Congrats Janey
you give me hope.. so it was your 2nd cycle using it that helped you get pregnant???
I'll be starting my 5th Cycle using it next month.. it doesn't seem to be as lucky for me.
did you do anything different this cycle or take other vits/meds ??
I'm going to be starting Clomid next month, so I hope that gives me a an extra boost..
Congrats hun, I'm thrilled for you.. H&H 9 months to you
Yes 2nd cycle lucky for me. We have been TTC 18 months so I thought I would invest in the monitor in order to help. First cycle I only got lows and lots of high's. I had a scan at the end of that cycle which showed cysts on my ovaries so I resigned myself to thinking it would either never happen or would be even more of a wait.
I did some research into vitamins for PCOS (it wasn't confirmed thats what I had but it was looking very likely) I decided to try Agnus Castus for the first time with the thought of "nothing ventured, nothing gained" I also took Evening primrose oil and Vitamin B complex for the first time.
SO I took:
1200mg of Agnus Castus from CD9 to the first Peak
1500mg of Evening Primrose oil from CD4 to the first peak
1 Vit B complex tablet from CD9 to the first peak
Do not take Evening Primrose oil after Ovulation as it causes uterine contraction. There was also a lot of conflicting stories about the same thing happening if you take the Agnus Castus after Ov so I decided to stop although some ladies carry on all the way through their cycle. I would have started taking them all CD1 but I didn't manage to get any til the days I started
I went straight from Low to Peak CD21 and got my BFP 10dpo. We

CD's 15(low),17(low),19(low), 21(1st peak) 22(2nd peak) and 23(high)
Hope this helps you and I hope you get your BFP very soon