then guilty for feeling awful cause you are so grateful to be pregnant but man could they not invent pregnancy without the nausea?!

This is so true! The guilt begins again :)
Dry mouth kicked in today. Anyone else??
And I usually drink tons of water, but today I am barely able to get a few sips in. Just doesn't sit right, I guess.

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