how long did it take you to get pregnant?


Mum of 1 DD and pregnant
Sep 19, 2009
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Hello ladies! Well done on your bfp's

I have a few questions that I wasn't able to find the answer to.. And I don't know where to post this and I'm sorry if I shouldn't of posted here.

What is your age? (sorry I know its personal but it will help to know if this makes a difference)

Do you have irregular or regular periods?

Was you on a contraceptive pill first? If so how long for and which one?

How long did it take for you to get pregnant?

And have you any tips? (Positions, how often to bd you recommend??)

Thank you muchly

Char xx
I'm 29, I was not previously on any contraceptive pill, my periods were regular, and it took me 7 months to get pregnant.

My tips are just to enjoy it, don't stress yourself out by trying too hard if you know what I mean, just relax and go with the flow. There were previous months where we bd every day but nothing happened, and the month I did fall pregnant we didn't really do it a lot. I was actually suprised when I got my BFP because I thought we hadn't done it enough.

Good luck Char. xx
I'm 27 (just) came off mycrogynon pill mid august. Did not have a period until oct 3rd, lasted 2 days then didn't get another one! So basically got caught very quickly! I'd been on pill for 12 years so expected it to take linger! Good luck x
With my boys I was young in my early to mid twenties and pretty much fell straight away each time we tried.
This time around we had to go through IVF after 3yrs of trying from a failed tubal reversal.
Good luck on your journey.

They say when your in your 20's it can take up to 12mths, in your 30's up to 2yrs, everyone is different but most doctors don't look at it being an issue until you have been TTC for around 12mth - 2yrs
Hiya with are first child i was on the pill, i am 20 and it took us three months to get pregnant as we where not trying and not preventing, i would suggest just having fun with ttc,


sexy_vintage_witchJPG.jpgTeam Patient Witch for June/July TTC

Determined to get the witch back on track so when I do come to go on TTC I will be ready to get my BFP!
I had been trying for 7 months stopped everything Vits, OPK, Preseed ect this month and got my BFP :) x
What is your age? almost 35 years

Do you have irregular or regular periods? regular and very short

Was you on a contraceptive pill first? If so how long for and which one? I have never been on the pill

How long did it take for you to get pregnant? 4 looooong years

And have you any tips? (Positions, how often to bd you recommend??) Even if it doesn't happen right away, do not lose hope. Get treatment right away (DH too - we had male factor infertility).
Age 21
took me 4 and a half years to finally fall pregnant!
never used the pill x
Hi, I'm 27 and had been on microgynon 30 for 12 years. Came off the pill at the end of august. Had a period that lasted 3 days on 18th September and that was it. Got my bfp on 28th October and am currently 13 weeks today. Expected it to take much much longer but I think it helped as although I'd come off the pill we didn't expect anything to happen and weren't taking it seriously, we figured we'd give it 6 months and then if nothing had happened we'd try to work out dates etc. But I never ever have had a regular period. It ranged from 22- 45 days. We didn't do the deed on any particular days, just carried on as normal roughly twice a week.

Good luck with ttc, hope to see you here soon! X
I'm just about 31 - Took over 4 years to fall pregnant, finally through IVF. Never been on the pill....but I have PCOS and blocked tubes.

Tips? -Don't assume it will just happen, be sure to have a medical check up and always ask questions.
What is your age? (sorry I know its personal but it will help to know if this makes a difference) I just turned 30 Dec 18th :)

Do you have irregular or regular periods? Regular sometimes iirgular it's weird

Was you on a contraceptive pill first? If so how long for and which one? N I got off almost 3yrs before getting pregnant

How long did it take for you to get pregnant?
1st try

And have you any tips? (Positions, how often to bd you recommend??)
I BD 2x the day before "O" day and 2 the day of in the AM and at night.
I think stressing having a baby seeems to delay it, I know so many who try, and try and stress over trying so much that it doesn't happen, then the ones who just do it and don't think about getting pregnant get pregnant. I am just very fertil I got pregnant when I was 18 and 20 and it took that 1 time with all of my kids

Char xx[/QUOTE]
I'm 37 and not been using any contraception since having my DD nearly 3 years ago. Have been ttc for the last 18 months during which I've hgad 3 m/c and an ectopic so don't seem to have probs getting pregnant, just can't keep them. My periods are fairly regular 27-30 days and I just make sure we get plenty of action the week after my period until I think I've ovulated and then for a few days for luck!!
Hope you get your BFP very soon.
What is your age? 24

Do you have irregular or regular periods? I started my periods at 9 and they were regular then they became irregualr when i was 14 up until i had a mc on christmast eve 2007 .. exactly 4 weeks after my mc i had a period and then from there i was regular every month.

Was you on a contraceptive pill first? If so how long for and which one? I had the depo injection when i was younger. Have not been using any contraception for a few years now though.

How long did it take for you to get pregnant? It took 7 months for me of us actually really trying (i say really trying i didnt temp just :sex: around the date i thought i may Ov by checking cm) ... before we was NTNP but never really :sex: around my Ov dates and used to used the pull out method alot.

And have you any tips? (Positions, how often to bd you recommend??
... This month we only :sex: either on the day i Ov'd or the day after, but it was defo just the once ... im sure the position we used was i was laying on my side. This is the first month we had not really tried to catch the egg as we were feeling a little exhausted with it all. It seemed taking my mind of it all by keeping busy with other things seemed to work.

Hope you get that :bfp: very soon hun xxxx
I am 22 and my husband is 25.
I am very irregular with my periods. Usually I have one every 2-3 months's just been in the last year or so that they have become a little more regular. Since I was still irregular (always have been) we never knew exactly when to try. It was more like a guessing game for us and hoping we had good timing. It became very frustrating at times.
I have never been on the pill or anything. We never used any protection because we didn't really have sex very much until we were married. We never used anything because we were wanting to start a family pretty quick!
We got married in Sept 2008 and got pregnant in July 2009. I would say that we really started trying in March 2009. I started getting frustrated and really sad by the time June came around...that is when I tried to just quit "trying" and enjoying it more. That is pretty much when I became pregnant! :) So my advice would be to enjoy it while TTC. When you do become pregnant you will enjoy it even more! :) Best of luck!
Not sure i could do a handstand either :rofl:
I turned 22 earlier this month.

I have always had irregular periods.

I wasn't on the pill, but I was on the depo shot for 7 years, I got off of it in September 2007.

My husband and I started trying in April 2008. We saw a fertility specialist in September 2009. My husband had strong and healthy sperm, but they were just too sticky to reach my egg.

We tried intrauterine insemination in September 2009. It failed. We tried it again the next month October 2009 and got a positive pregnancy test 13 days later in November 2009.

The procedure has only 15% success rate, and it quite painful. But it was worth it. =)

10 weeks 2 days pregnant
Hi there, I'm 34 (started ttc at 33) and got pregnant our 5th cycle trying. I had been off the pill for a little over a year before I got my bfp. My periods were irregular, ranging from 28-42 days. I was temping just to confirm I was ov'ing and used opk's the last couple months we bd'd but I don't think they really made a difference as I didn't get a +opk the first month trying and we didn't end out bd'ing after I got my +opk the second month (but luckily we had bd'd a day before and that was enough). As far as positions go we would switch it up while doing the deed, but when it came time for my dh to "get off" I'd make sure we were in missionary position with my feet in the air and a pillow underneath my hips, and then I'd stay in that position for at least 10 minutes afterward.
I'm 25 was on pill for a year or two but got regular period right after going off, always had regular period but took 16 cycles to get pg due to extreme male factor infertility, we managed it naturally, basically I just gave up hope that it would happen but still made sure we had sex on the right days just incase.

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